*Excellent Public health initiative*

Is there anyway to partner with Radio PACIS to air some of the outcome  of
these discussions? Dissemination of this vital information through Radio/TV
is essential community outreach initiative to educate thousands who cannot
attend the session in person. There is so much we can/could do to prevent
death from some diseases.

Keep it up Christine, bravo

On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 12:07 PM, <westnilenet-requ...@kym.net> wrote:

> Send WestNileNet mailing list submissions to
>        westnilenet@kym.net
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>        http://orion.kym.net/mailman/listinfo/westnilenet
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> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of WestNileNet digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>   1. Science cafe brief (christine munduru)
>   2. Re: Science cafe brief (Kiggundu Mukasa)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2010 09:39:15 -0700 (PDT)
> From: christine munduru <cmund...@yahoo.com>
> Subject: [WestNileNet] Science cafe brief
> To: West Nile Arua <WestNileNet@kym.net>
> Cc: Geofrey Toko <angutoko...@yahoo.com>, Ben Droti
>        <bdroti2...@yahoo.co.uk>,       Patrice Mawa <
> patrice.m...@mrcuganda.org>
> Message-ID: <512005.83303...@web57405.mail.re1.yahoo.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Dear all,
> In the last science cafe, members agreed that we write a brief of the
> discussions and post to westnile net and also put the next topic for
> discussion.
> Unfortunately this was agreed after the cafe had ended so I will just write
> what
> I can remember. Next time we shall suggest a raportuer.
> The topic was intellectual property and access to medicines. This topic was
> important becuase of the pending counterfeit goods bill in parliament that
> has
> defined counterfeit in broad terms to include generic medicines which
> Uganda
> depends on
> ØDef: Intellectual property rights  refers to a bundle of rights awarded by
> society to individuals or organisations  over creative works: inventions,
> literary and artistic works and symbols, names, images, designs as a
> bargain
> that the outcomes of the rights will benefit society at large.
> Ø
> ØIPRs generally can be categorised as follows:  * Ø     * Ø
>        * ØArtistic and Literary Property (cultural creations)  * ØCopyright
> Patents,
> Industrial designs, Trademarks, Geographical Indications, Trade Secrets,
> Geographical Indications
> Incase of patents, the individual is to have exclusive rights for 20 years
> and
> this is where medicines fall.
>  Brand medicines Vs generic medicinesIndustrial Property (functional
> commercial
> innovations),
> Brand medicines are those that are produced by the people(scientists) who
> innovated them and according to international laws, they patent such drugs
> for
> 20 years without anybody reproducing them and are allowed to sell them at
> whichever price they want.e.g drugs from USA, UK Germany etc.
> But generic medicines are those which have been reproduced by people who
> didnt
> innovate them. They simply copy the formula and using the data of the
> innovaters, reproduce exactly the same drug according to the same
> international
> law.e.g drugs from India and China.
> It is true we have counterfeit goods in Uganda but the aim of the pending
> law is
> to protect IPR which does not belong to Ugandans. This law will not adress
> the
> safety and quality issues instead will limit access to medicines. It will
> also
> limit access to knowledge materials, students will not be able to photocopy
> text
> books, farmers will not replant patent ed seeds etc.
>  according to Trade Related Intellectual Property(TRIPS) agreement 1994,
> counties were grouped into developed, developing and least developed like
> Uganda. LDCs were to become TRIPs compliant in 2013 but incase of
> pharmacuetilcals 2016. Developed countries were to become compliant as soon
> as
> the law is operational and developing were to be compliant by 2005.
> But Uganda is being pushed to have TRIPs plus laws even before we become
> compliant thru the counterfeit laws.
> Alot was shared in the discussion but cannot put them here.
> members like Akile shared the work they are doing with our very own
> scientists
> in the biosafety committee. Jose shared his expertise on seeds as far as
> hybrid
> seeds are concerned and these were all useful to enrich our knowledge.
> Okuti
> Boroa also shared the gap he has noted between scientists and farmers
> through
> his work. And this is where cafe would come to close such by taking science
> to
> the community.
> Members then realized that Uganda is signing so many documents which will
> become
> a big problem to us in future but as a country we are not well positined to
> bargain for good laws at international level.
> However, at domestic level we should  try to make good domestic laws. But
> the
> challenge noted was also the free trade agreements  Adovcacy was proposed
> as a
> way forward but the problem again is lack of such information to the right
> people.
> Another challenge was also the fact that our country does not invest in
> research
> to support our briliant scientists to do their own research such that they
> can
> patent their own products.
> As a wayforward, members acknowledged that cafe would be a good way to
> enrich us
> and also come up with some solutions to our own life problems. They asked
> that
> we post key issues discussed here and make sure this continues once a
> month.
> The next topic was selected as life style diseases like blood presure,
> diabetes
> and heart diseases. The facilitator was proposed to be our own Dr. Worodria
