Idi Amin: The Ugandan Patriot/Soldier.

My late father fought neo-colonialism and foreign exploitation. He tried to
help fellow Africans and others who suffered segregation in their own
countries. He empowered Ugandans. He built Uganda. He ensured that
government services, including hospitals and education institutions,
functioned as designed. Teachers, doctors and civil servants promptly paid.
Agricultural support with modern equipment for all districts. Acquired
advanced telecommunications and modern public transportation assets.
Infrastructure was well maintained. Upgrades were implemented. He went to
the international arena a proud African, ready to defend Africa, ready to
fight Apartheid, ready to kick colonialism from the continent, ready to
liberate the suffering and constantly bombed Palestinian people. He
protected the country.

A country where we now need to work together, live together, and strive
together for a brighter future.

A country where we shouldn't allow corruption and bribery to become our

Where the corrupt are considered smart, and the hardworking are called

Where irresponsible politicians decieve the people to get to office (or to
remain there), then engage in public theft, emptying state coffers dry, and
are subsequently protected from prosecution.

We need to curtail this shameful, unflattering corruption, plunder and lies
behaviour in leadership.

Exactly 12 years ago today, on 16th August 2003,  Former President of
Uganda, Al-Hajji Field Marshal Idi Amin Dada, passed away.

All he wanted was to be a good father to his family, a good friend to the
African people, a good soldier for his country and indeed in God did he

Tune-in to Arua One FM from 9pm tonight Sunday 16th and listen to our
discussion which focused on Field Marshal Idi Amin, his true legacy for
this country, and how to this day manybyoung Ugandans consider him the most
patriotic leader Uganda ever had.

The reference for ordinary citizens in regards to sovereign Ugandan
national development.

Remember! 9pm this evening Sunday 16th.

A full interview transcript will be available online as soon as is possible
(Facebook and Twitter)

May His Soul Rest In Peace.

Hussein Lumumba Amin
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