Ma anvupi Margaret la
Azi mi gunya gunya. Thanks for that provocative e mail.
Two weeks ago I started a personal initiative inspired by a congolese
ethnic group where they plant a tree on the spot where the umbilical
cord of a newly child is planted. If that child was born during the
rain season, each rain season a mark is made on that tree so that the
child will know how old he/she is by counting the marks on the tree.
So I have been asking for each child brought for baptism a tree to be
planted on the day of baptism. Every month on the same date of baptism
another tree be planted and so on and so forth for one full year.
Ever since Easter Tuesday till today I have baptised 105 infants and
if 12 trees are promised to be planted I expect 1260 trees in 12
months from today. My other colleague Fr Zema has baptised also over
100. Last thursday the catechists of the 25 outstations of ombaci have
accepted to implement this. I hope to closely supervise and monitor
that it really is done. Our initial plan was to plant first fruit
trees and later we move to other trees such as teak in the second
I expect to sell the idea to Bishop Fred Drandua, Bishop Obetia and
other religious leaders in West Nile. Lets join hands together.
Thumbs up for this practical idea.

On 5/9/09, Margaret Angucia <> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I love Robert's idea of each one of us doing something practical on our
> own  before discussing public service. I would also like to plegde to cause
> at least 100 trees to be planted this year. Are there more people who would
> like to get on this project (although folks definately have lots of projects
> going on) for the sake of this network?
> Margaret
> On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 8:00 PM, robert obetia <> wrote:
>>    - Barifa is just a small environment compared to the whole
>>    Arua/Westnile to mind so much about the forest of euclaptus trees.
>>    - Euclaptus trees should be removed as they are environmetal disaster
>>    in West Nile. It causes lowering of the water table thus drying the
>> land
>>    making difficult for other small species around it not thrive.
>>    - Re-invent the forest so that new more friendly type of trees are
>>    generated there along side other environmentally friendly activities
>> that
>>    add value to the forest. This does not mean degazeting.
>>    - Degazete parts of your homesteads from kevera dumping grounds to grow
>>    more forests of mangoes, bamboo, cyprus, pine, moringa, Avocado,
>> jacaranda.
>>    - Let each of us subscribing to this network go or send seeds to plant
>>    atleast an equivalent 0.5 km long row of the above trees in westnile
>> this
>>    year. At a spacing of 4 metre wide to allow merry drive between. That
>> means
>>    100 trees only. Save 2 beers per week and get 3 jacaranda seedlings +
>>    save 60 minutes internet time per week and get 3 mango seedlings and 1
>> hour
>>    extra rest with your spouse. By end of the rain season this year, you
>> have
>>    saved the region with 100 trees. I will save 3 out of my six Heineken
>> to
>>    night to take care of this week.
>>    - Physical planners in your country went to sleep about 1971 or 1979
>>    and may not yet be fully awake. Those who are waking up are chasing
>>    developers from the tail. If you think i'm lying read about Kla's
>> northern
>>    bypass and Ebb road or even about Barifa, Bat valley of Arua, Osu etc.
>> Discuss
>> Warm regards
>> RObetia
>> ------------------------------
>> Date: Fri, 8 May 2009 15:18:45 +0000
>> From:
>> Subject: Re: [WestNileNet] Re: Barifa Issue
>> To:;
>> CC:
>>    Friends,
>> Many thanks for all your thoughts on Barifa.
>> I do not know when some of you last went to Arua. Many things have changed
>> of recent.
>> Do we actually know the boundaries of this Arua Municipal we are talking
>> about or the current land size and population distribution per division?
>> Yes some of us do know.
>> Arua airfield belongs to CAA not the municipality. The former gaagaa area
>> and these others you are asking to be re planed have owners who also
>> think,
>> you have no right to plan for them where ever you are.
>> I have learnt that, the re-planning of the current town has been on going.
>> This will address some of the issues relating to infrastructure etc. But
>> it
>> is not an easy task because some of these landlords cannot just let go of
>> their land.
>> There seems to have been some disagreement on both the aerial and ground
>> surveys initially carried out. Again, I invite Mr. Bada to help on this.
>> The design for expansion and extension of the current water system is
>> ongoing.
>> I think, the municipal authorities are trying to address some of these
>> issues we are raising.
>> Even if degazzetted, municipal will invite private developers to develop
>> the area and not the council since they do not have the resources to do
>> so.
>> In the same vein, some one able out there too can pay off the landlords in
>> such areas you've chosen to identify as slum and re-develop it. You only
>> need to consult with the municipal to avoid being re-planned again in
>> future.
