Hello all

As some of you may know there have been some issues surrounding the MP- 
Lobby, as was shipped with 1.9. Ivanovic has kindly organized them on  
Gna for us;


Its a serious problem which merits immediate attention; the mp  
community is one of core attractions and the changes have drawn  
significant complaints. If we don't address with these issues with  
haste we will lose alot of goodwill that we've built up over the past  
few years. In order to expedite the response I've asked for a new  
lobby channel to be created (#wesnoth-lobbydev) where we can gather  
and work on this issue. Immediately we need to establish a "Bug/FR  
Triage" to identify the critical problems that need to be dealt with  
now. The lobby can be used to give instant feedback about changes.  
Going forward I'd also like to discuss some GUI arrangement issues.  
Hopefully we can get these issues fixed within the next few months so  
that the disruption is minimal.

As for the future, I think we're going to try to have a more effective  
testing regime for the dev version. One of the causes of this  
situation was that the mp developers were not engaged as we should  
have been in testing these changes. We'll try to do better in the  

Sincerely yours.


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