i'm willing to mentor, i'll start wikiing right away...


On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 3:21 PM, Nils Kneuper <crazy-ivano...@gmx.net> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi everybody!
> As you might all know we participated in Google Summer of Code in the last two
> years. The time to submit our application for this year, in case we want to
> participate again and have the resources to do so, starts soon. Have a look at
> the timeline [1] for all dates taht matter for GSoC. Basically we have to 
> submit
> our application between March 8th and March 12th. If we don't, there is no
> chance that we can participate.
> Before sending in an application I do want to make sure that we have enough
> possible mentors as well as possible projects. Here is a short list of things
> that should be done *really* soon:
> 1) Everyone willing to mentor should explicitly ping me either in IRC or by
> replying to this mail. Currently I fear that we don't have enough possible
> mentors to really participate in GSoC. From what I know atm there are about 
> two
> people who say "yes, I want to mentor and I got the time to do so" which I
> personally think is not enough to warrant participating in GSoC. Since we 
> could
> only seriously consider two projects and if one of the two mentor can not 
> mentor
> for some time due to whatever reason we have a serious problem!
> 1)b) If you don't think that you have the time to mentor, do you think you 
> might
> have the time to work as backup mentor or help in some other way that directly
> is part of GSoC? I remember that someone in May last year eg noy proposed that
> he could help as Co Admin. Any help is welcome and required!
> 2) The list of possible projects [2] has to be updated. It is still at the 
> state
> of 2009. We should list some new possible projects, remove projects that are
> done and remove projects that we think are likely not to work (eg the probs we
> had in the last two time of GSoC where as a final result the stats project was
> basically a failure, since there is nothing in use right now and noone left
> feeling responsible for this area). So if you got some good idea, discuss it 
> in
> #wesnoth-dev and enlist it in the wiki.
> 3) The information that we have to send in to google [3] needs a significant
> overhaul. We should not send in exactly the same stuff with just some numbers
> changed. I think we should especially put some time into the questions for the
> students and finetune that part since there are probably irrelevant questions 
> in
> there as well as some missing things.
> I think all of the questions and tasks above should be handled really soon.
> Personally I'd love to participate again in GSoC since over the previous years
> we got one "long term contributer" as result as well as several significant
> progress on areas that had not enough attention before. So please reply to 
> this
> mail and update all pages in the wiki that you can find. Since we are 
> currently
> in feature freeze and thus many of you don't have too much to do since there 
> are
> no known bugs in your areas, you might want to invest the time in updating the
> wiki pages. Yes, I still hope to have 1.8 out really soon, it basically 
> depends
> on the lobby atm...
> Cheers,
> Nils Kneuper aka Ivanovic
> [1]
> http://socghop.appspot.com/document/show/gsoc_program/google/gsoc2010/faqs#timeline
> [2] http://wiki.wesnoth.org/SummerOfCodeIdeas
> [3] http://wiki.wesnoth.org/SoC_Information_for_Google
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