
Clearly this and other similar documents authored by different governments
after Obote is what led to the 50 year master plan by a particular tribe in
the current government. They are very particularly on course to make it
work and if only Ugandans can learn from these sectarian mistakes we make.

We teach through our own deeds and thoughts others to become bad.


On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 8:54 PM, Hussein Amin <>

> This document is disturbingly sectarian, but it is actually quite funny.
> What was going on?
> Containing primarily the views of the Langi elders, then an Addendum
> letter to Obote that was authored by Okello-Apello, this document was meant
> for Apollo Milton Obote and the UPC top elites from Lango, here is what is
> commonly referred to as the "THE LANGO MASTER PLAN".
> Have a read:
> ____________________________________
> We wish to lead the people of Uganda as per the Langi culture.
> After studying the different regions and peoples of Uganda to find out
> what the different tribes think and do, here is the feedback from fellow
> Langi who work in different regions of Uganda on how ready they are to
> advise on how best the Langi can rule Uganda.
> Here below is our advice:
> First of all, the Langi were mistreated by the British colonialists and
> after the departure of the British upon Uganda attaining independence, all
> the tribes of Uganda despised us. We had very few educated Langi which led
> to all the top government posts being filled by people from other tribes.
> This made all the Langi to envy other tribes.
> We are now totally convinced that should we follow to the letter what is
> stipulated in this document, herewith known as The Lango Development Plan,
> Lango shall rise and shine and we shall be able to rule Uganda for at least
> 50 years!
> Fundamental steps to be taken:
> 1. Increase the number of schools in Lango and post in them highly
> educated teachers. We shall take it upon ourselves to fill the schools with
> pupils and students every year.
> 2. We must ensure that Langi are made Education Officers in order to
> equate the number of Acholi Education Officers, or even to supersede them.
> We must not accept the Acholi to boast that they are cleverer than us.
> 3. With immediate effect, send Langi students abroad on scholarships. We
> must ensure
> that vacancies are reserved for them in key government positions to deter
> people from other tribes being employed in such positions, such that our
> sons and daughters get employed immediately upon their return. In the
> unlikely event, should an Acholi be employed in a key position, then he
> should not be a boss to a Langi.
> 4. Increase the number of industries and factories in Lango in order to
> boost our economic power. We are well aware that this will cause the other
> districts to become jealous of any developments in Lango, but this shall
> force the other regions to federate with us basing on our strong purchasing
> power base. The only serious opposition we might face is from the Acholi,
> especially should the number of industries in their region increase.
> 5. We are aware that there is a considerable number of Acholi in the army,
> police and Prisons’ forces more than the Langi. We should increase the
> numbers of Langi to supersede the Acholi, and we request that this be
> implemented as soon as possible. We foresee with dismay the danger of the
> Lugbara and Madi joining forces in order to topple our government. We
> therefore recommend that the following Langi army officers: Arach Metucela,
> Oboma Ayumu, Ogwang and Elyak, be promoted immediately in order to head the
> armed forces.
> We do not trust other tribes. Metucela Arach should be promoted to the
> rank of Major General and, either Oboma or Elyak be made Chief of Staff.
> With respect to Police, Odongo should be made the Inspector General of
> Police and Samson Ochan should be made the Commissioner for Prisons. Should
> these recommendations delay to be implemented, we shall suffer heavily.
> There is quite a considerable number of Acholi officers in the Police and
> Prisons forces who have served for quite a long time although they are not
> well educated. We should promote these not so-intelligent elderly officers
> but not the young energetic Acholi.
> Langi youthful officers should be strategically put to work side by side
> with these Acholi elderly officers so that with time we weed out the Acholi
> and replace them with the Langi youthful officers. The good in keeping the
> elderly Acholi officers is that they despise any advice from the youthful
> Acholi that could lead them to get ideas of toppling our government. We
> should be wary of Idi Amin despite his being illiterate because he can
> easily join hands with intelligent Lugbara who can plan to topple our
> government. We do not want that Acholi, Anywar, to be head of the Special
> Branch. This post should be given to a Langi.
> 6. We wish that all recruiting officers in all government departments are
> Langi. This will give a chance to those Langi who did not get access to
> education to get access to wealth. Any Indian or foreign national who
> mistreats a Langi should be expelled from Uganda.
