In case you havn't seen this!

A power distribution box in Gwere-Luzira village in Moyo District, (inset) a
waterfall on Amoa stream/river in Moyo District. The community taps this
renewable resource to generate 500 watts of electricty, which it uses to
light up 5watt energy saver bulbs in at least 70 households.


It is 9pm in Gwere-Luzira village, Moyo District. Even with the sprinkling
of stars in the sky, darkness envelops the huts here. Until August last
year, it was hard to find a household here, awake at such an hour because
they retired early to bed so as to save some kerosene for the following day.

Fuel prices had just started to rise, which meant that the community, like
80 per cent of other Ugandans in the rural areas, had to dig deeper into
their pockets to light their tadoobas (wick lamps). Most of Gwere-Luzira’s
300 villagers did what came naturally in such a situation; retired to bed by
eight o’clock in the evening.

In 2009, others offered a more ambitious solution: use the nearby river to
generate power to light up their huts with energy saving bulbs. Together,
they formed an association (Lomgbwo Self-help Hydro Electricity Project) to
look into the feasibility of the undertaking. Each “capable” man was tasked
to contribute Shs20,000 whereas a woman was asked to get Shs10,000. Each
also had to contribute a membership fee of Shs2, 000.

They raised Shs6m. But when they went to
buy a turbine and cables, they learnt that they needed Shs11m, which
could not muster.
So, in the meantime, they started by collecting stones from nearby hills and
sand from the riverbed. Labour, both unskilled and semiskilled was
available. They used part of the Shs6m to buy cement. Next, they constructed
a 100 metre long, two-foot wide canal to funnel the water to their “power
generation plant”.

The association then approached the Promotion of Renewable Energy and Energy
Efficiency Programme (Preep), which assists rural communities to implement
micro hydro power schemes, for a helping hand. That is how it got a turbine
and cables. Members built a simple iron-roofed, brick structure to house the
turbine and did the necessary connections.

With the canal complete, they cracked a boulder to create an inlet for the
water, which would turn the turbines to generate power. “We would gather
firewood, place it on the boulder and then light the wood. Once the wood was
burned, we would pour cold water over the boulder. This would lead to
expansion and contraction, which, after two months, eventually cracked the
boulder,” says Cyril Dracho, the Technical Advisor to the Project. And now,
having invested just Shs17m, Gwere-Luzira village, though not connected to
the national electricity grid, is relatively well lit at night.

Denis Lejoruku, a teacher at Metu Senior Secondary School says because of
the lights, the pupils and students can now do some revision at night. “They
can engage in afternoon activities like football and netball at school
knowing that they will be able to do their homework at night,” says Mr

Concy Odego, the LC 1 vice chairperson, says that now the villagers can
visit each other and discuss village issues for hours. “We do not have to
worry that hosting village meetings well into the evening will increase our
kerosene expenses,” says Ms Odego.

Benedict William Itse, the Secretary of Lomgbwo Self-help Hydro Electricity
Project, says that the community is slowly recouping it’s capital
investment. “People come from the neighbouring Chechelog and Pamenywa
villages to have their cell-phones charged here,” says Mr Itse. Lomgbwo
earns Shs50,000 monthly from charging cell-phones.

Mr Dracho also says that the project earns monthly Shs100,000 from power
“Each household pays Shs1,000 per month per bulb used. Monthly, we collect
Shs0.1 million of which Shs25,000 is wages for three workers who maintain
the plant and also charge the cell-phones,” says Mr Dracho. He says there
are no cases of illegal connections “because this is a very small community
where members know each other”. “All those who have not registered for
connection are known,” he said. He adds that they have put in place measures
to minimise cases of illegal connections. “Instead of Shs1,000, we would
fine the culprit Shs5, 000 which is high by this community’s standards,”
says Mr Dracho.

Mr Lejoruku says that when the turbine breaks down, it takes them time to
fix. “There was a time when we did not have power for two weeks because the
turbine needed greasing, and yet we did not have the type of grease needed,”
he says. They had to wait until it was brought from
a month later!

Although the people are happy about this development, they want more. Sharon
Iziku, a housewife, says though the project is good, it would be better if
it could enable them power even television sets and bigger radios.

*The community has bigger plans.*
Mr Dracho says that once they have saved enough money, they would want to
invest on a turbine that can generate 5kW. “With 5kW, the community members
would even be able to use fridges to preserve the mangoes that go to waste,”
he added.

By Nelson Wesonga, Daily Monitor <>
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