Daily Monitor: Walk The Talk On Past Atrocities.


On Wednesday while campaigning in Teso sub-region, the Forum for Democratic
Change presidential candidate, Dr Kizza Besigye, visited a mass grave in
Ogooma village, Nyero sub-county in Kumi District where remains of about
300 victims of the insurgency were buried. The victims are believed to have
been killed by the government forces, National Resistance Army (now UPDF),
as they fought the rebels during the insurgency in Teso between 1987 and
Besigye promised to establish a truth and reconciliation commission to
inquire into the atrocities and establish the perpetrators if he is elected
president next month.
On the same day, President Museveni on a campaign trail in Sheema district
promised to compensate 30 families of about 300 Muslims who were killed in
Kiziba village, Kagango sub-county in Sheema after the overthrow of Idi
Amin in 1979. They were killed because of the religious association with
Amin, who also was a Muslim.
Mass graves of similar retributive atrocities are spread across the country
in Luweero, West Nile, Acholi, Teso and other parts. They were committed by
the various government forces and the dissident groups from the Amin, UPC
to the NRM era but there has never been an effort to establish or prosecute
the culprits. There has only been talk of compensation for the victims or
the survivors, which also has never happened.
Justice must be done in terms of compensation for lost property and lives.
Other people like the Uganda Peoples Congress president Olara Otunnu have
made similar calls for truth telling and reconciliation in the past but
their voices were ignored. Suddenly, the issue of reparations for
atrocities has now become an election issue.
It’s time for the country to set up a truth and reconciliation commission
to dig deep into all these atrocities, identify the perpetrators and have
reconciliation between the victims and their tormentors so that the issue
is concluded and closed. It should not be a matter to be revived only at
every election time for the sake of electioneering and be forgotten
immediately thereafter until the next campaign.
Compensation alone is not enough. People lost lives and property.
Compensation can make up for the lost property but the wounds of
bereavement or torture of the victims or survivors and their relatives and
families can only be cured by genuine reconciliation. This will put the
animosity between the tormentors and victims to rest and place the country
on a fresh start of harmony.

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