Dear candidates. Does anyone remember this "Call For Free and Fair
Elections Now" (pictured)?
Yesterday I found this flyer amongst my files. If my memory is correct, it
was published earlier this year 2015.
After reading it afresh, I realized how the people who wrote this document
were all now deeply involved in the very electoral system they were
furiously rejecting then.
Here is a summary of the big declaration contained therein. Compare it to
what they are actually doing now.

"Ever since they came to power in 1986, the Museveni regime has been
defined by wholesale fraud and rigging, orchestrated terror and
intimidation, and the massive diversion of taxpayers money and
international development assistance. All this is well-established and well
After a series of sham elections, it now is absolutely clear that the
Museveni/Kiggundu electoral system, designed and controlled entirely by the
Museveni regime, will inevitably produce more of the same in 2016. That
system is inherently incapable of delivering free and fair elections.
Any general elections conducted under the current auspices and arrangements
will therefore be A FRAUD.
The undersigned political parties, civil society organizations, and
leaders, acting together, in a non-partisan spirit, and on behalf of the
people of Uganda, demand a new system that delivers genuine free and fair
The 'Roadmap For 2016' put forward by the Museveni/Kiggundu Electoral
Commission, is unacceptable. It is in effect a pathway to FRAUDULENT and
This non-partisan national project brings together democracy-seeking and
patriotic Ugandans of all shades and affiliations. We are deeply pained by
the state of our country and the condition of our people. We are united in
our common resolve to effect democratic change and save our country from
catastrophe." end.

My hurt sunk after reading this.
If you check where the so-called "democracy-seeking and patriotic Ugandans
of all shades and affiliations" are today, well the media is showing
pictures of them campaigning, dancing and waving. Claiming to bring change
when they themselves already know that "it will inevitably be more of the
same in 2016" as they declared.
So when exactly did you you decide that wasting the country's time was
worth it? When did the "unacceptable elections" suddenly become acceptable?
Why are you all now wallowing in the very "fraud" you claimed to reject
last year?
Sadly, the youth are the first to be used and abused on the road to nowhere.
In the pamphlet we can clearly see on one side the endemic fraud that is
"on record", then on the other side, the subtly veiled complicity to the
very fraud.
Ugandans! Where are the real patriots who are truly for a Uganda that is
beyond Kiggundu.
Meanwhile everyone is cunningly singing either "Go Forward", "Steady
Progress" or "Songa mbere". Ugandans want to get to that hope for real.
So if all that's written above is true, why is everyone lying to the
masses, wasting their time and legitimizing a fraudulent dispensation to
please themselves and their colonial masters?

Let me take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy New Year 2016. I
sincerely hope it won't be "more of the same" for you personally.

Authored by Hussein Lumumba Amin.
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