Studeied Animal farm in Secondary School? Attached is the Animal Farm
Youtube video to enjoy and for teachers to show to their current and future
literature students

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Hussein Juruga <>
Date: Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 9:39 AM
Subject: [WestNileNet] George Orwell's Pig: From The Books Farm To Uganda
To: Ugandans-at-heart <>, Uganda Muslim
Brothers and Sisters <>,,,

It was in school that I first got to read George Orwell's "Animal Farm".

In fact it was one of the books that first awakened my understanding on the
despicable basics of political intrigue.

The main characters of interest in the book are of course the pigs. They
are the intelligent ones in the farm, able to speak to the understanding of
the other less intellectual animals.

 Those who've read the novel know that originally they come up with this
breathtaking plan to "liberate" all animals from the enslavement and
custody of the human farm owner.

They tell the other animals of an uplifting revolutionary ideal world where
all animals will be equal, their rights guaranteed and the fruits of their
labour equally shared.

Considered one of the best contemporary political novels in the world, one
cannot help but make comparisons between reality and the fiction envisaged
in the book.

Because it turns out to be so real in the history of each and every nation
on the globe albeit with different circumstances and during different times.

Politics has it's place forever sealed in the management of nations and
their people. However, evolution also has its place in the forward looking
progress of mankind and it's societies.

Looking at Uganda, one would see a history of upheavals and strife mixed
with moments of hope and prosperity. And that's where the pigs came in.

In the book, Swine talked everyone into believing about a future free from
the dictates of the farm owner.

So when they orchestrated the revolution to liberate all the farm animals,
 all fought united under the promise of a better tomorrow.

Of course after some time, events start taking a turn for the worse.

By the time other animals realized what was actually taking place, some
animals had become "more equal than others". The pigs had already shared
among themselves all the positions of political, military and economic

That is similar to the tribalism and nepotism that Uganda has always
contended with.

The pigs in the book concentrated all political power under their rule and
used the dogs to fight off and kill their enemies, including rival pigs.

So one would think that Uganda has seen it all in terms of political
upheavals. But are we out of the woods yet?

With the likes of Nelson Mandela refusing to act like George Orwell's pigs
by peacefully leaving power and handing it over to any individual chosen by
the masses, we still have a long way to go to come out of dictatorship.

Uganda has never had a peaceful leadership transfer from one elected
civilian leader to another elected civilian leader.

Many countries who started the journey to democratic governance after
Uganda have already achieved and bypassed that benchmark.

Because that is the actual "Finish Line" of a successful political
transformation into a free and stable country.

Without that, we are still in Animal Farm pigs politics.

Politically speaking, the filth of urine, food and excreta that
characterizes the pig's style of living therefore continues, because if the
other animals would have a chance, they would bring in their specific
comparative advantages in creating something fresh.

It's only by allowing novelty that a people can compare what is actually
better for everyone.

George Orwell's pigs promised heaven and earth, then once there, they got
affected by the "entebbe ewooma" syndrome ("the seat is nice and
comfortable" in Luganda).

When will the democratic system function in it's full intended cycle?
Because maybe the goats and the ducks could bring something new to the
management and development of the country. If only they had a peaceful
chance to rule as well.

But if the reply to such an idea is "twatera embundu" (basically saying "we
are the ones who fought") as has been the case for the last three decades,
then George Orwell is laughing loudest in his grave as some idiots still
try to act out his book today for real.

As it stands, persons with alternative views aren't accepted, are confined
in their homes and can't even go to town to earn a living or meet their

That's a strange version of democracy akin to a modern political apartheid.

It was astounding to hear Barack Obama during Nelson Mandela's memorial
say: "There are too many leaders who claim solidarity with Madiba's
struggle for freedom but do not tolerate dissent from their own people."

I swear to God those are the very same dealings of Animal Farm's pigs? Talk
heaven to comrades quietly on one side, then publicly unleash hell and a
tirade of informal fallacies to tarnish persona: Exactly like in the book.

In it we have swine finding all sorts of legally dubious ways to dominate,
and increasingly heavy-handed, militaristic means to keep themselves
enjoying the best government facilities and amenities for free.

Ending up making the situation even worse for the farm animals than when
the farm owner took good care of his farm.

If Mr. Pig could be like him, the animals in the farm would surely have
security, a place to sleep, medical treatment and food to eat without a

But obviously the pig will always want to enjoy living in the main house
while ensuring forced submission of the rest in the barn.


Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin

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