Since the incorporation of WNF and strategic plan was availed, it appears
that there has been no formal face to face meeting for the community to have

May I propose that we should plan for a formal meeting so that
a) Community have chance to review WNF & strategic plan
b) Discuss membership & membership benefits.

Two or three months ago, some fee proposal were suggested:
a) Is the fee shs 100,000?
b) Is the fee shs 50,000?
c) Is the fee per family?
d) How about students?
e) What fee structure is more comfortable for most people?

As professionals, I am optimistic that we have enthusiasm and excitiment to
make WNF a success. Lots of good things are already happening since we
started. Lets keep it up.

On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 9:31 PM, <> wrote:

> Send WestNileNet mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of WestNileNet digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>   1. Member ship/Subscription to WNF (alaka caleb)
>   2. Get together Party with our newly elected Political       Leaders
>      (alaka caleb)
>   3. ''THE WEST NILE CULTURE & HERITAGE DAY''....... 23rd      and 24th
>      April 2011 (JohnAJackson)
>   4. ''THE WEST NILE CULTURE & HERITAGE DAY'' scheduled...... 23rd
>      and 24th April 2011 at Heritage Courts & White Castle- Arua.
>      (JohnAJackson)
>   5. Re: Member ship/Subscription to WNF (Maandera)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2011 01:20:30 +0300
> From: alaka caleb <>
> To: A Virtual Network for friends of West Nile <>
> Subject: [WestNileNet] Member ship/Subscription to WNF
> Message-ID:
>        <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Colleagues,
> We incorporated WNF as a body corporate with capacity to transact any
> business in its own name. We developed the Mid term Strategic Plan. We
> are to establish a secretariat to operationalise and achieve the
> objectives of the Foundation. We did agree on the annual membership
> fee. To date we shy away from paying the same. We must appreciate that
> to-date, we are on this forum because Kigs is magnanimous. To host us
> needs a server and this means that some one is incurring costs. Lets
> be clear on this one. We can all be on this forum which is interactive
> and informative. It has assisted us a lot. But being on this forum
> does not mean that we are members of West Nile Foundation. Yes If we
> support the Foundation, it may in future sustain the cost of not only
> hosting this forum but also its own website. So can we be honourable
> and start contributing our membership fees to the Foundation to enable
> us execute its objectives.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2011 01:37:31 +0300
> From: alaka caleb <>
> To: A Virtual Network for friends of West Nile <>
> Subject: [WestNileNet] Get together Party with our newly elected
>        Political       Leaders
> Message-ID:
>        <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> West Nile Foundation intends to do the following.
> 1. Organize an interactive get together party for the newly elected
> Members of Parliament, L.C V chairpersons, Mayors, opinion leaders,
> Business community and C.A.O's from West Nile. The intention is to
> ensure that these newly elected leaders interact with our members and
> in the process, we can have some discussions about what is next for
> West Nile after elections. we may tackle health, Education,
> Electricity and Poverty alleviation in West Nile. There is a committee
> chaired by Gordon Obitre- Gama Drate which committee includes Afema
> Robert (publicity) Acidri Eddy (Treasurer), Buga Viga, Matenga Francis
> Dawa, Alemi William, Ezaga Patrick, Azabo Francis and Wendy. A
> tentative date of 26th March 2011 has been set. The Venue tentatively
> is Barbeque Launch at Centenary Park Kampala. The President of the
> Republic of Uganda may be the Chief Guest. This get together is
> intended to ensure that we begin a new chapter in the Political
> history of West Nile. We need to join hands as West Nilers to push our
> development agenda.
> 2. We intend to organize Ayume Memorial Lecture some time in April.
> 3. We intend to organize the First Ever West Nile Convention. We shall
> appoint the relevant committees for the other two efforts.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2011 19:01:08 -0600
> From: JohnAJackson <>
> To:
> Subject: [WestNileNet] ''THE WEST NILE CULTURE & HERITAGE DAY''.......
>        23rd    and 24th April 2011
> Message-ID:
>        <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> *Public Notice to be posted on West Nilenet.
> *Hello Brothers and sisters,
> I am not sure if you have heard the whispers or roamers, If you havent,
> don't worry.
> A commitee has been working behind the scenes to facilitate *''THE WEST
> CULTURE & HERITAGE DAY'' scheduled...... 23rd and 24th April 2011 at
> Heritage Courts  & White Castle- Arua.
> *
> Please mark Your Calenday for this spectacular day. Something you have
> never
> seen before like this one.
> This is a day we have been longing for a long time. The day is just around
> the corner.
> If you have young kids, don't miss this  spectacular event.
> This day IS expected to be be exceptional, full of fun, dance, comedy,
> glamour, fashion shows, etc.
> Please go on the mountains and blow the trumpet for everyone to come to
> this
> great day.
> If you are single and available, this may be a day to find your soul mate.
> Dont' miss it.
> If you love having fun,
> -------------- next part --------------
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
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> >
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2011 19:09:45 -0600
> From: JohnAJackson <>
> To:
>        scheduled...... 23rd and 24th April 2011 at Heritage Courts & White
>        Castle- Arua.
> Message-ID:
>        <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> *Public Notice to be posted on West Nilenet.
> *
> Hello Brothers and sisters,
> I am not sure if you have heard the whispers or roamers, If you havent,
> don't worry.
> A commitee has been working behind the scenes to facilitate *''THE WEST
