An addendum:

5.) Another thing that we should discuss seriously is what to do about the
whiteboard. It seems that right now we have no active dev who serves as the
whiteboard expert / maintainer, and there are many known / reported bugs of
the form "segfault" / "assertion failed" associated to using the
whiteboard. From my own experience playing wesnoth, I have personally
witnessed data corruption -- i.e. in version 1.10.6, I plan some actions,
then disable planning mode and attack some units, then suddenly all the
"fake" planned units have changed their unit types and become completely
different units. So that drawn on the screen may be my orcish grunt
standing in a village, with a red-arrow "planned action" to move to e.g a
grass hex, but drawn in that hex is a loyalist cavalryman sprite, seemingly
at random, and similarly for all other units planned movements. I have also
experienced assertion failures which immediately result in a crash while
executing a planned attack action.

I have only personally experienced these things in networked mp, but that
is also the only time that I have used planning mode. A search on the bug
tracker / forums reveals many, many reported errors of this form. Most of
the players at this point seem to know better than to use the whiteboard to
plan anything other than moves if they use it at all. Unfortunately it
seems that almost none of these bug reports may be actionable or precisely
reproducible because of the nature of memory corruption problems.

I looked into this in the source code once. I barely scratched the surface,
but it seems to me that the problem may be related to the problem
underlying some of the known animation segfaults, such as those reported by
mattsc. That is, graphics such as animations seem to be implemented by a
graphics object which holds a naked C pointer to a unit, but the way
wesnoth works, animations do not "own" units, instead units are owned by
the unit_map, the recall list, or lua... So if a unit being displayed is
somehow destroyed unexpectedly, immediate segfault / memory corruption
occurs. I believe that in the case of the whiteboard, memory corruption may
potentially occur whenever any unit on the map is killed or removed and
there exist planned actions.

I guess that it would likely be a GSoC-level project to switch over to a
system where we use reference counted pointers to share units between
different modules where we currently use C pointers, and to then roll the
whiteboard / other systems over to this system. In the meantime, without
having an expert available, and without really understanding the problem,
and now reaching the end of beta, I think it would be appropriate to do
both of:

1.) Don't allow the user to attack while in planning mode.
2.) Either don't allow the user to attack while there are any planned
actions, or cause attacking to clear all of the currently planned actions.

Additionally we might consider

3.) Disabling planned attack / recruit / recall actions, so that only
planned moves are possible.
4.) Disallowing the user to disable planning mode while there are planned
actions, or cause this to clear all of the currently planned actions.
5.) Whether to do these things in both SP and MP or just MP. (Most likely I
think the problems affect both however.)

I don't know for sure but I strongly believe that any of these things would
qualify as an "easy coding task." If for some reason we couldn't do any of
these things before releasing, then I would advocate disabling the
whiteboard entirely rather than releasing as it currently stands.

Again I don't know what the real problems are but I think this may
significantly improve the situation. If you have insight into the situation
please share by all means.

