---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Andua Drani <anduadr...@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Dec 26, 2010 at 4:38 AM
Subject: Re: [WestNileNet] WestNileNet Digest, Vol 28, Issue 61
To: A Virtual Network for friends of West Nile <westnilenet@kym.net>

 Dear All

I greet you and hope you all had a very good Christmas celebrations.

Let me take the opportunity to make some comments on the debate about the
Barifa saga. As a few members of this forum may be aware, I have been
assigned as an Ag. Town Clerk of Arua Municipality for the second time with
effect from the end of April 2010.Prior to this I had been assigned the same
office in January-Aug. 2008.

When I came to Arua Municpality in 2008, the process for the degazettment
had commenced following an application by the council to expand the town
.There were atwo key conditions to be met by the Council,These are
1.Acquisition of land where another forest would be established
2. Undertaking of an  EIA
As regards No. 1, the council acquired land in Logiri from Mr Semi Oguda.
The council has made most of the payments to him. The council processed the
land title for the same. The land is to be handed over to NFA for the
However, to date the EIA has not yet been carried out.

Its only after the above key procedures are done before parliament can
approve degazettment.

However, there have been a lot of behind-the -scenes politics since the Arua
Municipal Council applied for this degazettment. One of them occured some
time in 2007 when Mr. Avutia Ronald Kizito wrote a secret letter to Moses
Byaruhanga, the Senior Presidential Assistant for Political Affairs opposing
the degazettment. He raised  the following;
1. That Arua Municpal was highly corrupt and would mismanage the land
allocations in Barifa
2. That Arua Municipal was full of FDC/oppositon and that they would claim
political success if the process was undertaken during that period
3. That Mr. Oguda Semmy was not a genuine NRM- that he was infact UPC AND he
would use the money from the sale of the land disorganise NRM in Vurra
during the subsequent elections.That Semmy had actually sponsored his son Mr
Leti to satnd on UPC ticket in Vurra as proof of his "UPCness" and lack of
"NRMness'. Now what I can say with certanity is that Mr Avuita Kizito did
not act single-handledly in authoring this letter. I have personally raised
this matter with him. There are people in high appointments whose hands were
cited in the letter. Copies of this letter were found their way to Arua
through some MPs
Moses Byaruhanga then forwareded the letter to the then Minister of Water,
Lands and Enviromemnent, Maria Mutagamba for her to take action. What I am
not sure of what action the Minister took or is taking.
I am also aware that another citizen in Arua swung into action and wanted
his land to ben one to be acquired. There were also people who went round to
front an idea that the Barifa should not be handed to the council,rather it
should be given to a single "investor" in return for construction of Barifa
stadiume etc etc

So in a nutshell, the process of the degazettment has been cagy. Personally,
I believe Arua Municipal will not find it easy to succeed in this

Now, the present activity of cutting part of the forest  supervised by
Abiriga Ibrahim is NOT been done by Arua Municipal, nor has the council
authorised or approved it. Nobody has even sought authority from us to do it
or for kind of develoment that is going to be conducted there. Based on what
the Council has done, it cannot be us to turn around and undo it. So the
insinuations by some mebers that some of the people in the council may have
colluded in this act is not true.I heard one time on radio been said by the
UPDF spokesperson that the place is to accomodate Salim Saleh who is coming
to solve the payment issues of ex-service men. The company clearing the
forest is CASCO( from Eastern Europe), which was initially contracted by the
company involved in Oil. It hit dry wells and they were paid after the
contract. They were on their way back and had reached Pakwach, when they
suddenly reversed and came to land in Barifa.

In its present state, the NFA has the control over the forest, although the
council has gone a long way to acquire the forest. One could be right to a
large degree to say that the council actually now owns the forest, since NFA
is not opposed to the proceeses undertaken so far,especially that we are
handing tom them the land in Logiri. Secondly, any developement in the
forest other than forestry is to be approved by council as per the
provisions of the Town and Country Planning Act. We are concerned as to why
the NFA or whoever is going to develop a part of the forest into something
else is not seeking approval of the council. But many of youn know that  a
good number of Ugandans today are happy with impunity. They think doing
things with impunity is development, as I usually like to put it. Its
interesting that some of such are members of this forum.

