WATER (One.org)

In many rural cultures around the world, it is the women who ensure that
the family is fed and clean water is sufficient.
In just one day, it is estimated that more than 152 million hours of women
and girls’ time is taken up by collecting water.
When women and girls have access to clean water they can spend less time
collecting it and more time focusing on important things like:

1. Going to school
There are a staggering 59 million girls around the world who are out of
school. One of the biggest barriers keeping young girls from attending
school is the need to collect water. Without water, a family cannot drink,
prepare food, or clean. The burden to collect this water is
disproportionately placed on the female family members of a household and
is prioritized over education.
Girls often have to walk long distances to fetch water and firewood in the
early morning. After such an arduous chore, they may arrive late and tired
at school. Being “needed at home” is a major reason why children,
especially girls from poor families, drop out of school. Providing water
closer to homes increases girls’ free time and boosts their school
As girls are no longer required to miss school to secure water for their
families, attendance in school increases and girls’ level of education and
literacy rates go up!

2. Being able to do household tasks, easily.
Water is needed for everyday things and in order to complete many household
chores such as drinking, food production and preparation, hygiene, washing
clothing, and cleaning. If women were to have access to fresh, clean water
they would be able to complete household tasks much more easily.
“We recall the days when we had to walk miles to fetch water or do laundry.
It was exhausting. Now everything is near the house, and this task becomes
a piece of cake.”
The farther we can spread easy access to clean water, the less time women
will spend collecting water for household needs. This would allow them to
do laundry, cook food, and wash dishes much more quickly and efficiently
and give them the chance to spend more time doing some of the other awesome
things on our list!

3. Learn new skills to contribute to community building
In order to create a sustainable development model you need to engage the
entire workforce. Although women are responsible for making a home, they
are massively overlooked when it comes to actually building them. It is
estimated by the International Labour Organisation that in Africa women
only make up 5.5 percent of the construction workforce, compared to 11.7
percent in North America. The reasons behind this can be varied, but if
women were given back the 1 to 3 hours they lose each day collecting water,
they could use the time to learn new skills. Just think what could be
achieved in their local communities if women were able to help!
4. Farm the land
Alakamisy is a farming community, with most of the population receiving
their livelihood from growing rice or raising livestock. The nearest town
(Betafo) is over 19 kilometers away; in the rainy season, the roads to the
community become inaccessible. Until 2008, everyone in the area collected
water from a nearby spring or river. These water sources were unprotected
and dirty. The spring was tainted with sulphur, which caused sickness and
meant that many of the villagers lost multiple teeth. But with access to
safe and clean water, Alkamisy was able to increase the quality of their
crops and is no longer at risk of creating health problems amongst their
community and buyers. They are now able to profit from their crops and
build their community.
Noeline, president of the tapstand, stated , “Before we couldn’t have
gardens with vegetables, mangoes, maize but now we can grow what we want to
because we have water. We eat a part of them and sell the rest. It’s now
income for the family. We go to Betaf market to sell the vegetables. We use
the money for food and the other part for breeding pigs, cows, hens,
chickens. We can use the money to plant trees. Before we could not build a
house – we have built a lot now because we have more animals so we build
homes for them. There are separate homes for pigs and cows. Before the
project we had a home, but people lived in the upper floor and the animals
downstairs. Now we live separately.”
Access to clean water can make the difference between failing and thriving
in farming communities.

5. Teach their children skills
Did you know it’s estimated that for each extra year of a mother’s
schooling, infant mortality can be cut by 5-10 percent? This is why
education is so important. Education has the power to increase earning
potential and save lives! Additionally, the stories and lessons mothers
pass down to their children are a key part of culture, having been passed
down from generation to generation. When a mother has the time teach her
children, her child has newfound opportunities for understanding,
livelihood, and success.
I think Nelson Mandela said it best: “Education is the most powerful weapon
which you can use to change the world.”

