*Defination of Revolution*

The idea and concept of revolution is commonly associated with upheaval, the
violent overthrow of the reigning powers, a bloody vengeance by the
oppressed upon the oppressor and so on. This thinking is a case of putting
the cart before the horse as well as not being aware of the ethics of true
revolution as opposed to rebellion.

The seizing of power from those who have used it for their own narrow ends
is not revolution, it is the preliminary step. Clearing away what is an
obstacle for true revolution. True revolution is the process of realizing
the vision of an equitable, just and humane society.

It is the work of organizing amongst ones community – be it a family,
village, town or nation – a new and just way of life. Dealing with the
arduous task of cleansing oneself of all remnants of the cannibalistic
thinking, which continues to live in the mind of oneself and the community
as a result of prolonged oppression.

It is the art of organising the society to provide the necessities of life
in an environment when there is no longer a system which offers food and
clothing at the cost of subservience and the surrender of ones human dignity
and freedom.

Revolution involves ethics. It asks questions such as: once we have stripped
our tormentor of the power to harm and subjugate us, are we to allow
ourselves to be possessed by the spirit of hate and vengeance ? What is the
basis of the struggle, is it driven by hunger and nothing else or is it to
manifest our dignity as human beings and allow us the space to explore our
full potential as sovereign beings upon the planet earth ?

The phase of struggle is unfortunately near unavoidable as oppressors all
through history have rarely seen reason ; to oppress is basically the
epitome of irrationality, as empires rise and certainly they fall .

Revolution is therefore a social process encompassing all spheres of
society. The individual and their perspective, the economics of the society,
the politics and last but not least the inter personal relations on a
individual and collective level.

The struggle whether a strike, a riot, a war of liberation, a overthrow is
not and cannot be the revolution. It merely clears the way and the human
cost of such actions are always high, and therefore they should only be
undertaken with a deep understanding of the pain and sacrifice they will
require, and always with the aim striving to maintain human dignity even in
an arena, that struggle creates. It requires a will to undertake an
unpleasant task not in the spirit of blood thirst but with the solemn mood
of one who acts through necessity and faith in the process to come.

The vision of the new society must be already formed before hand. It must be
spread studied discussed and debated. " Are the prerogatives of Todays Lado
/ West Nile  It is only in common we form revolution. It is not a few
intellectuals who sit on high and guide the masses. Vision may come from
one, two or ten people. But it must be embraced by the critical mass for it
to become Revolution.
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