This is KB (a guy in the USA)
He posted in numerous WhatsApp groups.
Federalist Alliance for Democracy and Development in Uganda ( FADDU) has
implicated Museveni and Raiti Omongin in the murderous rampage that gripped
the nation during Amin's government. Amin was no angel and he also killed
Ugandans but this was in response to what Museveni was doing to destabilize
his government. Amin ordered the public execution of 13 FRONASA cells that
took part in killing and kidnapping civilians forcing them in car boots.
Among those executed was Tom Masaba who carried out Museveni's orders of
eliminating prominent Ugandans in 1970s. Those execute included William
Nkoko from Busoga region, Joseph Bwtwari and James Karambi from Kigezi and
Phares Kasoro an ex policeman from Toro.
On January 22 1972 a tribunal chaired by Lt. Col. Ozo heard the testimony
as those captured confessed on how they were instructed by Yoweri Museveni
to kidnap, torture and killed prominent Ugandans.
Tom Masaba and Nkoko made statements that those mostly involved in
murdering people were mainly from the Uganda army and their cell was in
Lugala Forest in Busoga and most of the FRONASA recruits were from Kigezi.
On leaving the training camps, most of these young men were arrested by
Amin's security forces. They told Col. Ozo that they were operating in
small cells disguise themselves as soldiers and abduct people.
The military tribunal that heard the confession included Col. Hussein
Malela, Maj. Gabriel, Capt. Ssengendo, and Amin himself. Bishop Festo
Kivengere approached Amin and asked him to pardon them but Amin refused.
On the execution day Tom Masaba told Bishop Kivengere " Bishop thanks for
coming! I wanted to tell you, the day i was arrested, while in my cell, i
asked the lord Jesus to come into my heart. He came in and forgave me all
my sins, Heaven is open now and there is nothing between me and my God,
please tell my wife and my children that i am gone to meet Jesus and warned
people of being used to kill innocent people. Nkoko was publicly executed
in Bugembe Stadium in Jinja. In justifying his actions, Amin on January
25th, 1973 told visiting businessmen from Bugisu, that if anyone involves
himself in subversive activities whether he is a minister or not the will
be put before a military tribunal and be executed.
On January 30th, 1973 Yusuf Abwooli from Mwenge in Toro was arrested at the
Uganda Bookshop tea room by PSU he had a pistol and three magazines given
to him by Museveni's FRONASA to kill prominent Ugandans in the city. Voice
of Uganda on January 31st, 1973 Malibo said he was sent from Tanzania by a
young Yoweri Museveni with several others to assassinate, kidnap certain
important people in the country. He was told to assassinate Wanume Kibeddi,
Edward Rugumayo, Yekosofati Engur, Col. Francis Nyangweso and he was in
possession of their pictures.
On Feb. 4th, Yoweri Museveni told the British Newspaper the Observer that
the people were arrested and executed near Mbale town belonged to FRONASA.
In Aug. 2009 Nkoko's remains were exhumed from a public cemetery and
reburied at Kityerera in Mayuge district and Museveni told mourners that
Nkoko was part of FRONASA.
Now Museveni says he brought peace. Yet he was the one killing and bringing
war all along. He can tell those lies to the poor youth who were born under
his watch.

So now we wait for the likes of Amama Mbabazi to confess?

Hussein Amin.
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