Picture: "Ok! Lets dance to this Acholi beat! To the left! To the right! To
the left...!"

Understanding How They Framed Amin For Mass Murder.

Amin spent alot of time releasing people from jail. Particularly prominent
Ugandans. Those opposed to him wanted to utilise the arrests politically.
They continue to do so today.
The pattern decoded by security officials emerged as follows:
- The rebels wrote rebellion letters that were signed by the rebels leader
and addressed to the prominent citizen.
- They rebels would then leak the letter directly to security officers
without even the citizen knowing.
- State security would then take the clueless citizen for questioning, they
themselves not knowing this was a scam scheme.
- Amin would hear that a prominent Ugandan had been arrested.
- He would ask to meet the individual and try to settle whatever matter it
- It would later emerge that the person had been subtly framed by
anti-government forces so that damage is caused to Amin.
- Many such senior citizens/officials were released and sent home on Amins
direct orders.
- The exiles would then contact the very person again and try to persuade
him/her to join them now that he had suffered for a few hours at the hands
of the state.
- Many summarily refused and were swiftly murdered by the rebel squads who
didn't want their identities revealed to security officials.
- It was most important that the rebels try and create a public rift
between Amin and a prominent citizen/politician so that when they killed
him/her later, international public opinion would straight away connect the
death to Amin even without any evidence.
That is how many civilians/government officials met their deaths: Framing
If only they could come and tell the truth.
For their surviving families, in order to be secure, and for others in
order to gain from the subsequent governments, it was understandably
convenient to blame Amin as well. That way they become "heros who gave
their lives to the cause". That is what the very people who murdered them
say today during public functions. That is especially the case for Chief
Justice Ben Kiwanuka. Amin, who once put the number of those killed
maliciously during his tenure at approximately 1600 ( includind armed
rebels killed in fierce battles during attacks against the state) said at
the time that the case of the Chief Justice was the work of Obote. That is
also the case of my mother Kay who was also first abducted from her home,
murdered and then chopped to pieces by the Obote squads who then tried to
dispose of her body but were caught during a routine police check on
Unfortunately for my mother, she isn't recognized as one who gave her life
for the cause like others are. It would be interesting to learn why?
Amin ordered police investigations (particularly in the case if the late
Chief Justice), an investigation whose findings should be available in
records for public scrutiny and history research.
Even when they are actually clueless about what exactly happened, the
surviving families prepared befitting stories blaming Amin, many of which
are published every year in "comemmoration" (RIP).
Out of anger against him and out of greed for power, the story of Amin is
actually about his opponents (mainly Obote & his so-called "liberation"
group) organizing ridicule, outright lies or despicable murderous pranks
against him.
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