>> There are many good things happening out there which we either do not know
>> or have just refused to appreciate.
>> Some members of this forum are big time *REAL *investors in Arua. Get to
>> know them and find out more about existing opportunities. For sure, these
>> developments will not Wait for any body fantasying *new york *in Arua
>> should the opportunity arise even today.
>> Lets just keep our ears to the ground.
>> Xavier
>> --- On *Fri, 8/5/09, samuel andema <>* wrote:
>> From: samuel andema <>
>> Subject: Re: [WestNileNet] Re: Barifa Issue
>> To: "A Virtual Network for friends of West Nile" <>
>> Date: Friday, 8 May, 2009, 12:37 AM
>>    Dear brothers and sister,
>> I have read all your submissions on the degazetting of Barifa forest and
>> the planned development of Arua. I sincerely appreciate all your
>> contributions. But I would like as to separate the degazetting of Barifa
>> and
>> the need for a planned developpment of Arua. In my view the need for a
>> comprehensive development of plan for the whole of Arua District should
>> not
>> depend on whether or not Barifa is degazetted.
>> With or without the degazetting of Barifa, the Arua has one of the fasted
>> population growth rates in Uganda and possibly the Great Lack Regions. The
>> rate at which people are buying pieces of land in different parts of the
>> periurban areas and buliding on these pieces of land without provision for
>> passage of roads, water pipes, electricity lines etc is extremely
>> alarming. People are building on their small pieces of land without taking
>> into consideration the need to provide for basic infrastructure. It is
>> tyhis
>> kind of situation which to me is most alarming.
>> The expected modern facilities to be build at Barifa should not be an
>> isolated case. In my view we should be talking about an over all strategic
>> development for the whole of Arua within which the possible degazetting or
>> Barifa or not should fit. I am thoroughly opposed to any piece meal
>> development of any kind be it Barifa or Obolokofoku or Gaagaa market
>> because
>> in the lonmg run it does not help us at all. It is for this reason that i
>> still insist the priority should be to have a 50 or 100 years long term
>> development plan which can then be reviewed periodically to ensure that it
>> matches with the practical conditions of the times.
>> Thank you.
>> Sam Andema
>> --- On *Thu, 7/5/09, Vasco Oguzua <>* wrote:
>> From: Vasco Oguzua <>
>> Subject: [WestNileNet] Re: Barifa Issue
>> To:
>> Date: Thursday, 7 May, 2009, 9:13 PM
>> Congratulations and well done Mr. Drani. I think you have provided us with
>> some well researched information and shed a better light on this Barifa
>> issue. I hope the Mr. Bada can give us more information on what actually
>> is
>> happening.
>> If indeed, that is the situation of the said piece of land, I think we
>> need
>> to find a way of putting pressure on the municipality and NFA to desist
>> from
>> degazetting the area for the suggested development.
>> Yes, with the increasing population in general, the population of Arua
>> town
>> must have increased. If the available facilities were designed for only
>> 10,
>> 000 people as i read in Drani's piece, then the priority needs to be to
>> improve the available amenities to meet the demands of the current
>> population. That requires strategic and systematic planning to evaluate
>> the
>> current available areas where these people are living, not going to open a
>> buffer forest that otherwise should protect the people and the town. If
>> the
>> Municipal Council rejected the idea of giving away the area opposite
>> Catholic Centre, there should be no reason for them to accept going to
>> Barifa. In the population in the town has increased, I am sure the
>> patterns
>> of locations where the population is increasing can be easily seen and a
>> clear picture of whether such locations are properly planned should be
>> reviewed. The slum areas within and around the municipality should be the
>> priority areas of community housing developments and amenities
>> improvements.
>> With the increasing population and decreasing volume of Enyau River,which
>> has been the source of water supply in in the town your years, I can see
>> that water supply in Arua requires a very serious thought and priority.
>> The
>> numerous boreholes around the town may not be sustainable source of water
>> because the rate at which water is mined is much higher than the rate at
>> which the underground water is re-charged, with the environmental problems
>> we have in the area. Water supply and sewerage infrastructure go hand in
>> hand.
>> So for the publics interest and for the interests of developing the
>> municipality, I would still insist that the idea of degazetting Barifa
>> should be thrown out. In a couple years to come, the Municipal Council and
>> the public could actually get better economic returns from the area.
>> Vasco Oguzua
>> ------------------------------
>> One at a time or all at once? Get updates from your friends in one
>> place.<>
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