6. Look after their elders
Who doesn’t know a grandma or granddad that loves to be around their
children and grandchildren, like, all the time?
“In many tribal communities, elders are respected for their wisdom and life
experiences. Within Native American families, it’s common for the elders to
be expected to pass down their learnings to younger members of the family”
Getting that extra bit of time to spend with your elders can make a huge
difference. Not only can you be there to take care of them in their time of
need, but you can also learn lots of new things from them along the way.

7. Catch up with friends
“The deterioration of our connections with each other not only impoverishes
our personal and communal lives, but also has a significant effect on our
health and well-being.”
It’s always hard to catch up with your friends when you’re all leading such
busy lives. But checking in on each other, talking about the important and
not so important things, is an incredibly productive use of time.
When people and friends come together around common issues, there’s no
stopping them, especially women. It’s often women who lead behavior change
in their communities—for example, helping to end open defecation and
ensuring good hygiene practices are followed.
Yahna Dinwur, 13, is a member of her local hygiene club: “I volunteered to
join the club because I was interested to know what it is about. What we
learn is very important. We are taught to wash our hands before and after
we eat and after we defecate. We are also taught the importance of bathing
regularly, keeping our nails short and our hair neat and our clothes clean.
All these things help to prevent disease. I have four brothers and three
sisters and I remind them all to wash their hands regularly. Before it was
common for one of us to get sick with the vomiting, but now it is much
better. I feel much healthier. We have a latrine at school. One for the
boys and one for the girls. At home we do not have one yet, so we have to
go to the bush. It is not as healthy.”

8. Start their own business
In Ghana, now that Vida has a safe water source close to home, she is free
to build her business making and selling tie-dye fabrics. She is able to
devote more time to her business and to caring for her family, as she no
longer has to walk a long distance to get water every day.
The capacity and need to have women engaging in up-and-coming fields is
certainly there. And if women were to spend less time collecting water and
more time learning about and building their own businesses, they could be
hugely successful and even contribute to the economy.
9. Stand up for women’s safety and rights
Bashona Sharkar is part of a group that was involved in lobbying the
government to get permission to build the water system. She mobilized the
community, got training from DSK/WA, and was part of the group that put the
application together. “In our committee there are 15 members; six are male
and nine are female. I think that the women in this committee, they’re more
effective and they can better talk to the other people. Now we can know we
can learn everything, we can fix many problems and we can take many steps
towards what we have to do.”
“Now the women are accepted everywhere, I know from my personal experience
that when I was a housewife most of the people didn’t know me, didn’t obey
me and didn’t respect me. Now, they respect me and they’re listening very
consciously to what I’m saying and they’re trying to obey my orders. When I
leave them they try to cooperate with me. I think every woman should try to
get their rights and know what they want and what they need. I think it’s
really very helpful to be CBA committee member as a woman—I am very proud
of it.”
As gender roles shift and women are no longer classified as simply home
makers, women have taken on higher positions in their communities and
governments. They are able to stand up for their rights and make changes
within their communities. When women have more time to devote to change
making, they are capable of greater overall change.
“I think it’s important for the community to get involved in projects like
this instead of the NGOs doing it all. I think by involving us we can learn
lots of things. Before the training I received for being part of this
project I didn’t know how to manage people or myself. I think by involving
the community we can develop our own lives and community ourselves. If
we’re involved we can improve our own lives and our facilities.”
10. Have some fun!
Arguably the most important thing on our list; the time spent collecting
water is valuable time that could be spent having fun. Whether it’s
relaxing with family and friend, playing with their kids, reading a new
book, or playing games with friends, women and girls must take the time to
have some fun on a regular basis! What could be better for the soul?
If you agree that girls and women deserve to do more with their time, add
your voice to our new campaign with Eva, a 15-year-old girl from Tanzania
who’s asking her government to provide her school with clean water!

Article from:

In just one day, it is estimated that more than 152 million hours of women
and girls’ time is taken up by collecting water.

