d...@whitevine.net writes:

> If we really can't develop a decent C++/Python API and then develop a  
> decent AI in Python, I don't think it bodes well for those who want to  
> convert more and more of Wesnoth into Python.
> I mean, this is a perfect test project to show how well Python can  
> integrate with our existing code and then show off the superior  
> productivity of Python, but so far the results have been almost nothing.

I disagree.  The problems with the Python AI that have been described in
this thread all stem from attempting to sandbox Python and thereby
attempt to put a square peg in a round hole.  Sandboxing is a very
specialized problem.  There are only a few languages that are any good
at it; Python isn't one of them and neither is C++.  Converting more
pieces of Wesnoth to Python may or may not be workable, but this debacle
is not evidence in either direction.

 Daniel Franke         d...@dfranke.us         http://www.dfranke.us
 |----| =|\     \\\\    
 || * | -|-\---------   Man is free at the instant he wants to be. 
 -----| =|  \   ///     --Voltaire

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