
1. In case you, or your loved one is questioned, arrested or detained by
the Police, do not fight, argue or engage in heated verbal exchanges. Act
as reasonably polite as possible, proceed to find out the reason for the
arrest and then proceed to cooperate as asked. This might go a long way in
resolving the issue.

2. During the arrest or confrontation, do not resist, this will simply heat
up the situation and might lead to additional charges being given to you,
which powers are given to the Police by law. It might also give the Police
an excuse to use excessive force.

3. Before you are put in the cell, ask to communicate to a relative or
loved one by phone or SMS, and in that communication, give them your
location, and how you can be contacted.

4. When at the Police Post/ Station, then ask to speak to the Officer in
Charge (O.C) of that Police station and request for Police Bond if the
matter is for further investigation.

5. In case you then feel the arrest was unlawful, or your rights were
abused during the arrest, there are a number of legal means you can take to
seek compensation or redress e.g by suing those who arrested you.


Advice from barefootlaw.org.
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