February, 2009 was an interesting month in my view because it was the month 
when the heated debate on Poor Performances in Schools in West Nile was a 
serious topic of discussion. That period kind of coincided or was very close to 
the Ombaci and later on Mvara and Koboko OB activities. I kind of believe that 
because of the OB activities, the discussion on Poor Performance of Schools in 
West Nile were serious and focused and as a result there was some 
organizational framework which culminated into the decisions  made, and the 
Education Task Force was formed. Some of the work (reports) of the Committee 
were at least published on the West Nile Net in the recent times. I will 
comment on the report and relate the report to the Education Ordinance and the 
Budget Document which was also distributed on the WestNile Net at a different 

Then there came the Barifa Land issue, the Balalo land acquisition issue, the 
environmental degradation issue, the killings of our people by the URA in 
Koboko, the Matego districts, and many more topics we debated on this forum.

Another serious issue discussed was how we  can document these discussions we 
have on the WestNile Net and present to the relevant authorities. The idea of 
forming a body that will be representing this forum in presenting our views to 
the authorities evaporated to the extent that the number of people contributing 
on the forum has reduced compared to what it was like in February when it was 
rich and diverse with some comedies to lighten the discussion up. I have been 
off the forum for a couple of weeks just observing what is going on with the 
forum without giving any contributions to the discussion.

I have observed and tend to think that while we people from West Nile are very 
good at offering solutions and we all have very big plans, we are not very 
proactive and focused in what we talk about and we tend to be afraid of leading 
the cause but would rather follow the cause.

One reason I have come to this decision is simply the fact that while we are 
vehemently discussing and giving ideas and talking of planning big, we are all 
shouting this without any body of umbrella to implement what we talk about. We 
have failed to have a representative body or organ of this forum to implement 
the big plans we are drawing. While the education committee may be the 
exception, we can not task them to be the one to do everything. If the Ombaci , 
Mvara and Koboko OB's can sit for a meeting in Kampala or Arua and elect 
representatives why is it difficult for the members of this Forum to have an 
elected represetantives to carry out the decisions of the deliberations which 
people on this forum so much talk about? 

Why do we have to shy away from leadership positions and issues which may have 
political implications when we are all political within ourselves. I think the 
people on the ground in need to help us to stand up and be counted in this 
issue of representation.

The suggestion for collecting some funds for hunger and starvation in West Nile 
has met the problem of who will be responsible for collecting such moneys 
donated and I believe up to now it is in Limbo. If we had such an umbrella 
organization for this forum this would not have been a problem. A bank account 
of the umbrella organization would easily be used for depositing such funds.

Hardly before the hunger issue was resolved, the new issue that came on the 
Block is the University Museveni has given to West Nile. Seriously speaking,  
are universities supposed to be given to people by presidents!!?? Does the 
President own Universities or these are supposed to be public institutions 
established on careful planning and assessment of infrastructure demands and 
the needs of the people!! What a gimmick! Now all the attention of the forum is 
planning for this University, how big the plan is supposed to be and where 
there are to be other branches and example of Universities in Wisconsin and 
Quebec Canada have been given. One thing not mentioned about those examples is 
whether those Universities in Wisconsin and Quebec Canada were given by the 
President and the Prime Minister of those countries in which they are. I am 
pretty sure that was not the case whatsoever, and even then those cuntries are 
not banana republics where the President just gives without the discussion and 
approval of the electorate. In those countries the electorates plan and lobby 
their representatives to present their demands to the Congress or Parliament 
not the other way around where the president gives without even any 
consideration to the plan and infrastructure needed to run a public institution 
like a University while the citizens are busy dying for lack of food and simple 
treatable sicknesses.

What happened top our initial resolve to improve the elementary and secondary 
schools in West Nile. Is this University really necessary for the development 
of West Nile given that we have a branch of Islamic University, there is a 
branch Mukono University and I believe the Nile University near Ombaci is also 
operational (if i am not mistaken). Was this New University in West Nile given 
to take away the issue of hunger an starvation in the region and to wood wink 
the electorate the government all of a sudden cares about the people of the 

Is this University more important than lack of clean source and supply of water 
in the region? Is this University more important than having a reliable of 
energy (power) in the region. If for the next 5 to 10 years we do not have 
supply of clean and enough water and power in the region and we have this 
University, will our region be better developed, because some of the arguments 
for following the University is creation of Jobs. 

>From my limited knowledge, adequate sources and clean water supply and energy 
>supply are the main initiator of development and the main reason for 
>deforestation in the region is lack of alternative domestic energy resources 
>for a population that entirely depends on cutting of trees for domestic energy 


To me the issue of building or starting a new University is misplaced. if there 
is money for starting a University, that money would rather be used to improve 
the primary and secondary schools infrastructure and paying qualified teacher, 
nurses a living wage so that they do not have to go and do other duties to earn 
a living. That money could also be used establish village water storage systems 
so that water conservation is seriously addressed in our region otherwise the 
next catastrophe our region is bound to experience is that of water shortage. 
We just can not jump on the band wagon of the what the President says like 
people who have no heads to think and plan what we want and how we want our 
region to develop. I never knew that a new University was a much bigger 
priority in our region compared to good water and energy supply. I wonder if it 
is the lack of the new University in West Nile which has caused very few 
students from the region to be accepted in the existing Universities. While it 
is good to plan big it is also imperative that we plan according to the 
priorities of the population and the region as a whole. Let us not buy into the 
elections campaign allocations which are there to hood wink people while he is 
giving billions to the kingdoms to appease and divide people he has injected 
this idea to confuse the region into thinking he cares about the region which 
is not true.


Vasco Oguzua


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