i'm away for a week so i can't deeply comment on your idea, but yes.
Thats probably one way to do it.

keep in mind that some artists might want to work directly with
spritesheets and other won't.

I will have to think into it a bit deeper when i'm back but i still
think that would be a full GSOC by itself

On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 3:52 AM, Gabriel Morin <gabrielmo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> There was a small discussion yesterday on #wesnoth-dev about spritesheets,
> and Blarumyrran pointed to this:
> http://forums.wesnoth.org/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=26531&p=374077&hilit=spritesheets#p374077
> He basically hinted that the feature was basically implemented. What gives?
> I checked and Wesnoth is still using individual .png's, so maybe what's
> missing is to implement an automatic method of generating them then?
> If I had a go at this, this would be an overview of my implementation:
> Keep individual pngs on svn. Makes it easier for artists.
> Keep .cfg files for unit animations as they are now, i.e. have them refer to
> individual .png files. Makes it easier to create animations and see what are
> the frames of an animation.
> Generated sprite sheets as part of the build process. The size of the actual
> sprite sheets and how many images are included in each should be
> configurable depending on the target platform memory capabilities.
> During this same build process generate new .cfg files for animations, that
> refer to positions within the sprite sheets and use ~CROP(), instead of
> refering directly to the original .png
> When distributing the game (except in source form), include only
> spritesheets and the generated .cfg files, not original .png or .cfg files.
> Once the system is in place, work out the possible memory/display
> optimizations.
> As far as generating the sprite sheets themselves, I'd borrow a maximum of
> code from this (licence is BSD) and adapt their GUI for wesnoth needs for
> testing and to complement the automated process:
> ClanLib 0.9 texture packer
> http://www.rtsoft.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2518
> http://www.clanlib.org/beta/index.php/Examples#Screenshots_from_ClanLib-2.0.2FUtilities
> I'd then spend any remaining time trying to improve the placement of images
> in the sprite sheets, which may seems to be nitpicking but could get crucial
> for low-memory devices:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bin_packing_problem
> http://code.google.com/p/caparf/
> http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=%22Packing+Rectangular+Pieces+-+A+Heuristic+Approach.%22
> Regards,
> Gabba
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