Chris Beck

On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 10:47 PM, chris beck <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I would advocate 1.11.13 not being a RC1, and having at least one more
> round of beta testing. Here are the reasons:
> 1.) Right now, replays from the replay server *do not work*.
> Even the simplest scenario 1v1 scenario with no funny business results in
> a "Error: The file you have tried to load is corrupt. 'Mandatory WML child
> missing, yet untested for. Please Report.'" This is true in master as well
> as 1.11.9 -- I don't know when it became true, but it is no secret that
> server replays were quite buggy even in 1.10. I would like to have some
> time to review how we currently generate save game files and figure out a
> server side fix, and then to test this.
> In 1.10 all of "mp campaigns / mp reloads / mp replays" basically work in
> the simplest case, but if you do two of them at once you tend to get bugs.
> MP campaigns need to be reloaded in a certain way or there are bugs -- i.e.
> only the host can save, and players may not rejoin as observers and take
> control or controller types become corrupted. MP replays of reloaded games,
> esp. from the server, are generally bugged. I guess that many of these bugs
> were only detected once 1.10 was released, but anyways we should fix as
> many of we can. I'm not sure which we should consider as "blockers" but I
> would argue this:
> - Any bug that makes reloading or replaying *impossible* should be
> considered a blocker.
> - Server replays should work at least for "basic" scenarios and reloads of
> "basic" scenarios, or it is blocker. They should also work for mp
> campaigns, at least those that proceed without any "funny business". If
> there is some class of scenarios that we simply can't get it to work for,
> then we should consider disabling the saving of those replays (or mark them
> as hidden) rather than serve broken files to the users.
> - Regressions from 1.10 quality in any of these regards should be
> considered a blocker.
> - A few weeks ago, I discovered a bug that simply prevented any observer
> from joining a reloaded game, before or after it has started, despite
> observers being permitted and the observer icons seeming to say that it was
> okay to join. This was considered a blocker and fixed, but the fact is that
> this was a pretty crippling and easy to discover bug that I stumbled on,
> which was present on master for about 9 months without being reported. This
> tells me that there hasn't been very much serious testing of this sort of
> basic mp functionality on the 1.11 / 1.12 series. It seems to me that right
> now that you are likely to encounter many different bugs if you e.g. create
> a networked game with 3 players, pass some turns, have one disconnect and
> reassign to another player, rejoin the disconnected player, do this for a
> while, save and reload, continue, proceed to the next scenario of a
> campaign, ...
> The good news is that some of these have been fixed in the past month or
> so because of fixes to controller types in mp games. However this has led
> to:
> 2.) Recent changes to the controller type system have unfortunately had a
> subtle and unexpected effect on SP games. mattsc reports that some ai test
> scenarios that used to work fine now end immediately in defeat. I have
> looked into this; here is the background:
> - Prior to the changes there were controller types: human, ai, human_ai,
> network, network_ai, null.
> No one understood what "human_ai" was or how it was different from "ai",
> and appeared to give the same behavior, except that some commands used one
> rather than the other. Since it caused bugs and confusion esp. in mp code,
> we decided to purge "human_ai" by merging it with "ai". We (myself,
> Soliton, others on irc) think that this was the right decision.
> - However, it turns out that there was a key function which made a
> distinction between them, the "is_observer" function. This function used to
> return false if there were any "human" or "human_ai" sides, and true
> otherwise.
> - It turns out that "is_observer" is used in the "check_victory" function.
> So the controller type change has a possible impact even on SP scenarios
> this way -- in any scenarios with "victory_when_enemies_defeated = no" and
> no human controlled sides, only ai sides.
> The only scenario I know that is affected is mattsc's, but it is possible
> that there are mainline scenarios with cutscenes which don't work properly
> now, I simply don't know. That's not all -- in review, a fix to this
> function which would support mattsc's scenario was found to uncover a
> different bug:
> I have been thinking about what is the exact right way to fix this
> check_victory function -- I think the right way is to create a new boolean
> attribute of [side] named e.g. "fight_to_the_last" which prevents a side
> from being defeated until all of it's units are dead, to support mattsc and
> replace the spurious check to no_leader() used currently in the function.
> My initial thought was also that the check to "is_observer" may simply be
> spurious here -- is it not enough to check for "human" or "network" sides
> which are not defeated to determine whether to continue?
> I am now leaning against removing is_observer from this function because I
> worry that such a change would result in us no longer supporting creating
> AI-only battles through the mp_create dialog, or some other edge case
