On 02/15/2014 12:45 PM, Mark de Wever wrote:
On Sun, Feb 09, 2014 at 02:44:36PM -0600, JT Coding wrote:

3) Are the formatting rules going to remain a secret? Without
knowing what the rules are, it's almost assured clang-format will
end up cleaning up every commit. That can be disheartening and lead
to people not bothering with even basic formatting of new code.

What do you mean with secret, the configuration file I used has been

It has? Oh, I see it now (src/.clang-format). So I guess what I had meant by "secret" was that after reading the initial proposal, I had no idea that the rules were available in some form. Perhaps technically not a secret, but effectively not much different.

Still, now that I know about the configuration file, I would have substantially the same objection/question, just with different justifications. First off, there is the lack of an announcement that the file had been made available. Second, I only found the file because I was able to look up the commit in question. (Not only are there hundreds, maybe thousands, of files in the repository, but also the filename starts with a period, which causes it to normally be hidden under Linux.) A new developer would have a much harder time finding the file, even after guessing that the file might exist. Third, it is a configuration file, not something meant to be read by a human. (Am I supposed to understand what "AccessModifierOffset: -4" means?)

So the core of what I had meant was that there is no readily-findable, human-readable description of the rules. Without that, few people will know what the rules are, with the result (if the proposal was still on the table) that clang-format would almost assuredly end up cleaning up every commit. (etc.)

Still, I retract the "secret" label. :P


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