On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 12:45:11PM +0100, Nils Kneuper wrote:
> * Should we bump the version of boost we require? Are there some features that
> are only available in more recent versions than 1.35.0 (boost itself already
> being at 1.42.0)? Eg the next LTS Ubuntu will ship boost 1.40.0. Not sure what
> the current status of Debian stable is, but boost 1.40.0 is at least in 
> testing.

The current Debian stable ships both 1.34 and 1.35, Debian testing will
probably ship with boost 1.42 as default. I think using Debian stable is
a good baseline for dependencies especially since the server uses it. I
also use Debian stable and don't want to move to testing; testing broke
my setup too often. Obviously if Debian Squeeze gets out we could move
to a higher boost version, but also read my next paragraph.

> * Are there other dependencies we should consider adding?

Maybe we can look what other dependencies are lower as Debian stable.
But I don't think we should bump dependencies just because we can, I
rather wait until the need is there. Some users use older versions and I
rather not break their systems without any advantage to ourselves.

> What is the current status and plan regarding "switching to OpenGL"? Which new
> dependencies will this add?

Not sure yet it will take quite a while to do so I think we need several
developers behind it. I still think OGL is the future, only not sure
whether now it the time to move to that direction.

I would like to help with the OGL stuff, but I also want to move GUI2
forward. The MP lobby showed some of the weaknesses of GUI2 and I like
to fix them properly for 1.9, unlike some of the patch-work for 1.8.

Mark de Wever aka Mordante/SkeletonCrew

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