> The following ministries should be headed by Langi: Planning and Economic
> Development; Agriculture; Education and; Health.
> The Acholi should not be given an opportunity to head ministries or even
> departments that are directly in the line of developing the country.
> 7. Whenever a need arises to carry out a project in Acholi, the same
> project should also be carried out in Lango, as a must. Should there be any
> programme to be executed by the Acholi, we must see to it that also Langi
> officers are involved.
> 8. Send as many Langi officers as possible to work in Acholi, especially
> as administrators.
> This shall make the villagers in Acholi believe that we Langi are the best
> educated and most suitable. Ensure that the District Commissioner for
> Acholi district is always a Langi who shall give us a non-compromised
> report on exactly what the Acholi are up to. This DC should also encourage
> the fanning of divisions among the Acholi and any progressive Acholi with
> the intent of uniting East and West Acholi should be earmarked. However,
> should East Acholi wish to join us, they should be most welcome, in fact
> should there be any developmental projects to be carried out in Acholi,
> they should be along the border areas with Lango in order for the Langi to
> benefit the most.
> 9. Please ensure that many Langi join the ranks of NUYO, as this will make
> the other tribes believe that it is only the Langi who are capable of
> leading the nation. We should instill this myth in the minds of all the
> other tribes by ensuring that only Langi are appointed in key
> administrative posts. This will serve us well since the country is headed
> for development because then all the other tribes in Uganda shall be made
> to believe that it is only Langi who are capable of being good leaders and
> that anything good can only be found in Lango.
> 10. The Langi are quite unhappy about the current boundaries with Acholi.
> The boundary should have been from Adilang straight to Bobi following the
> road to Koch and Karuma. This was the wise counsel of Yakobo Adoko. On the
> side of Teso, Kumam territory should be annexed to Lango, whereas on the
> side of Karamoja, Lango should stretch up to Labwor.
> 11. We should be secretive on whatever goes on within Lango. All
> developmental projects in
> Lango should not be broadcast on the national Radio or even in the
> newspapers. People without a strong foundation should not be allowed to
> work in Lango. At the same time, people who are well conversant with Lango
> but despise us should also not be allowed to serve in Lango. This should be
> so in order to avoid the impression that Lango is being developed at a fast
> rate at the expense of other regions.
> 12. The following departments should be headed by Langi: Public Service
> Commission; Uganda Development Corporation; Nyanza Textiles; Tororo Cement
> Works; Uganda Hotels; Kilembe Mines and Uganda National Parks. All this is
> possible but it seems that there is an element of inferiority complex.
> Please note:
> Ankole: Kahigiriza is incapable of implementing our ideals because of the
> fear that someone else could take over his position.
> Kigezi: Mpambara readily accepts anything put before him on his plate.
> Toro: Samson Rusoke is wary of Rwambarali because he thinks that the
> latter might replace
> him as the Omuhikiirwa (Prime Minister) of Toro.
> Buganda: There is nothing to fear in Buganda, except for Daudi Ochieng,
> who is actually not liked by the Baganda themselves. Even in his own home
> he is not popular and his relatives loathe him and do not trust him.
> Busoga: Nadiope is well aware how he faces eminent opposition from
> Bamutire and also how he is disliked by the Basoga in Iganga.
> Lango: H.E Obote is adored by all in lango except for Ben Emor, who tried
> to make himself popular by means of trying to promote the Union. He has
> been earmarked and all his movements are being monitored.
> Acholi: All the bad elements in Acholi land were taken care of by Peter
> Oola. The remnants are now located outside the district and even though
> they returned, it would be too late because no Acholi could believe what
> they preached.
> Lugbara and Madi: These are hopeless people, there is nothing to fear
> among them.
> Education Scholarships:
> 1. The Scholarships Committee responsible for sending students abroad
> should be composed of only dedicated Langi and educating of the Acholi
> should be put in check.
> 2. We wish that all the teachers in Ngeta and Boroboro TTC be strictly
> Langi. Teachers from other tribes other than Langi who wish to teach in
> schools and institutions found in Lango should have a good knowledge of the
> Langi Luo version.
> 3. It is an open secret that there is a privately owned school in Acholi
> which is aided by the government. This school falls in the same category as
> those of Jefania Okae and Kejekia Okulu in Lango district. Why is it that
> these latter two schools in Lango are not aided by the government?
