On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 10:09:49PM +0100, Mark de Wever wrote:


> That regarding the status of the exceptions. Another question is how to
> proceed with Lua? It still violates our coding standards. Below the
> options I see:
>  1. Remove Lua.
>  2. Do nothing.
>  3. Rewrite Lua so it fully complies with our standards.
>  4. Try to make the best of it.
>  5. Make Lua external again?


> Conclusion:
> I think we should go with option 4 unless somebody steps forward to
> implement option 3. Like I said, I have a working prototype for option 4
> and I volunteer to implement option 4. Note however I do _not_ volunteer
> to become the Lua maintainer. Finishing GUI2 will keep me occupied for a
> while.


I did the minimal job for 4 to get the VALIDATE macro working again.
Crab likes to work on option 3, but it will take a few weeks before he
has time. If he doesn't find the time to do it or discoveres there is no
clean solution for 3 I still volunteer to do 4 properly. For now I put
it on hold, if 3 works all extra work on 4 is a waste of time.

Mark de Wever aka Mordante/SkeletonCrew

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