It's a nice idea, but think it's a bad design for the implementation.
Some more flexible implementation would be nice.
Especially it would be nice to avoid to have to put ToD IDs in alignment 
definitions and alignement IDs in ToD definitions.
The problem doing of those things is it becames a nightmare when you add
custom ToD or alignments :
- it's a bad thing if you have to fix some alignments every time you add
a custom ToD
- it's a bad thing if you have to fix some ToDs every time you add a
custom alignment.

----- "Fabian Mueller" <> a écrit :

> During playtesting UtBS I had some thoughts about the desert elves and
> their world.
> One of the resulting Ideas was to overwork the (Two Suns) time
> schedule 
> and unit alignments of UtBS.
> It came to my mind that a creature being of neutral alignment (the
> wood 
> elves) would
> most likely not evolve into a lawful one in an environment that is as
> hostile during midday as it is
> in the mid of the night.
> The most logical adaptation would be to specialise on the twilight
> hours 
> were temperature and
> humidity are at moderate levels and the fine elven eyes still have 
> enough light to ensure a long sight.
> ESR's wife told the twilight alignment "Liminal".
> An example for a new bonus system for UtBS:
> Name of the [time]          Damage Bonus for Lawful    Damage Bonus
> for 
> Liminal
>   First Dawn                 +0                        +25
>   First Morning             +25                         +0
>   First Midday              -25                        -25
>   First Afternoon           +25                         +0
>   First Dusk                 +0                        +25
>   The Short Dark             +0/-15 <-- Not sure       +25/+33/+15 <--
> Not sure
>   Second Dawn                +0                        +25
>   Second Morning            +25                         +0
>   Second Midday             -25                        -25
>   Second Afternoon          +25                         +0
>   Second Dusk                +0                        +25
>   The Long Dark (1)         -25                        -25
>   The Long Dark (2)         -25                        -25
>   The Long Dark (3)         -25                        -25
>   The Long Dark (4)         -25                        -25
> "The Short Dark"
> The Liminal alignment could be implemented parallel to the current 
> Lawful/Chaotic system
> but nicer are custom alignments following the syntax made by
> Zookeeper:
> ########
> # Changes to existing tags:
> [time]
>     id=morning
>     # deprecate lawful_bonus=
>     [bonus]
>         id=lightness
>         # for first watch and second watch, this would be -25
>         value=25
>     [/bonus]
> [/time]
> # New top-level tag:
> [alignment]
>     id=chaotic
>     # name currently hardcoded somewhere
>     name= _ "chaotic"
>     # description currently defined in data/hardwired/english.cfg
>     description= _ "Chaotic units fight better at night, and worse
> during the day.
> Day: -25% Damage
> Night: +25% Damage"
>     [effect]
>         # extra key allowed only in this context; if present, the
> effect will
>         # only be applied on those ToD's, otherwise on all ToD's:
>         # time=<a comma-separated list of [time] id's>
>         apply_to=attack
>         # a local variable with the name of the id= of every [bonus]
> holds the
>         # value of the value= of that [bonus], so in this case there
> will be a
>         # local variable $lightness with the value of 25 at day and
> -25 at night
>         increase_damage=$lightness|%
>     [/effect]
> [/alignment]
> ########
> # A custom alignment for units moving faster at dusk and dawn and
> slower at
> # night and day could look like this:
> [alignment]
>     id=dawndusker
>     name= _ "dawndusker"
>     description= _ "Dawnduskers are faster at dusk and dawn and slower
> at day and night.
> Dawn: +1 MP
> Day: -1 MP
> Dusk: +1 MP
> Night: -1 MP
> "
>     [effect]
>         time=dawn,dusk
>         apply_to=movement
>         increase=1
>     [/effect]
>     [effect]
>         time=morning,afternoon,first watch,second watch
>         apply_to=movement
>         increase=-1
>     [/effect]
> [/alignment]
> ########
> # A custom time of day cycle with windiness included and a custom
> alignment for smoke monsters could look like this:
> [time]
>     id=calm_morning
>     ...
>     [bonus]
>         id=lightness
>         value=25
>     [/bonus]
>     [bonus]
>         id=windiness
>         value=25
>     [/bonus]
> [/time]
> [time]
>     id=windy_morning
>     ...
>     [bonus]
>         id=lightness
>         value=25
>     [/bonus]
>     [bonus]
>         id=windiness
>         value=1
>     [/bonus]
> [/time]
> [time]
>     id=stormy_morning
>     ...
>     [bonus]
>         id=lightness
>         value=0
>     [/bonus]
>     [bonus]
>         id=windiness
>         value=2
>     [/bonus]
> [/time]
> # and then similar calm, windy and stormy variants of afternoon, dusk,
> etc...
> [alignment]
>     id=aerophobic
>     name= _ "aerophobic"
>     description= _ "Aerophobic units are slightly stronger during the
> night, but wind can negate their ZoC and slow them down:
> Night: +10% Damage
> Wind: -1 MP
> Storm: -2 MP and no ZoC
> "
>     [effect]
> time=calm_first_watch,calm_second_watch,windy_first_watch,windy_second_watch,stormy_first_watch,stormy_second_watch
>         apply_to=attack
>         increase_damage=10%
>     [/effect]
>     [effect]
>         apply_to=movement
>         increase=-$windiness
>     [/effect]
> [/alignment]
> ########
> Together with a rewrite of the [effect] system to unify all methods
> that modify units could be worth a GSoC project.
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