Over to you

Andua Martin Drani

  On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 5:28 PM, JohnAJackson <javud...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear colleagues,
> Whether someone wants to invest in West Nile, I think it is reasonable and
> fair to involve all stakeholders in decision making process of using
> "purported government land". If we are not part of the government in this
> region, who are we? Who owns the government?  Is someone forgetting the
> basic definition of democracy?
> As citizens of this region, we have legitimate right to use legal means to
> petition the parliament on misappropriation of public land. If citizens of
> this region agree to use the Barifa forest reserve for development, it's
> essential to hold public forums to gain acceptance, all stakeholders are
> given a fair chance to air their views, environmental assessment is done
> before any development.
> Why is it that these same culprits are grabbing land everywhere in the
> country from East to West, North to South?  What do other citizens own? Is
> this another French or British Revolution of the 1700-1800's where land
> lords drove peasants out of their farm lands?
> Our neighbours from Gulu took a stand a couple a few years ago and
> succeeded in blocking the so called "above directive garbage of grabbing
> land". To me "above directive" means God authorized it. If anyone thinks
> he/she is above the law, let the legal process take its discourse.
> It's so ridiculous for our own brothers and sisters working in the
> Municipal council, LCs and RDC,  Town Clerk, Mayor, whatever, to approve
> such a plan without consulting their own constituents extensively on this
> matter? This could not have happened permission of one or two officials
> being involved in such a deal. If we are the people who have voted some of
> these people in power, why have they ignored our voices?  Do we have power
> to vote some of these so called officials out of office?
> I think it's high time members of this forum should/must consider having
> representatives in these urban councils who can challenge some of these
> ridiculous decisions. I would like to share with all of you an article from
> Harvard Business Review what it takes to change a system where people refuse
> or cannot see need for change.
> On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 9:26 AM, <westnilenet-requ...@kym.net> wrote:
>> Send WestNileNet mailing list submissions to
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>> Today's Topics:
>>   1. Re: Barifa Land Grabbed (francis azabo)
>>   2. Re: {Disarmed} Re: {Disarmed} Re: {Disarmed} Re: Barifa Land
>>      Grabbed (Vasco Oguzua)
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2010 08:07:19 -0800 (PST)
>> From: francis azabo <ajaxaz...@yahoo.com>
>> To: A Virtual Network for friends of West Nile <westnilenet@kym.net>
>> Subject: Re: [WestNileNet] Barifa Land Grabbed
>> Message-ID: <435976.88375...@web110502.mail.gq1.yahoo.com>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>> I wonder whats being done to stop the project?
>> ________________________________
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>> Message: 2
>> Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2010 12:26:12 -0500
>> From: Vasco Oguzua <vogu...@gmail.com>
>> To: A Virtual Network for friends of West Nile <westnilenet@kym.net>
>> Subject: Re: [WestNileNet] {Disarmed} Re: {Disarmed} Re: {Disarmed}
>>        Re: Barifa Land Grabbed
>> Message-ID:
>> <aanlktimukseuv1bz0zrubg+3hfreoebm9gc6-9ufp...@mail.gmail.com<aanlktimukseuv1bz0zrubg%2b3hfreoebm9gc6-9ufp...@mail.gmail.com>
>> >
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>> Dear Brothers and Sisters,
>> Reading from what Mr. Adrale has presented graphically from what is
>> happening in the Barifa Forest, I think there has to a swift movement to
>> legal action. A week has almost passed since this issue was brought to the
>> attention of WNF forum, and it appears more trees are being felled,
>> moreover, this started way before this issue was brought on the Forum.
