One last comment: When calling actions.cpp::move_unit the last parameter
(is_replay) is meant to continue moves which would otherwise be interrupted
(which they should not in a replay).
This might happen, if the AI moves and a skirmishing unit is ambushed. The
move will be interrupted for a human (which actions.cpp::move_unit was
originally designed to deal with), but not for the AI (which has its own
moving code). So please add that parameter to the call since the default
value is "false".




Actually, unless the AI has changed significantly since I was last looking
at it, this should never happen for the AI.  This is because, prior to my
work, the AI always played without fog.  In other words, the AI should never
have plotted a move that would be interrupted.  While I made some underlying
changes which would allow my AI to make plans that did not include
information about hidden movements, those moves should be interrupted just
like the human.  So it seems to me that is_replay is redundant if we store
the whole movement path.  I fully support storing the whole movement path,
and if it results in a unit moving through an illegal hex, there should be
an OOS error thrown.  



i think you are right except about one thing: If a human skirmisher is
ambushed, the move is interrupted. As a skirmisher, the unit has the
possibility to go on moving, of course. If it does so, the replay will store
two separate moves. If an AI skirmisher is ambushed, it won’t be interrupted
and the replay will store one single move. Prior to the change in replay
code, that wasn’t a problem. But now that the replay code is calling the
move function that was originally designed for human moves only, we need a
way to tell it that the move must not be interrupted (for replays), even if
the unit is ambushed.



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