On 2015-12-01, at 2:06 PM, Ignacio R. Morelle wrote:

> Additionally, I've been considering moving us to a time-based release 
> schedule 
> for development and maintenance releases, in order to keep a constant stream 
> of features and bug fixes coming to UMC creators instead of piling it all up 
> at once like we've done thus far. Under the new scheme:
> * A new maintenance release from the current stable branch would be tagged
>   every two months, on the third Friday 00:00 UTC; meaning that there would
>   be an automatic string freeze every month starting from the second Thursday
>   00:00 UTC.
> * A new development release would be tagged every month, on the first Friday
>   00:00 UTC, except for betas and RCs for the next stable series, which would
>   come every two weeks instead.

I can't think of any arguments against this kind of steady release schedule.

> An important point that needs to be settled ASAP is whether we'll participate 
> in next year's GSoC. Mentoring organization applications will be accepted 
> from 
> February 8 to February 19, so we must have an action plan ready before then.
>  https://developers.google.com/open-source/gsoc/timeline
> In particular, we will need project ideas, mentors, and administrators. I 
> can't really dedicate time to GSoC myself, so the GSoC admin will have to be 
> someone else entirely (Ivanovic?). Likewise, I won't be able to volunteer to 
> be a mentor since that would literally kill me.
> Of course, we can also decide to not participate in GSoC, which would make 
> things easier for everyone, but at the cost of a precious missed opportunity.

I don't have anything to say on this other than that, if Wesnoth were to 
participate, I could probably be a mentor or something.

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