Thank you Daktari Driwale for this observation.

1) It may be time for you to bring this issue to the attention of the
politicians in your capacity as as the top medical professional in the
district for discussion.

2) I would also hope that KOCISONET and othe CSOs would educate the
population about this drink.

Likewise, those who have access to the media should take on to the
airwaves and discuss the dangers of this poison among our people.

3) Grace and Hassan Nginya -- our people are waiting for you to take
action like teh Acholi have and ban this drink forthright!

4) Members of Parliament should request the Uganda Bureau of Standards
to test and certify that this potent gin is fit for consumption. They
should also brign the issue to the national parliament and request its
regulation and have its sales suspended ASAP pending results of the
Standards Bureau testing.

On Fri, 7/5/13, Driwale Alfred <> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [Kobokonet] Acholi moves to ban sachet waragi
 Received: Friday, July 5, 2013, 11:59 AM

 I have observed with concern that people drunk with this
 Alcohol in the sachets are not neccesarily happy as we knew
 with regular Nguli or Kwete or Kpete.You never hear them
 sing! They are arrogant, and agressive. Those who drink
 excessively look like a snake or Pounding stick; they are
 heavy on the head and flat from the shoulders through to the
 buttocks. Nothing bumbs up; neither stomach nor bums and

 There is some thing that we do not know in this

 The marketting strategies are agressive; in small cars
 and penetration any small trading centre, selling in whole
 sale prices to ensure that the retails are easily
 affordable. I saw a middlaged man in Lima trading centre
 with a chain of small sachet-let arround his neck drinking
 as he was riding a bicycle.

 There doses for 100/= so that children can afford with
 the poorest in the community.

 Since most of our local leaders have no vision
 (dreams), they have no Idea how this could interfare with
 their dreams(vision).

 My point is that this alcohol attack on the people has
 local solutions as the Acholi have said; No two things about
 that, period.


 --- On Thu, 4/7/13, Emmanuelyakani
 <> wrote:

 From: Emmanuelyakani <>
 Subject: Re: [Kobokonet] Acholi moves to ban sachet waragi
 To: ""
 Date: Thursday, 4 July, 2013, 19:33

 In every viable society, anything that comes from
 overseas or done locally has to be checked by the local
 authority and if they cause more harm to the people than benefits,
 then it should be assessed, reviewed or ban. The Acholi
 elders are doing the right thing and it's up to us to
 tell our leaders about the mental consequences of this
 alcohol and they should take their own assessment in order
 to take steps accordingly. We need to continue learning and
 get new ideas from outside and use them if they are relevant
 to our situation. The business guys do not care as long as
 they are making money. They will convince us that their
 products are great but the rest will depend on us. So kakwa
 youth and elders, we need to stand up to protect our people
 and our land. Thanks. Yakani
 On 28/06/2013, at 10:01, Charles Male <>

 > Great idea Acholi elders! We would love all teh
 district councils in
 > west districts to do teh honourable thing and ban all
 these poisonous
 > spirits. It was in 2007 while in Arua when I saw these
 100 ml sachets
 > handed out by some Waindi representatives. Akolo, Ayume
 Male and
 > myself knew commented that these spirits will one day
 destry our
 > people and many of them will end up on the streets with
 mental health
 > problems.
 > I am not sure whether there exists a regulatroy body to
 control the
 > importation and sale of alchoholand spirits -- if there
 is then it was
 > the worst decision to authorize the sale of this 100 ml
 > spirits.
 > We hope that our local councils will issue a ban on the
 spirits before
 > it is too late!
 > Charles
 > News
 > Tuesday, 25 June 2013 23:05 Written by Alex Otto 4
 Comments Acholi
 > cultural leaders want a ban imposed on alcohol sold in
 sachets in
 > northern Uganda. They say the brew is a catalyst for
 land conflicts
 > and low production in the post-conflict region.
 > “We don’t want alcohol that brings insanity and
 blindness in the
 > region,” said Peter Lugai, Acholi traditional chief.
 > “Alcohol those days was for leisure, and it was
 naturally brewed, but
 > this alcohol in sachets is very bad for human health;
 as leaders we
 > should get a way to get rid of it.”
 > Lugai made these remarks during a recent meeting
 organised by the
 > Uganda Association of Female Lawyers in Gulu to discuss
 alcohol abuse
 > in the region. The chief challenged the minister of
 Trade, Amelia
 > Kyambadde, to walk a fine line between
  minding about people’s health
 > and encouraging business.
 > “Even though this alcohol brings in money, it is also
 very dangerous.
 > So, we in Acholi are saying no to this kind of alcohol.
 We want to
 > ensure development in the region and this cannot happen
 when people
 > are drunk and some made weak by such kind of
 alcohol,” he said.
 > Collins Opoka, another traditional leader of Bwona in
 Koch, Gulu
 > district, was more radical in his approach, proposing
 that all cheap
 > alcohol should be banned in Gulu.
 > “You taste this alcohol today, it tastes different
 and the next time
 > you taste it again, it does not taste the same. Having
 drunk it, many
 > people have more than two or three wasted days due to
 > Opoka claimed.
 > The leaders also alleged that alcohol is a leading
 cause of domestic
 > violence in the
 > “Uganda National Bureau of Standards should check on
 this carefully
 > because where this alcohol is produced, they reportedly
 don’t consume
 > it. In fact, in Kenya if they get you consuming that
 kind of alcohol,
 > you are arrested,” said Michael Tebere, technical
 advisor of the Gulu
 > district chairperson.
 > Three Gulu sub-counties of Odek, Lakwana and Lalogi
 plan to pass
 > by-laws regulating alcohol consumption.
 > ottojohnalex@gmail.comThis
 e-mail address is being protected from
 > spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
 > ------------------------------------
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