> 4. We do not want to see any Jaluos in Lira or even to see them fishing in
> Kwibale, Namasale, Acung, Ibuje or any other place in Lango. They should
> relocate to Acholi or
> West Nile.
> 5. We hope that you are well aware how the Baganda used to seat on the
> busts of our
> grandparents while they drank liquor or brew. We shall always remember
> this act. Up-til today, the Acholi tease us how they used to burn us like
> animals, when will the Acholi ever be roasted like elephant meat? Akena
> Adoko says that he is the only one capable of dealing with the Acholi.
> 6. We reliably learnt from G.M. Okae that there are two Acholi lecturers
> in the Makerere
> University College, why are there no Langi lecturers? Maybe this is the
> reason why there are also few Langi students in the University College,
> reason being that the Langi students are frustrated by Acholi lecturers.
> The Langi should be trained as tomorrows leaders since they are to rule
> Uganda.
> This is the full report of our investigations from all the regions of
> Uganda.
> As per our wishes, there should be no elections at all. For what benefit
> is it to hold general elections today? The general elections we held in the
> first place was because we wanted to end colonial rule and thus expel the
> British; now whom do we want to expel to necessitate the holding of general
> elections? We acknowledge the authority commanded by the President of our
> UPC, a phenomenon that has generated a lot of envy among our fellow UPC
> inner circle. Should we allow any other person to take over that position,
> we as Langi shall be subjected to enormous suffering.
> We should increase the ranks of Langi officers within the army, police and
> prison forces, and the commander of the Special Force must be a Langi and
> not from any other tribe. We do not want an Acholi to head the Special
> Branch. They are not to be trusted and can easily poison us.
> There is no doubt that we are capable of ruling Uganda for 50 years should
> Obote collaborate with the great sons of Lango such as Adoko .A.Nekyon,
> J.M. Okae, Abdallah Anyuru, Joel Wacha-Olwol, Ben Otim-Etura and Yokosafati
> Engur who is currently overseas.
> God blessed us to cooperate and work together.
> Should anyone attempt to do our President any harm, we are willing to
> sacrifice our own lives for him.
> Long live our son, we are his confidants and this document should remain
> confidential, and be circulated only amongst our most trusted.
> _____________________________
> Addendum:
> Our Great Leader, Apollo Milton Obote,
> 1. You should not be deceived by anyone that the Acholi detest Peter Oola.
> We the Langi like Oola so much because it is through him that we can deal
> decisively with the Acholi.
> 2. Never at any give time, allow Alipayo Oloya to be the chairman of
> Acholi District Council
> (ADC). We as Langi, protest such a move. Do your best to have the ADC
> chairmanship elections postponed until such a time when we have got a
> suitable person to replace Alipayo Oloya.
> 3. Save us from the Acholi. We detest Eria Lakidi’s and others from Acholi
> district being in Entebbe.
> 4. Save us from the Acholi. We do not want any Acholi to be a minister of
> either the
> Agriculture, or Planning and Economic Development.
> 5. Save us from the Acholi. Felix Onama should be made the Secretary
> General of UPC. We protest John Kakonge’s
> being given any post in UPC. We detest Otim-Oryem, an Acholi, being the
> Organiser of the Party.
> 6. Save us from the Acholi. We do not want Wilson Lutara to be in a
> position where he
> can gain access to government secrets because he shall then be in a
> position to pass them over to the Acholi.
> 7. Save us from thee Acholi. Great leader, a considerable number of Langi
> should be posted in Acholi land in order to keep us updated on what the
> Acholi are up to.
> 8. Save us from the Acholi. You gave our land to the Acholi, when shall it
> be returned to us?
> 9. Save us from the Acholi. Your Excellency, with all our hearts we
> request you to save us from the Acholi and ensure that Erinayo Oryema
> remains the Inspector General of Police until such a time when a suitable
> Langi replacement is found.
> 10. Save us from Acholi. Your Excellency, you are well aware of how the
> Acholi disrespect us, why have you decided to keep silent?
> This is all, Your Excellency, that there is to inform you. We shall send
> you an envoy at a later time.
> We have nominated you as the Party President and wish you success. Thank
> the Heavens.
> Signed,
> Okello-Apello
> Lira, Lango
> 6 June 1968
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