> William. Patrice Mawa was to talk to him first for his availability.
> Our brother Matenga was then asked to move a vote of thanks to the
> facilitator
> and the discussion went informal.
> Thanks
> Christine
> -------------- next part --------------
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> URL:
> http://orion.kym.net/pipermail/westnilenet/attachments/20100908/6ab7e683/attachment-0001.html
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2010 20:05:58 +0300
> From: Kiggundu Mukasa <kiggu...@kym.net>
> Subject: Re: [WestNileNet] Science cafe brief
> To: A Virtual Network for friends of West Nile <westnilenet@kym.net>
> Cc: Geofrey Toko <angutoko...@yahoo.com>, Ben Droti
>        <bdroti2...@yahoo.co.uk>,       Patrice Mawa <
> patrice.m...@mrcuganda.org>
> Message-ID: <f0079d88-b2c4-4ccc-892d-5e03e4b40...@kym.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Add gout to the lifestyle diseases
> Kiggs
> On Sep 8, 2010, at 7:39 PM, christine munduru wrote:
> > Dear all,
> > In the last science cafe, members agreed that we write a brief of the
> discussions and post to westnile net and also put the next topic for
> discussion. Unfortunately this was agreed after the cafe had ended so I will
> just write what I can remember. Next time we shall suggest a raportuer.
> >
> > The topic was intellectual property and access to medicines. This topic
> was important becuase of the pending counterfeit goods bill in parliament
> that has defined counterfeit in broad terms to include generic medicines
> which Uganda depends on
> >
> >
> > ØDef: Intellectual property rights  refers to a bundle of rights awarded
> by society to individuals or organisations  over creative works: inventions,
> literary and artistic works and symbols, names, images, designs as a bargain
> that the outcomes of the rights will benefit society at large.
> > Ø
> > ØIPRs generally can be categorised as follows:
> > ØIndustrial Property (functional commercial innovations),
> > ØPatents, Industrial designs, Trademarks, Geographical Indications, Trade
> Secrets, Geographical Indications
> > ØArtistic and Literary Property (cultural creations)
> > ØCopyright
> > Incase of patents, the individual is to have exclusive rights for 20
> years and this is where medicines fall.
> >
> >
> >  Brand medicines Vs generic medicines
> >
> > Brand medicines are those that are produced by the people(scientists) who
> innovated them and according to international laws, they patent such drugs
> for 20 years without anybody reproducing them and are allowed to sell them
> at whichever price they want.e.g drugs from USA, UK Germany etc.
> >
> > But generic medicines are those which have been reproduced by people who
> didnt innovate them. They simply copy the formula and using the data of the
> innovaters, reproduce exactly the same drug according to the same
> international law.e.g drugs from India and China.
> >
> > It is true we have counterfeit goods in Uganda but the aim of the pending
> law is to protect IPR which does not belong to Ugandans. This law will not
> adress the safety and quality issues instead will limit access to medicines.
> It will also limit access to knowledge materials, students will not be able
> to photocopy text books, farmers will not replant patent ed seeds etc.
> >
> >  according to Trade Related Intellectual Property(TRIPS) agreement 1994,
> counties were grouped into developed, developing and least developed like
> Uganda. LDCs were to become TRIPs compliant in 2013 but incase of
> pharmacuetilcals 2016. Developed countries were to become compliant as soon
> as the law is operational and developing were to be compliant by 2005.
> > But Uganda is being pushed to have TRIPs plus laws even before we become
> TRIPS compliant thru the counterfeit laws.
> >
> > Alot was shared in the discussion but cannot put them here.
> > members like Akile shared the work they are doing with our very own
> scientists in the biosafety committee. Jose shared his expertise on seeds as
> far as hybrid  seeds are concerned and these were all useful to enrich our
> knowledge. Okuti Boroa also shared the gap he has noted between scientists
> and farmers through his work. And this is where cafe would come to close
> such by taking science to the community.
> >
> > Members then realized that Uganda is signing so many documents which will
> become a big problem to us in future but as a country we are not well
> positined to bargain for good laws at international level.
> > However, at domestic level we should  try to make good domestic laws. But
> the challenge noted was also the free trade agreements  Adovcacy was
> proposed as a way forward but the problem again is lack of such information
> to the right people.
> > Another challenge was also the fact that our country does not invest in
> research to support our briliant scientists to do their own research such
> that they can patent their own products.
> >
> >
> > As a wayforward, members acknowledged that cafe would be a good way to
> enrich us and also come up with some solutions to our own life problems.
> They asked that we post key issues discussed here and make sure this
> continues once a month.
> >
> > The next topic was selected as life style diseases like blood presure,
> diabetes and heart diseases. The facilitator was proposed to be our own Dr.
> Worodria William. Patrice Mawa was to talk to him first for his
> availability.
> >
> > Our brother Matenga was then asked to move a vote of thanks to the
> facilitator and the discussion went informal.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Christine
> >
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> End of WestNileNet Digest, Vol 25, Issue 18
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