Strictly without prejudice
Dear members,

 It is now customary for M7 and his cohort to award medals to themselves and to 
their friends on heroes’ day. No surprise it has of recent become routine to 
massively award different categories or grades of medals [massively, i.e.; like 
the case was with the European communist regimes]. It is the “personal nature” 
of the relations of some of the beneficiaries that raises an eye. Leading one 
to ask: “Was the Luwero adventure a private/personal affair”?
This time around, 720 different types were awarded. It is not the categories 
that matter but the beneficiaries: Maj. Kakooza Mutale (of the famous KAP – 
Kalangala Action Plan squads) – may be as a reward for having tried, in vain, 
to clobber Nambooze’s supporters away from the polling booths, Shaban Bantariza 
[former Army propaganda chief], John Nasasira, Paulo Etyang, Haji Naduli [Ex-LC 
V chair of Luwero who banned Obote's cortege from going home via Luwero, now 
NRM Luwero Chair], etc.
The most interesting bit was when names of 3 special women in M7′s personal 
life were read among the beneficiaries: Eng. Ms Winnie Byanyima Besigye, Ms 
Hope Kivengere & Ms Amelia Kyambadde, who till this week was in charge of the 
M7 house-hold (now quarteres at State House), a task she fulfilled since the 
exile days in Gothenburg, Sweden about 30 years back, where she was home-help, 
up to today.
The irony here is of course the Eng. Winnie case. That is, at the political 
level. As his wife was being decorated with a war-hero’s [heroine's] medal the 
husband, Dr. KG, was being clobbered, at the (Queen’s) Clock Tower, by the  
NRM-Kiboko [whip] squad (special militia, recently trained for the 2011 
elections), under the supervision of the Police commanders. The fact that this 
may be a calculated move to hit Besigye bellow the belt retrospectively cannot 
be ruled out. The intention to interfere in another man’s domestic affairs need 
not be mentioned -We saw it all in Hon. Njuba’s case, especially after he cried 
out about it and after separating with his beloved Gertrude. Examples are very 
Of course, that all those who were wounded and had their lives saved by the 
Colonel Doctor are being warded medals while Besigye himself cannot, a fact so 
ridiculous that it is not even not lost on the beneficiaries themselves. As a 
matter of fact, Gen. Salim Saleh (a.k.a. Akandwanaho=The Lord fought my battles 
or defended me) among others, urged, last year, that Besigye merits a medal. 
Well, the wife has been listed for one. Whether she takes it or not, is another 
matter. After all, M7 said that, like the sign of the Cross (on the forehead) 
during Baptism (Anglican, at least), the medals are an “outward sign of what is 
inside” – meaning that, take or leave the medal, Eng. Winnie [like others) is 
still in the heart (??)
In the lugbara culture it is very unusual and also send a bad message for some 
one to be  fighting you or beating you when at the same time he is dressing 
your wife

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