Dear Avudria,


Thank you very much for the additional information on mapple trees that has 
given me a better insight on the charactersitics of the tree. 


I was to meet Jimmy Adriko who has received the seeds but due to unforeseen 
circumstances we were unable to meet. I am currently out of the country and as 
soon as I return home the meeting will definately happen. We probably will try 
the species on pilot basis and asess its characteristics and performance in 
westnile before it is opened up to others.


otherwise thanks for being innovative and mindful about the deforestation in 


Best regards


Joel Arumadri

Date: Mon, 22 Jun 2009 12:20:43 -0500
Subject: [WestNileNet] Trying Mapple trees

Thanks Arumadri for your response.
Perhaps my description of mapple trees was scary for no good reason. These  
trees  provide very good shade in homes or city. Many have been planted along 
streets and around buildings. Mature trees have seeds with wings, and therefore 
naturally dispersed by wind. The seeds fly  a perimeter of  approximately 10 
meters from the parent tree. Mapples trees are grown for firewood, timber, and 
some farmers tap the sap for making mapple syrup & candies.
Wherever, there is dump ground, soil, the seeds germinate easily, sometimes in 
gutters on roofs. They generate forestry easily, that's why I was 
procastinating the concept of trying them in West Nile. I am not sure if the 
young trees  will survive our drought, but they tend to survive winter.  This 
is purely experimental. I have collected some notes  on these trees.
Farmers in Canada and USA preserve small strips of the forest between the 
cultivated land. Looks very beautiful from the air and  by road sides as one 
drives through the country sides. Unfortunately, I do not have pictures but 
thought, if these trees can grow in Africa, this could be one way of solving 
Africa's deforestation problems.
I saw the disaster of  the water "hicynth", which is ornamental creeping plant, 
, which people grown inside homes in the West. I saw it on Lake Victoria on my 
way to Kamapala from the airport.
Show them the way! Add maps and directions to your party invites.
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