Extract: State-Inspired Genocidal Persecution in Uganda, 1980-85.

"The episodes of genocidal killing in Uganda in the period under
examination, namely from 1980-85, came to an end when the Obote regime
fell apart under the strains of its own internal contradictions.
Whether that brought to an end the structural vulnerability of Uganda
to future episodes of genocidal violence is a different question. The
answer is not optimistic.
The passing of Milton Obote’s second reign, and in its wake, the
routing of the Okellos by the NRA, was viewed by many as a watershed
in Ugandan politics; heralding the first decisive shift of political
pre-eminence from the elites of the north of the country to those of
the south. The years that have followed the NRA’s victory, though
marked by a relative upswing of fortunes for the better part of the
country, have also been characterized by an explosion of armed
rebellion, as Ugandans increasingly perceived Yoweri Museveni’s
exploits almost as a re-branding of insurgency as an enterprise, if
not elevating it to the level of an institution. No less than fifteen
rebel groups and movements have since emerged 18 , the
longest-surviving being the exclusively Acholi Lord’s Resistance Army
(LRA) which, with its enigmatic leader Joseph Kony, has dragged the
country into what may probably be the most brutal, if purposeless,
episode of insurrection Africa may yet see. It may not be far- fetched
to suppose that, in the fullness of time, the dire effects of the
rebellion in central northern Uganda might call for the kind of
examination that is the subject of this paper, albeit for a different
era and principal culprit, Apollo Milton Obote.

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