Why Are Our Hospitals Disused Mr. Permanent Secretary?

First a humble nurse and her co-workers are suspended for not showing
allegiance to the regime. This after they took a senior opposition
candidate on an impromptu televised tour that revealed the disused state of
a crucial upcountry medical facility.
Now the Permanent Secretary at the Health Ministry reportedly says he will
reverse the suspension but only because the opposition candidate might use
the nurses punishment to gain popularity.
One notices that the Permanent Secretary and the Administrative Officer who
punished the nurses, are both reacting based on how clear they are seen to
be bowing to their political "loyalisms", rather than professional
accountability to Uganda for the sad state of health services.
Public service Supervisors, get to grasps with your role: Effective service
delivery TO THE PEOPLE.
Then the rest runs smoothly for everyone including for yourselves and your
Meanwhile almost all upcountry health facilities seem to be in the same
sorry state.
The Permanent Secretary and the Administrative officer should have been
explaining to the public why, and produce a detailed report about what is
being done to remedy the situation.
In fact, they appear to have actually chosen to maintain unhealthy
hospitals rather than solve the root problem.
What administration professionalism is that?
If Idi Amin was around and saw what was aired on NTV, the Administrative
officer, the Permanent Secretary and the Health Minister himself would be
trembling on national TV, tasked to explain to Ugandans why the clinic is
degraded and why it hasn't been properly equipped/maintained for decades.
In fact we still need to ask former health Minister Henry Kyemba what he
did with the reported 7 million US dollars tax payers money that he was
supposed to purchase medicine and medical equipment with for Uganda when he
vanished and instead wrote a vicious book about Amin.
Where is the country's money Mr. Kyemba?
Meanwhile, if one wanted a glimpse at the public service ideological
disorientation and the modus operandi corruptisima across the board, this
is a clear example about what is wrong with the good governance façade in
Uganda today.
The persons to be suspended are not the nurses but the (incompetent?)
senior officers responsible.
Mr. Administrative Officer, Mr. Permanent Secretary and Mr. Health
Minister! Could you explain to Uganda why hospitals and clinics that are
budgeted for every year are still poorly maintained, yet the health
sector/Ministry also receives substantial extra funding annually from
international donors?
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