> becoming bad. Even if this could be fixed with a flag for scenario and a
> new checkbox or something, the goal is just to get things working with as
> little impact otherwise as possible.
> My assumption from working with the mp code has always been that
> "is_observer" is basically supposed to reflect whether we are an "MP
> observer". However it now seems that this function plays a role in sp
> games... and I'm just not sure how I should think about it / how the rest
> of the code currently thinks about it so it is hard to be sure of how to
> proceed, which is why I have taken my time.
> In irc I told AI0867 that I would make a new proposal here and test it.
> But if we make such a change, we should really make sure that none of these
> scenarios with "victory_when_enemies_defeated" is broken. I can skip
> through and test them myself, but realistically having not played all the
> campaigns I might not necessarily know if a cutscene has ended early for
> example. And it is very possible that one of these scenarios has become
> broken now.
> 3.) Does anyone know what the status of this is?
> Does anyone have any plans to work on it? If it is indeed bugged and no
> one will commit to fixing it, should we consider dropping support for some
> of the map generator features in SP, rather than release with known
> segfaults associated to some of them?
> 4.) gfgtdf's work on rng's and syncrhonization
> gfgtdf recently pushed to master a major overhaul to the synchronization
> mechanism, basically following through on this forum post of his:
> As I understand he creates a simple class called "synced_context" which
> allows him to synchronize many fundamental events that were previously too
> dificult to sync in multiplayer, leading to much to the confusion of /
> problems for UMC authors. However, he also has to change some of the rng
> classes to do this -- I don't understand all the details. I believe that
> this ultimately fixes many OOS bugs, you will have to see the PR for
> details though.
> There are some other things in his pull request which were merged into
> master which are features and not bug fixes. But I think the basic idea of
> his pull request should be cherry-picked into 1.12, since it fixes some
> genuine bugs. However after that happens there should be serious testing in
> mp and sp to see that nothing has become subtly broken, hence why I suggest
> another beta.
> ---
> As for why there was not a lot of progress on the changelog -- I guess
> that there are just not many people who are trying to work on these things.
> Many of them require feedback and collaboration which makes everything take
> longer. And I guess also there has just been a lot of people working on
> 1.13 instead, there has certainly been a lot of recent movement on that
> changelog.
> There may also be some general ignorance about some of these bugs. Some of
> them esp. about replay server replays are so longstanding and well-known
> that I guess they are not reported anymore, or the reports are very old.
> Some of the reports about mp problems are cryptic or confusing esp. when
> players make assumptions about exactly what is broken, and a dev is
> required to ignore the title and description and just go through the steps
> to get a sense of what the problem is.
> Cheers,
> Chris "iceiceice / involution" Beck
> On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 7:04 PM, Simon Forsyth <>wrote:
>> Maiklas3000 mentioned some obsolete WML warnings in EI in the forums. I'd
>> like to look into that.
>> On Thursday, April 3, 2014, Andrius Šilinskas <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I've got some bugs which I want to fix. I don't think that any of them
>>> are major, though.
>>> I'm planning to work on them since the next week, when my holidays
>>> starts.
>>> Andrius aka thunderstruck
>>> On 3 April 2014 14:25, Nils Kneuper <> wrote:
>>>> Hash: SHA1
>>>> Hi folks!
>>>> Initially I planned to get some work on the release announcement for
>>>> 1.12.0
>>>> done next weekend. Besides I also planned to get 1.11.13 out on April
>>>> 12th.
>>>> Looks like work prevents me from doing these Wesnoth things.
>>>> Anyway, I got some questions for you:
>>>> 1) Looking at the changelog in the 1.12 branch I got to assume that
>>>> there is
>>>> not much to fix left (since almost nobody does anything). Is this right
>>>> or are
>>>> the issues just impossible hard to fix?
>>>> 2) If the assumption that there is not much to fix is correct: What do
>>>> you
>>>> think of having 1.11.13 named 1.12.0 RC1 and release it during the
>>>> easter weekend?
>>>> 3) In case you don't think we are there yet, please make sure to tell
>>>> me what
>>>> you think the blockers are. Also make sure that someone will actually
>>>> work on
>>>> fixing those first instead of concentrating on getting new features
>>>> implemented in master.
>>>> For the next weeks this are the dates when I will not be reachable for
>>>> Wesnoth
>>>> stuff:
>>>> * April 6th until April 13th
>>>> * April 24th until April 30th
>>>> So these are also the timeframes in which I will not get out a new
>>>> release. So
>>>> the next option for a new beta (or even RC?) release is the weekend
>>>> from April
>>>> 19th to 20th. If this is the RC, then I could get another RC or 1.12.0
>>>> 'final'
>>>> out on May 3rd.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Nils Kneuper aka Ivanovic
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