Dear Fellow Nilers,


 Condolence Message 


have learnt with very deep sorrow the tragic death of our fellow young 
citizens of this region West Nile.It is quite disheartening to learn the
 fellow brothers have perished in such gruesome way.

all know & understand this region has suffered an illusion of every 
kind  & moments of every catastrophe has made it lag behind. And 
today, to add on the list  of catastrophe, the death has robbed us of 
young generations from the same area & may their  souls RIP. 

dear brothers & sisters, As we reflect on their lives, we  must 
accept self discipline in our own society. Perhaps the days of  night 
clubbing & discotheques are no more. We are only hoping to achieve 
the ( age) with it we can device other ways  of  fun making or 
dating. Instead of roaming the whole city in search of happens & 
only to be eluded by death grisly. My personal  advise
to the grieved families & the entire  West Nile community is that, 
let's hold on to Individual discipline which is paramount  in avoiding 
these gruesome death robbing our society. 

 own exemplary of leadership  should not misdirect others but rather 
redirect the lost in their career. And with few words, taken from own 
archives, I pray that, some souls would be saved in future.


the Lord comfort you and the rest of the bereaved family during this 
period of mourning. As Christians, we believe and know that there is 
and eternal life after death which our Lord Jesus Christ conquered on 
for which we  able to forgive & forget our tormentors 

their souls rest in eternal peace.


Geoffrey Ayikobua


--- On Sun, 8/29/10, Kadara Kursum <> wrote:

From: Kadara Kursum <>
Subject: Re: [WestNileNet] Latest update on the accident
To: "A Virtual Network for friends of West Nile" <>
Date: Sunday, August 29, 2010, 6:56 AM

Condolences to all and May they rest in peace.
Kadara Kursum
I Dared to Say NO

From: milburga atcero <>
To: A Virtual Network for friends of West Nile <>
Sent: Sun, 29 August, 2010 13:01:25
Subject: Re: [WestNileNet] Latest update on the accident

Dear colleagues,
We were stunned to hear the tragic news that befell our  brothers and sisters 
yesterday morning.Everyone who knows these brothers and sisters  must be 
appalled and heartbroken at their loss. There are no words to adequately 
express our sympathies for the devastation and profound loss the parents of the 
deceased are feeling right now. Please,know that we are  thinking of you and 
praying for you every minute . We send our deep sympathies to the bereaved  
--- On Sat, 8/28/10, Caleb Alaka <> wrote:

From: Caleb Alaka <>
Subject: [WestNileNet] Latest update on the accident
To: "A Virtual Network for friends of West Nile" <>
Date: Saturday, August 28, 2010, 10:12 PM

Dear Colleagues,
It was a terrible tragedy that befell us on Saturday morning. Briefly after 
having fun at the West Nile Night, 17 of our members decided to use a seven 
seat-er vehicle to be dropped home.  According to police sources, when the 
vehicle reached Ntinda trading center, our brothers and sisters branched off 
towards Nakawa. Hardly had they reached Ntinda Police Post, the car lost 
controll and skidded for 150 meters, before crushing,  and in the process, 
three people died instantly and other 3 died on their way to Hospital. Your 
leadership was informed and we took charge of the situation together with James 
Nyakuni. We identified the bodies as follows;   Rashid Juma, Isaac Edobo, 
Washington Agondua, Babua Dan, Innocent Yoti and Imran Abdul. 9 other persons 
were critically injured and two sustained minor injuries. One person is in 
critical condition and the rest have stabilized. West Nile Foundation
 contributed  1,000,000/= towards burial and funeral expenses. We mobilized all 
in all around 3,000,000/=, James Nyakuni gave us a bus which we fueled to take 
relatives to Arua. Nyakuni also assisted us in taking two bodies that of 
Washington and Isaac. Mean while Eng. Juma assisted us in taking the bodies of 
Rashid and Imran. We purchased coffins, and other materials for all the 
deceased persons. We reserved the balance of our collections for subsidizing 
medical expenses for the injured. The bodies of Innocent and Babua were not 
taken to Arua by us because of mutual understanding between us and the parents. 
The following were the injured;Opio Vincent, Ezaru Isaac, Jackie Aseru, Inid 
Akwiachwan, Okello Moses, Ombilia, Aron Francis, Anguzu Abraham, Anguyo Moses 
and Abeli Denis. We managed to contact all the relatives. It was tragic but we 
tried our level best.  We need prayers for those injured and will update you on 
any other development
 pertaining to those who sustained injuries.  Thank you

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