On Sat, 2009-01-03 at 22:42 -0500, Eric S. Raymond wrote:

> Ignacio Morelle <shadowm2...@gmail.com>:
> > We are vulnerable anywhere where we don't coordinate our work or
> > settle upon a common coding style, and a good *design style*. That's
> > almost everywhere unfortunately, but I still can't find a good reason
> > to blame C++.
> You are mistaken if you think I am blaming C++ specifically in this
> discussion.  The defect attractors I am most worried about would be
> just as severe in any attempt to do what Wesnoth does in *any* 
> language with pointers and fixed-extent types.
> I can find plenty of things to curse C++ about, but that's
> a different rant.
> > And a language which does not offer data-type enforcement to me is
> > just scaring, which is why it took me so long to learn Perl:
> > unwillingness to surrender to type unsafety.
> See my previous about "type safety" being a poor substitute 
> for explicit contracts and invariants.

Python's slots mechanism can be used as a form of contract interfaces.
They also limit the dynamic nature of class instances which can address
classes of bugs where a typo goes unnoticed. I will tell you, many
dislike the use of slots and I have very limited experience with them.
Just the same, take a look at them and see if you guys want to even
bring Python's slot mechanism to the table for discussion.


Greg Copeland <gtcopel...@gmail.com>
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