"Go Hang"? What Service To The Public Is That?

What is this increasingly abusive verbosity by so called Public Relations
professionals? When the Media Center tells the clergy to "Go hang!" as
mentioned in the Daily Monitor last week, or some worse utterance from
other state Press Officers, doesn't this warrant disciplinary action?  I
thought we had an appraisal system that checks civil servants performance
and conduct in service delivery.
Aren't grave pronouncements such as this one, to Ugandan citizens whom the
official is serving, supposed to be reprimanded?
An organization like PRAU (Public Relations Association of Uganda) also
needs to defend the profession when standards of public decency by it's
members have literally gone to the dogs.
Actually apologies and punitive administrative measures prescribed by the
code of conduct for public servants are called for here.
Sincerely, what added value are insults to service delivery?
No where else have I heard professionals utter that much trash per PR mouth
per annum than in Uganda's civil service.
In stark contrast to these officials, the police and the military
spokespersons are the most diplomatic yet they handle the same, and even
more sensitive national security topics. Most government officials are
diplomatic and have thereby been more effective in serious public
communications in the media, parliament or with citizens generally.
So isn't it that substandard persons are constantly abusing citizens they
are supposed to serve? Thereby increasing unnecessary social antagonisms?
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