> CULTURE & HERITAGE DAY'' scheduled...... 23rd and 24th April 2011 at
> Heritage Courts  & White Castle- Arua.
> *
> Please mark Your Calenday for this spectacular day. Something you have
> never
> seen before like this one.
> This is a day we have been longing for a long time. The day is just around
> the corner.
> If you have young kids, don't miss this  spectacular event.
> This day IS expected to be be exceptional, full of fun, dance, comedy,
> glamour, fashion shows, etc.
> Please go on the mountains and blow the trumpet for everyone to come to
> this
> great day.
> If you are single and available, this may be a day to find your soul mate.
> Dont' miss it.
> If you love having fun,
> *THIS IS IT!!*
> -------------- next part --------------
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> URL: <
> >
> ------------------------------
> Message: 5
> Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2011 06:30:05 +0300
> From: Maandera <>
> To: A Virtual Network for friends of West Nile <>
> Subject: Re: [WestNileNet] Member ship/Subscription to WNF
> Message-ID:
>        <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"
> Dear all,
> Based on Mr. Alaka?s mail dated ?Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 1:20 AM? to the net on
> ?Member ship/Subscription to WNF? I would like to comment on these
> *two*issues
> :
> *1. Membership to the WNFoundation. *
> Mr. Alaka indicated that
> We incorporated WNF as a body corporate with capacity to transact any
> business in its own name. We developed the Mid term Strategic Plan. We are
> to establish a secretariat to operationalise and achieve the objectives of
> the Foundation. We developed the Mid term Strategic Plan. We are to
> establish a secretariat to operationalise and achieve the objectives of the
> Foundation. We* did agree on the annual membership fee. To date we shy away
> from paying the same* (emphasis mine).
> Although I remember something to the effect of a set membership fee, I
> could
> not get the reference. (I suppose my skills of back searching archived mail
> in the net is not very good)
> However, considering the fact that some members on this net, like me, are
> still confused on this agreed upon membership fee (kindly refer to brother
> Achile Fendru?s letter on Feb 23rd plus related discussions up to Feb 24th
> <?shva=1#inbox/12e53a2960eb3c77>),
> you will do the NET a great service if you brought out these
> documents/references here AGAIN. From the related discussions based on
> Fendru?s reminder, it is clear to me that the majority of potential members
> are not aware that ?We did agree on the annual membership fee?.
> Pleeeeease, Mr. Alaka or whoever in the leadership of the WNF is
> responsible, I request you kindly to
> i) highlight and reference these documents; and,
> ii) guide the members AGAIN, on the payment modalities
> I think, this might be one of the things holding the operationalization of
> the membership fee and with it, a lot of other things in the mid term
> Strategic Plan.
> Or are there some who went ahead and already paid membership? How many
> people then are in this category?
> *2. Carrying out the business of the WNFoundation. *
> A few minutes later, another mail from Mr. Alaka, dated ?Thu, Mar 3, 2011
> at
> 1:37 AM? under the subject[image:
>]?[WestNileNet] Get
> together
> Party with our newly elected Political Leaders?, went ahead and noted how
> the WNF (not the net) ?*intends*? to ?[*o]**rganize an interactive get
> together party for the newly elected Members of Parliament, L.C V
> chairpersons, Mayors, opinion leaders, Business community and C.A.O's from
> West Nile.*? scheduled, tentatively, for 26th March 2011. From this mail,
> members of the Net (many of who ? including I ? may not be members of the
> WNF yet), are informed among others, that:
> *?The President of the Republic of Uganda may be the Chief Guest. This get
> together is intended to ensure that we begin a new chapter in the Political
> history of West Nile. We need to join hands as West Nilers to push our
> development agenda. ? *
> I will not comment on the apparent seriousness of this event, considering
> that the president is scheduled to be the GoH.
> However, I wish to note this:
> While such moves in the name of the WNF are commendable *especially if done
> in the name of the WN-Foundation *(not the Net), I think it is high time
> the
> leadership did better in *mobilizing membership to the WN-Foundation* than
> what they seem to be doing so far. It would be a shame after you have
> struggled to have the organization registered to fail to get members
> registered into it. What is the matter? What is happening?
> That?s it for now.
> Maandera
> On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 1:20 AM, alaka caleb <> wrote:
> > Colleagues,
> >
> > We incorporated WNF as a body corporate with capacity to transact any
> > business in its own name. We developed the Mid term Strategic Plan. We
> > are to establish a secretariat to operationalise and achieve the
> > objectives of the Foundation. We did agree on the annual membership
> > fee. To date we shy away from paying the same. We must appreciate that
> > to-date, we are on this forum because Kigs is magnanimous. To host us
> > needs a server and this means that some one is incurring costs. Lets
> > be clear on this one. We can all be on this forum which is interactive
> > and informative. It has assisted us a lot. But being on this forum
> > does not mean that we are members of West Nile Foundation. Yes If we
> > support the Foundation, it may in future sustain the cost of not only
> > hosting this forum but also its own website. So can we be honourable
> > and start contributing our membership fees to the Foundation to enable
> > us execute its objectives.
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> > WestNileNet mailing list
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> >
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> > attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any
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