>> Procastination in taking action is like fighting while running away from
>> the
>> enemy. Ringtho just provided an example of what happened in Usi Forest in
>> Warr, the Arua Airport barren lands is another example of land wasting. We
>> need that greenery in Barifa to protect the town from environmental
>> calamities.
>> The logic of satellite town in Arua beats my understanding. What created
>> the
>> need for a satellite town in Arua?  and when was the decision to build a
>> satellite town in Arua without any regard for the already existing town
>> made
>> and by whom?. It appears to me Abiriga's responsibility in Arua is to
>> destroy the resources of Arua, rather than protect the resources of Arua.
>> Do
>> we allow our own brother to indulge into such a damage without challenging
>> him? Why should work done in good  faith be guarded by military personnel?
>> Does this not clearly show that there is something very wrong and sinister
>> against the people of West Nile by the so called people above. Is this not
>> a
>> way of showing or exposing the people of West Nile that we are stupid and
>> we
>> can be treated in the most despicable manner and our land can be taken by
>> foreigners while we are watching without doing anything? People we must
>> not
>> allow ourselves to be enslaved by people who think they have money and our
>> lives can be bought with money.
>> Where are the journalists in West Nile and politicians who should come out
>> and condemn this land grabbing. I do not see any story of this issue on
>> any
>> papers and it is well over weeks now. Why is West Nile so docile when it
>> comes to grabbing their resources? Are we cursed that land grabbing is
>> occurring infront of our eyes and the people can not rise up and defend
>> their property. Is that what poverty has reduced us to, to be abused and
>> tramped upon without saying anything?  Can we at least not learn from our
>> brothers and sister from Acholi who probably suffered in the camps more
>> than
>> us and yet had the courage and honour to resist land grabbing in their
>> area.
>> Where are our politicians and religious leaders in this issue?. The local
>> population needs to be mobilized for a protest about this land grabbing or
>> else we shall be beggars in our own region or house. This is very
>> insulting
>> and should not be tolerated. The legal fraternity needs to act quickly to
>> bring all involved including Abiriga to book. If the government belongs to
>> the people why should Abiriga intimidate local people with military
>> personnel.This is human rights issue as well. Please the legal fraternity
>> needs to act rather than wait as the forest may be fast disappearing.
>> On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 9:51 AM, aggrey adrale <fetagrey2...@yahoo.co.uk
>> >wrote:
>> >   Mickson,
>> >
>> > This is not a rumour anymore. I have a residence sharing borders with
>> the
>> > forest. Indeed prisoners are seen under the watchfull eyes of the Arua
>> RDC,
>> > Ibrahim Abiriga, clearing the block of trees starting from the fireline
>> > directly opposite Mzee Dranimva's Home, proceeding towards the next
>> fireline
>> > running inside the forest parallel to Oluko road and connecting to the
>> > fireline behind Oasis Inn. All the trees surrounding the abandoned house
>> > near former CARE office are being cleared. When asked, Mr. Abiriga says
>> it
>> > is orders from above (I've been reliably informed that Gen. Caleb
>> > Akandwanaho is behind this scheme). My Wife even inquired from the NFA
>> > Resident Range Manager who says he has not received any orders from
>> anywhere
>> > apart from Mr. Abiriga's militarily guarded operations clearing that
>> block
>> > of the forest. Of course Arua Municipal Council as an interested party
>> in
>> > the land should come up to inform the public on what is going on.
>> >
>> > That Barifa has been sold to Salim Saleh, et al, to construct modern
>> > satellite town has been a rumour running for more than five years now
>> and I
>> > think the truth is now unfolding. Our concern however is that Arua