When women and girls have access to clean water they can spend less time
collecting it and more time focusing on important things like:
1. Going to school
WaterAid/ Suzanne Porter
There are a staggering 59 million girls around the world who are out of
school. One of the biggest barriers keeping young girls from attending
school is the need to collect water. Without water, a family cannot drink,
prepare food, or clean. The burden to collect this water is
disproportionately placed on the female family members of a household and
is prioritized over education.
Girls often have to walk long distances to fetch water and firewood in the
early morning. After such an arduous chore, they may arrive late and tired
at school. Being “needed at home” is a major reason why children,
especially girls from poor families, drop out of school. Providing water
closer to homes increases girls’ free time and boosts their school
As girls are no longer required to miss school to secure water for their
families, attendance in school increases and girls’ level of education and
literacy rates go up!
2. Being able to do household tasks, easily.
WaterAid/ Rindra Ramasomanana
Water is needed for everyday things and in order to complete many household
chores such as drinking, food production and preparation, hygiene, washing
clothing, and cleaning. If women were to have access to fresh, clean water
they would be able to complete household tasks much more easily.
“We recall the days when we had to walk miles to fetch water or do laundry.
It was exhausting. Now everything is near the house, and this task becomes
a piece of cake.”
The farther we can spread easy access to clean water, the less time women
will spend collecting water for household needs. This would allow them to
do laundry, cook food, and wash dishes much more quickly and efficiently
and give them the chance to spend more time doing some of the other awesome
things on our list!
3. Learn new skills to contribute to community building
WaterAid/Layton Thompson
In order to create a sustainable development model you need to engage the
entire workforce. Although women are responsible for making a home, they
are massively overlooked when it comes to actually building them. It is
estimated by the International Labour Organisation that in Africa women
only make up 5.5 percent of the construction workforce, compared to 11.7
percent in North America. The reasons behind this can be varied, but if
women were given back the 1 to 3 hours they lose each day collecting water,
they could use the time to learn new skills. Just think what could be
achieved in their local communities if women were able to help!
4. Farm the land
WaterAid/ Anna Kari
Alakamisy is a farming community, with most of the population receiving
their livelihood from growing rice or raising livestock. The nearest town
(Betafo) is over 19 kilometers away; in the rainy season, the roads to the
community become inaccessible. Until 2008, everyone in the area collected
water from a nearby spring or river. These water sources were unprotected
and dirty. The spring was tainted with sulphur, which caused sickness and
meant that many of the villagers lost multiple teeth. But with access to
safe and clean water, Alkamisy was able to increase the quality of their
crops and is no longer at risk of creating health problems amongst their
community and buyers. They are now able to profit from their crops and
build their community.
Noeline, president of the tapstand,
stated , “Before we couldn’t have gardens with vegetables, mangoes, maize
but now we can grow what we want to because we have water. We eat a part of
them and sell the rest. It’s now income for the family. We go to Betaf
market to sell the vegetables. We use the money for food and the other part
for breeding pigs, cows, hens, chickens. We can use the money to plant
trees. Before we could not build a house – we have built a lot now because
we have more animals so we build homes for them. There are separate homes
for pigs and cows. Before the project we had a home, but people lived in
the upper floor and the animals downstairs. Now we live separately.”
Access to clean water can make the difference between failing and thriving
in farming communities.
5. Teach their children skills
WaterAid/ Anna Kari
Did you know it’s estimated that for each extra year of a mother’s
infant mortality can be cut by 5-10 percent? This is why education is so
important. Education has the power to increase earning potential and save
lives! Additionally, the stories and lessons mothers pass down to their
children are a key part of culture, having been passed down from generation
to generation. When a mother has the time teach her children, her child has
newfound opportunities for understanding, livelihood, and success.
I think Nelson Mandela said it best: “Education is the most powerful weapon
which you can use to change the world.”
6. Look after their elders
WaterAid/Anna Kari
Who doesn’t know a grandma or granddad that loves to be around their
children and grandchildren, like, all the time?
