1/This is another very sad event that needs something to be done and my 
condolences to the families of all those affected by this unfortunate act.
2/Any loss of life regardless of nationality,origin,status in society,etc 
through such recklessness is completely unacceptable and therefore this case 
requires the matter to be very carefully and thoroughly investigated,prosecuted 
and convicted.
3/The life,security and property of all citizens is the most important 
responsibility of the state and goes beyond what WENRECO can do.
4/Facts as reported are summarized hereunder:
i/This is the loss of a civilian life 
ii/Attack on a civilian by a member of an armed force
iii/The alleged criminal, attacker or purpetrator is on the run
5/Therefore the matter has to be taken very seriously with the following 
a/A letter with deatils should to be written to the Inspector General of Police 
and Chief of Defense Forces to invesitigate and prosecute in a civilian court 
and/or Military court martial as the case may apply with copies to:
i.The President of Uganda
ii.The Speaker of Parliament
iii.The Minister of Defense (because it is a crime committed by an armed force 
against an unarmed civilian)
iv.The Minister for Security
vi.The Minister of Internal Affairs 
vii.Director of CID
viii.Director General of ISO & Head of CMI
ix.The MP for Vurra County
Kiggundu Mukasa
Mon, 30 Aug 2010 08:01:53 -0700
I think the Church and the people should force WENRECO to pay for those kids 
schooling up to University

WENRECO should have insurance that covers accidents if it is a reputable company

The lawyers like Caleb can best advise us 


On Aug 30, 2010, at 4:35 PM, Ezama Ruffino wrote:

> My dear brothers and sisters
> I have just got these facts and lets see what should be done.
> Apai Lucy about 50 years of age living in Euata, Eruba parish was shot dead 
> on 23rd July 2010 at around 8:00pm by a security guard of WENERECO (West Nile 
> Rural electrification company) near the power plant under a security light 
> before three of her children. Late Apai is Married to Ombia Muhammad who is a 
> local council for security, Eruba parish. She had reached home from her usual 
> business of selling fish from Odia Nyadri (market). On reaching home, she 
> remembered that she had spread her groundnuts near the power plant, a small 
> cemented area she had cleared for drying her crops. Before three of her 
> children, she tried to i identify herself to this armed man after missing the 
> first shot but she could not survive the next bullet from this guard who 
> seemed to have a formed intention. The bullet ripped her stomach leaving her 
> intestines on the groundnuts she was collecting, she immediately got help 
> from a Samaritan but it was too late, Lucy Apai died on reaching Kuluva 
> Hospital at around 9:00pm
> Late Apai Lucy has been one of most dedicated women both at home and in 
> church. She was a dedicated member of CWAAD (Catholic Women of Arua Diocese) 
> who was hard working trying hard to feed and educate her children. The 
> criminal is still on the run but WENERCO that has been offering irregular 
> electricity supply is promising to compansate "after the suspect has been 
> arrested. I believe law shall take its course.
> I feel that need to put our ideas together and see what we westnilers could 
> do.
> Fr Ruffino
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