Dear brothers and sisters,
First I must apologize for not commending on LADO Saga. I completely agree
with Amandu Matua on stopping the Lado nonsense, frenzy and  craziness. I am
not sure why Ron Okunzi and his Lado friends think we are people who can be
brain washed?

We are a team of professionals who have come together to address real social
problems  that touch the lives of over 5 million people. We cannot use 18th
century politics to solve 21st century problems. The problems we face in
West Nile do not require Lado garbage  I am seeing on this net work. If they
want, let them create their own network. Those people who like LADO  can
share the rhetoric on a separate network.

People  who have used Lado approach for solving problems have caused
enormous human suffering and  bloodshed. We can quote obvious example in
Gulu, Rwanda, Bosnia, Liberia, etc.

This network must remain social network bridging us together. It is non
partisan, non political,  and has no reli gious affiliations.

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