“In many tribal communities, elders are respected for their wisdom and life
experiences. Within Native American families, it’s common for the elders to
be expected to pass down their learnings to younger members of the family”
Getting that extra bit of time to spend with your elders can make a huge
difference. Not only can you be there to take care of them in their time of
need, but you can also learn lots of new things from them along the way.
7. Catch up with friends
WaterAid/ Anna Kari
“The deterioration of our connections with each other not only impoverishes
our personal and communal lives, but also has a significant effect on our
health and well-being.”
It’s always hard to catch up with your friends when you’re all leading such
busy lives. But checking in on each other, talking about the important and
not so important things, is an incredibly productive use of time.
When people and friends come together around common issues, there’s no
stopping them, especially women. It’s often women who lead behavior change
in their communities—for example, helping to end open defecation and
ensuring good hygiene practices are followed.
Yahna Dinwur, 13, is a member of her local hygiene club: “I volunteered to
join the club because I was interested to know what it is about. What we
learn is very important. We are taught to wash our hands before and after
we eat and after we defecate. We are also taught the importance of bathing
regularly, keeping our nails short and our hair neat and our clothes clean.
All these things help to prevent disease. I have four brothers and three
sisters and I remind them all to wash their hands regularly. Before it was
common for one of us to get sick with the vomiting, but now it is much
better. I feel much healthier. We have a latrine at school. One for the
boys and one for the girls. At home we do not have one yet, so we have to
go to the bush. It is not as healthy.”
8. Start their own business
WaterAid/ Nyani Quarmyne/ Panos
In Ghana, now that Vida has a safe water source close to home, she is free
to build her business making and selling tie-dye fabrics. She is able to
devote more time to her business and to caring for her family, as she no
longer has to walk a long distance to get water every day.
The capacity and need to have women engaging in up-and-coming fields is
certainly there. And if women were to spend less time collecting water and
more time learning about and building their own businesses, they could be
hugely successful and even contribute to the economy.
9. Stand up for women’s safety and rights
WaterAid/ Nyani Quarmyne/ Panos
Bashona Sharkar is part of a group that was involved in lobbying the
government to get permission to build the water system. She mobilized the
community, got training from DSK/WA, and was part of the group that put the
application together. “In our committee there are 15 members; six are male
and nine are female. I think that the women in this committee, they’re more
effective and they can better talk to the other people. Now we can know we
can learn everything, we can fix many problems and we can take many steps
towards what we have to do.”
“Now the women are accepted everywhere, I know from my personal experience
that when I was a housewife most of the people didn’t know me, didn’t obey
me and didn’t respect me. Now, they respect me and they’re listening very
consciously to what I’m saying and they’re trying to obey my orders. When I
leave them they try to cooperate with me. I think every woman should try to
get their rights and know what they want and what they need. I think it’s
really very helpful to be CBA committee member as a woman—I am very proud
of it.”
As gender roles shift and women are no longer classified as simply home
makers, women have taken on higher positions in their communities and
governments. They are able to stand up for their rights and make changes
within their communities. When women have more time to devote to change
making, they are capable of greater overall change.
“I think it’s important for the community to get involved in projects like
this instead of the NGOs doing it all. I think by involving us we can learn
lots of things. Before the training I received for being part of this
project I didn’t know how to manage people or myself. I think by involving
the community we can develop our own lives and community ourselves. If
we’re involved we can improve our own lives and our facilities.”
10. Have some fun!
WaterAid/ Nyani Quarmyne/ Panos
Arguably the most important thing on our list; the time spent collecting
water is valuable time that could be spent having fun. Whether it’s
relaxing with family and friend, playing with their kids, reading a new
book, or playing games with friends, women and girls must take the time to
have some fun on a regular basis! What could be better for the soul?
If you agree that girls and women deserve to do more with their time, add
your voice to our new campaign with Eva, a 15-year-old girl from Tanzania
who’s asking her government to provide her school with clean water!

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