While I agree lack of financial resources my be one the reasons for
problems in West Nile, I disagree that the state of affairs in West Nile
(poor education standards, poor service delivery, etc) is a result of lack
of money or financial resources. The issue John has raised especially with
the West Nile Foundation activities is not due to lack of money. I still go
back to what Mr. Ejiku opined a few weeks ago about commitment and
dedication, careful planning, and involvement of the people on the ground
in West Nile we talk so much about on this forum. If a strategic plan about
improving the lives of the people in West Nile was drawn with a commitment
from a few people who will The issues we always talk about so much need to
be share with the community on the ground so that we also gather and
include their views and input in the planning and decision process.
Sometimes we think we know the solutions to the local people's problem,
when actually they may have the best solutions to their problems. I believe
money is not as much of the issue as John has presented, but generally
attitude change, education (not academic) and awareness of the population
in looking at some of the problems. Sacrifice is another word which we do
not often use when it comes to discussing many of these community issues. I
do agree with John on lack of team work as observed with the political
representatives. Rather than pointing figures at the politicians we should
rather ask ourselves individually what we have done for our community as
I think one the most important things West Nile Foundation needs to do if
it is really hoping to make itself relevant and involved in helping to
improve the lives of the people in the region is to go out and interact
with the population in West Nile.  Gather peoples views about the
difficulties they experience in terms of services and seek their views
about how they can work hand in hand with the community to  address some of
the problems experienced by the community.
Certainly the Foundation can not solve all the problems of the region, but
can at least contribute to advocacy in many of the areas, such as
education, energy, food security, environment, social services, etc.
However advocacy requires commitment and dedication and open two way
communication with the people the organization will be advocating for and a
clear purposeful planned activities which involves the input of the people.
The dirty work is in gathering information to isolate and understand the
problem and state he problem which requires team work, open communication,
commitment, dedication, thoughtful and careful planning.
I can still recall in 2009 or 2010 when there was famine problem and some
problems a community experienced where their homes were torched. A few
members on this forum were quick to react selflessly and we contributed
over 3 million shillings in almost a week or two. Look at the numerous
funerals the community constantly is able to contribute to, because the
cause of the contribution is genuine and understood. Money is not in my
view the limiting factor but out ability to be organized, focused,
dedicated, committed and work as a team to help one another is what we lack
as a community.


On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 12:29 PM, JohnAJackson <javud...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear brothers and sisters,
> I have read the recent commends and the manner in which we have addressed
> various problems with PASSION, EMPATHY, SYMPATHY
>    - for many years, our political system has always been that we elect
>    MPs, they go to the Parliament for 5 years.  We rarely see them until the
>    next election or a funeral or some other celebration. This trend of doing
>    business with the community seems to continue unchallenged or unchanged.
>    - MPs are elected to stand in the Parliament on behalf of the
>    community, millions of people who cannot go to the parliament and present
>    their problems.
>    - Unfortunately, majority of our MPs forget the basic tenet of their
>    - we have all seen the problems of Party system of of ruling and
>    bitter competition, this happens all over the world.
>    - Our electortae is mostly ignorant of their rights or too naive about
>    their rights
>    - You can see the consequences of cheap politics where politicians
>    come home during elections  and they buy people SALT, SUGAR, DRINKS or Kill
>    A goat, People get so satisfied that they have gotten a fair share/deal.
>    - We all need to re-educate ourselves on FAIRNESS to the Community.
>    Hold our elected representatives accountable to the people who elected 
> them.
> Lack of team work among out MPs
>    - Last year we all cried for team work among our MPs and formation of
>    West Nile Caucus MPs Forum. Not sure if this is working at all.
>    - I am not sure if our MPs realize the benefit of team work. Instead
>    of working as a team, there is bitter competition over the meager 
> resources.
>    - When you throw a bone for many dogs, each dog will always want a
>    bite even if the bone has no muscles/meat. Just licking the bone seems to
>    satisfy each dog.
> Team work among us as community has been lacking for many, many years and
> seems to be our biggest trouble.
>    - As many talented youth graduate from schools/colleges/universities,
>    we all migrate to the cities in search of basic survival.
>    - Most of us have forgotten about our own roots back in the
>    village/counties. Sometimes even the homes where we were bone.
>    - As rural areas get depleted of TALENT MEN AND WOMEN, Who do we leave
>    in the village?????. These are unfortunate realities of urbanization.
>    - The dire need for team work and leadership among us cannot be over
>    emphasized.
> Reuniting our efforts in Directing West Nile Foundation & Community
> Development
>    - we have come to realize that we all need to work together as a team,
>    therefore, we formed WEST NILE FOUNDATION (WNF)
>    - We all need to build synergy and effort in directing WNF in
>    community Development.
>    - Unfortunately WNF needs financial resources for start off as Charles
>    Male had alluded to. Before you go out to seek donations, all donors want
>    you to demonstrate that you can sustain yourselves after they give you
>    - some money.
>    - We all need to reach out to our friends, brothers, sisters wherever
>    they leave. Majority of our people still live in West Nile region.
>    - Many of us are leaders, Managers, Directors, etc in organizations we
>    work for.
>    - We all need to bring out talent home, REBUILD STRONG COMMUNITY
> Constructive Criticism, Sharing Vision, New ideas, New Approaches to
> problem solving, Creativity
>    - Most successful companies today emphasize/bring/recruit people who
> JJ
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