Dear Maandera and all,

I think the questions you and Achile are asking are the same questions that
have been asked time and again by many without answers. You are right to
sound confused, pushy or pre-emptive, but atleast you are demanding
responses for genuine concerns. Moments in time, members went mum and
withdrew their contributions because there was seemingly no communication
between WNF leadership and willing members on the forum.

What everyone of us need to realise is that quite a handful are interested
in the affairs of West Nile and can do little without the strength of a well
structured and coordinated organisation we all proudly refer to as WNF.
Passive responses from the executive (Whose constitution is not clear here)
has created such discontent. This can only be sorted when those purpoting to
be in positions of responsibility in WNF come out of their comfort zones and
give direction.

I case


On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 3:11 PM, Maandera <> wrote:

> Thanks Richard,
> I hope this expected information/document will also clarify what some in
> this forum are seeking, namely, the difference in membership for WNF and
> Knowing my financial status, I will (unashamedly) not be able to be a
> member of the investment wing. That means if "in about 14 days or less", the
> information given by the "small team" only relates to the Investment issues,
> those who might fall in my category will still be asking questions about the
> WNF (how it is going to operate/move forward, etc).
> My apologies if I am being too pushy or pre-emptive or simply confused.
> Maandera
> On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 10:13 AM, Okuti Boroa <> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> A quick update, there is work going on for the Investment idea an update
>> will come to the list in about 14 days or less. It was taken off the list to
>> the small team that is working on it.
>> Thanks for the vigilance.
>> Regards
>> Richard
>> *From:* Achile Fendru []
>> *Sent:* 23 February 2011 20:47
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* [?? Probable Spam] [WestNileNet] Now that the electionsare
>> over,let's get back to WNF business
>> Good people of West Nile,
>> On or about February 03, 2011, in a discussion that was going on between,
>> Aggrey Adrale, Vasco Oguzua and others at large, Vasco raised some very good
>> points in his last posting about WNF and WNFIC that I thought deserved some
>> response or at least mention from the current leadership of WNF, but to the
>> best of my knowledge has not been responded to. In a nutshell Vasco wanted
>> very clear and concrete information or resolution to the following;
>> *(1) Who is a member of WNF? *
>> *(2) What is the agreed membership fee for one to be considered a member
>> of WNF?*
>> *(3) Will paying membership to WNFIC constitute membership to WNF as
>> these two seem to be two different entities which all require membership?
>> *
>> (4) *Since the registration of WNF sometime last year, how far has the
>> organization gone in the direction of establishing a well
>> constituted Leadership structure of WNF?*
>> * *
>> I also remember the excitement and euphoria that gripped the members of
>> the community when it was announced that from one of the science café
>> discussions resulted in a resolution for the birth of the WNFIC. This I
>> quote from the posting at the time “*A lesson we all learned is to focus
>> more on innovation of ideas and getting down to action when still hot,
>> otherwise we face the risk of them being watered down by “Analysis by
>> paralysis” a common management problem*.” Around the same time there was
>> talk of us moving with high speed and lift off the ground as quickly as
>> possible and start investing by the month of March. We are at the end of
>> February and March is just around the corner, may we know what has come of
>> all these?
>> I know with the just concluded elections in the country a lot of effort,
>> attention and concetration may have been diverted somewhere else, but I
>> think it is essential that the members of the West Nile community be
>> provided with regular, relevant information in order to make informed
>> decisions about active participation in the affairs of the WNF. Only with
>> constant information will the members feel engaged, that they have control,
>> and can measure how the foundation is doing, and accept the complete
>> responsibility of being a member
>> Engaged members feel valued and are willing to put forth their best
>> efforts, thoughts, and initiatives. These members can serve as dynamic role
>> models for others. When a member believes that he or she creates real value
>> that helps drive the objectives of the foundation through the results of his
>> or her efforts, there will be positive ripple effect for the foundation in
>> terms of image and outlook.
>> Since engagement is rooted in relationships, it is not something that can
>> be mandated, forced, imposed on the people just like the WNF. Building a
>> community based on effective all out communication -- where there is open,
>> honest exchange of ideas, information and learning from others-- is central
>> for engaging a community like ours. It's equally important to empower
>> members through continuous, accurate developments, not only about the
>> membership choices, but also about the overall environment in which the
>> foundation operates.
>> I may have missed some mails or postings, and therefore stand corrected if
>> need be.
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