Dear all,
I would like to thank all the members who attended the science cafe of
yesterday. The turn up was good and blessed with the presence of our two
newly elected MPs; Hon Bako Christine and Hon elect Engineer Dr.
Aridru(forgive me if I have not placed the titles well). We also had two
elders who were very embraced and attentative to the end

The topic Alcohol and the community was handled very well by members under
the leadership of Dr. Bhoka George who took charge in the abscence of Fr.
Vundru who got committed in the last minute. Thanks so much to Dr. Bhoka for
doing it very well even when not prepared.
We had a moving testimony from Adomati Dickson who finally made a decision
to control alcohol after seeing what it had done to him plus many others
that made the discussion very interesting.
Sharing those experiences was very important to remind us.

Keys issues put forward;

   - Individuals should know that alcohol has more negatives than positives
   and each person should take charge of himself or herself and know the
   personal limitations while drinking.
   - We need alcohol policy in place and the police makers should take it
   - Women generally have less capacity to consume alcohol than men and they
   should take note of that.(this is a scientific fact)
   - We should be our sister's/brother's keeper and come to advice when we
   see alcohol is taking over the brother or sister
   - People want to know about the rehabilitation centers and what packages
   they have
   - We need to take these discussions to Westnile because many of us are
   taking care of families of drunken brothers/sisters and therefore we need to
   address the issue right from the roots
   - Government needs to understand the causes of over drinking in Uganda,
   propbably research needs to be done in this area to inform policy.

Way forward
We need to have a development agenda for westnile and address these issues
in the broader framework of our development agenda

This therefore gave rise to the next topic for science cafe discussion which
is "Setting development agenda for West Nile". This will be led by our
members of parliament. Hon Christine Bako and Hon elect Engineer Dr. Aridru
will take lead in organizing their colleagues and the link for mobilization
between us and the MPs will be Aggrey Adrale(Aggrey is my own suggestion
given his strategic position and thinking).

The  suggested date is 26th March 2011 from 3pm in the usual place.
We shall keep reminding you but please book that date on your calender, any
adjustments will be communicated.

What made me impressed was the fact that everybody including our MPs were
talking the same language; development and togetherness. We are not talking
about parites but development and Science cafe will not encourage any party
tone in the discussions, those will be reserved for places where they
belong. Therefore nobody should come there with that intention. All the MPs
are our brothers and sisters and all the positions they have taken are very
strategic and this was well elaborated yesterday.

On another note, yesterday's Monitor carried  the Entebbe fishermen story
where our brothers were killed. Tabu of Monitor sent the reporters to me and
for two days we were documenting the story.The story was long and
traumatising. You dont want to know what is going on there.
The thing I want to bring to people's attention is that the situation is
still very volatile. Attempts to attack the westnile community after that
incidence has happened twice and the most recent was four days ago where
about 60 people armed with pangas were ready to come to attack the westnile
fishing community  after false report to the police by a Muganda man. The
police were also ready to come to arrest the westnile fishermen based on
the false reporting. It was only after the victim, whose head was badly
shattered reported to the police that it was the westnile community who
saved his life and he was beaten by the Baganda ,not the westnile community.
There will soon be a civil war between the Baganda and Westnile community if
there is no intevention and with the high tension in the country, this could
be misinterpreted and could result into serious loss of lives.

We had made attempts to make a broader intevention into the issues,
unfortunately we were betrayed by our own brothers on this forum and out
just because of love for money. This was becoming an insecurity source for
me. I pray that we put humanity first before money and try to help our
vulnerable members of community. I throw it to our concerned members to take

Thanks so much

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