This is really beginning to send chills down my spine!!

In my opinion, disregarding this information is tantamount to emulating the
stupid proverbial ostrich. Anyway, history is always the best judge and a
discerning person "knows them by their fruits!"


On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 10:22 PM, andrew aleli <> wrote:

> Dear Members,
> The involvement of Anite in helping Museveni to continue pursuing his life
> presidency project, is something we have to take a serious look at. From
> one angle, it's easy to argue that what Anite has done is so great but
> seriously looking at the flip side, it's something of serious concern to
> us, the Kakwa. The Kakwa tribe has featured in the Ugandan media and
> associated with Museveni's longevity in power.
> This is the second time a Kakwa has been involved in Museveni's life
> presidency project. The first, as many of you may recall, involved the late
> Hon. Francis Ayume. At the time Museveni was scheming to remove
> presidential term limits, the late Ayume was the attorney general. It may
> not be a far-fetched notion that Museveni appointed the late to help him,
> especially from the legal aspect, change the constitution in order to
> remove the presidential term limits so that he became a life president.
> Media reports, however, had it that the late Ayume was opposed to
> Museveni's scheme of changing the constitution. The late Ayume, a legal
> expert and shrewd politician, could not easily be convinced and
> outmaneuvered by Museveni. Some media reports suggested that the late
> Ayume's opposition might have been the reason for his death. How far true
> that is the case remains a speculation.
> Now, another Kakwa, in the name of Anite, is drawn into Museveni's life
> presidency project. This time round, he has won a Kakwa to help him in his
> project. In other words, while the late Ayume was opposed, Anite has taken
> Museveni's position. Why Museveni is using us, the Kakwa, in his schemes
> when there are better, more powerful  people to help him, I have no idea.
> Is Museveni dragging us into his schemes so that, after he is gone, we the
> Kakwa can share the blame in his evil schemes? Looking especially at the
> involvement of Anite, the Kakwa are already tied to Museveni's life
> presidency. What explanation do we have in future when we are confronted to
> explain our involvement?
> These and many other questions and issues are things we have to reflect on
> and think deeply. Clearly, we, the Kakwa, seem to be used as pawns (the
> Kakwa call it "gigireba") by Museveni. After all, when Museveni succeeds in
> becoming the NRM party flag-bearer, he and probably Anite, will be the
> beneficiaries but not the entire Kakwa people, despite dragging them,
> through Anite, into his schemes.
>  Aleli.
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