>> Municipal
>> > Council may have already lost money to NFA by way of compensating the
>> latter
>> > with land at Kaza, in Logiri and further to that is likelihood of local
>> > stakeholders losing out on their interests in the now contested land.
>> >
>> > Is that a rumour anymore?
>> >
>> > Aggrey Adrale
>> >
>> >
>> > --- On *Fri, 17/12/10, Mickson Abati <abatimick...@yahoo.co.uk>* wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> > From: Mickson Abati <abatimick...@yahoo.co.uk>
>> > Subject: {Disarmed} Re: [WestNileNet] {Disarmed} Re: Barifa Land Grabbed
>> > To: "A Virtual Network for friends of West Nile" <westnilenet@kym.net>
>> > Date: Friday, 17 December, 2010, 14:54
>> >
>> >
>> >   Dear All
>> >
>> > This sounds as roumers, for if it was true that Barifa is being grabed
>> > without the concent of the Municipal Authorities Our dear Town Clark
>> would
>> > have issued a statement to conter these numerous out busts. For me as of
>> > now  i dismiss the above refference as roumers. I pray that this time
>>  the
>> > GoodLord will Intervene to defend the voiceless and punish the
>> parpetrators
>> > who want to take away our only becon of hope.
>> >
>> > Long live WNF
>> >
>> > Enjoaye.
>> >
>> >
>> > --- On *Fri, 17/12/10, aggrey adrale <fetagrey2...@yahoo.co.uk>* wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> > From: aggrey adrale <fetagrey2...@yahoo.co.uk>
>> > Subject: {Disarmed} Re: [WestNileNet] Barifa Land Grabbed
>> > To: "A Virtual Network for friends of West Nile" <westnilenet@kym.net>
>> > Date: Friday, 17 December, 2010, 9:41
>> >
>> >    Hi Caleb,
>> >
>> > Thanks for this information and guidance on what to do. For me the
>> > resolution is long drawn that we cannot allow people to interfere with
>> the
>> > acquisition process that was already on-going.
>> >
>> > What is the take of Arua Municipal Council on this?
>> >
>> > For me as a member of WNF I suggest we immediately give instructions to
>> our
>> > lawyers to seek court injunction to immediately cutail the recent
>> > developments and compensation to the relevant authorities for the damage
>> > already done. Perhaps we could also look at the option of suing some
>> people
>> > like Ibrahim Abiriga et al, who are physically overseeing the land
>> grabbing
>> > and clearing process at Barifa Central Forest Reserve.
>> >
>> > That's my take
>> >
>> > --- On *Tue, 14/12/10, Caleb Alaka <calebal...@yahoo.com>* wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> > From: Caleb Alaka <calebal...@yahoo.com>
>> > Subject: [WestNileNet] Barifa Land Grabbed
>> > To: "A Virtual Network for friends of West Nile" <westnilenet@kym.net>
>> > Date: Tuesday, 14 December, 2010, 14:34
>> >
>> >   As you are all aware, Barifa forest is one of the Central Government
>> > Forest reserves. Some two or so years ago, Arua Municipal Council
>> attempted
>> > to expand and extend its boundaries for a better planned Town. The
>> Municipal
>> > then applied to the National Forest Authority to have Barifa
>> de-gazetted.
>> > NFA accepted on condition that the Municipal Council got an alternative
>> land
>> > for the forest. Municipal then got land worth 100 Million Shillings in
>> > Logiri and it has been paying for the land. I understand the Municipal
>> > Council intended to re-plan Barifa into a new Arua Town. Now some people
>> > have emerged from nowhere claiming that they are acting "on orders from
>> > above" and they have been clearing Barifa forest. The RDC Arua is the
>> one
>> > purportedly supervising these people who have moved several trucks on
>> the
>> > land. For us to act as WNF, we need a resolution and or a consent of the
>> > members so that we instruct our lawyers to file a suit stopping these
>> guys
>> > from constructing any thing on the land and evicting them. If this
>> situation
>> > is not arrested, Arua Municipal Council will loose the 100 Million
>> > shillings, we shall not have a better planned town and we shall in the
>> words
>> > of the Bishop be worthless. What is your take on this
>> >
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