Hello Wesnoth developers,

My name is Vinícius dos Santos Oliveira and I'm majoring in computer
science at Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Brazil. I'm interested in
working on a GSoC project and I have interest in the Addon Server idea. I
love C++ and have experience (but not limited to) with asynchronous (and
threaded also) and network applications.

I've read some wiki pages, the IRC logs, some topics on forum (I didn't
find much info there) and mailing list archives trying to find details
about the Addon Server idea. There isn't much info about the desired
result, then I downloaded and examined the source code

I've have some questions about this project idea:

   - I'm a really good programmer in C++ (just need to master all the power
   of templates-machinery and I'll be really happier) and I could implement
   the project in C++, but I need to confirm... do you guys really want the
   server implemented in C++? If the problem is performance there a lot of
   performance-focused frameworks recently that are easy to scale and that
   such of things like Node.js <http://nodejs.org/> and alike.
   - Can I use C++11? (please)
   - Will I need to maintain retro-compatibility with older Wesnoth
   clients? What are the migration plans?
   - The idea page on the
wiki<http://wiki.wesnoth.org/SoC_Ideas_Addon_Server_2013>isn't very
specific. Why a new server is needed? I need to know what you
   guys expect from the new server.

And I have one "OFF-Topic" question: Does mordante read the mailing list?

Vinícius dos Santos Oliveira
Wesnoth-dev mailing list

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