That is essentially the question that U.S. Embassy Kampala asked Ugandans
earlier this morning as I was scrolling through social media news.

While some responses by Ugandans are sarcastic, others are honest. Below
are a few responses verbatim (plus a link to the source question).

Katushabe Ivan
DEMAGOGUERY mostly here......unfortunately!!!
Like · Reply · Report · 41 minutes ago
osh Love
A good leader must rig votes and arrest opposition competitors.. And he/she
must be corrupt and other words...A good leader is
Like · 3 · Reply · Report · 31 minutes ago

Ym Jonathan
No.1 A good leader has to respect & obey constitutional laws. No.2 A good
leader has to promote & respect democracy. No.3 A good leader has to serve
the public equally without political affiliations. No.4 A good leader has
to be trustworthy to his/her leadership. No.5 A good leader has to be a God
fearing,,, etc
Like · 1 · Reply · Report · 34 minutes ago

Juma Zapherio Otoro
A good leader should listen and respect people's will. He should also
respect human rights of everybody. He should know that leaders are born not
made. And among all democracy
Like · 2 · Reply · Report · 57 minutes ago

Calvin Godsent
A good leader should respect people and listen to people in order to
develop the country
Should also accept the defeat cause sometimes we loose also
If he looses it doesn't mean that is the end of life
Like · Reply · Report · 47 minutes ago

Wandy Victor
Personally, I expect those leaders who are entrusted by the masses to hold
those public offices to be transparent and accountable. They should put the
interests of the country at the fore front but when u analyze the current
leaders we have, they are just goons who put their personal interests
first. They don't prioritize the country and its population. I at times
wonder whether leadership comes from God as it's commonly said. God does
not send a leader who is going to defraud the country of billions and
billions, God does not send a leader who is going to kill the innocent
civilians with no any kind of remorse. A God sent leader does not have to
bother rigging elections. I think and highly believe that we have rulers
and not leaders.
Like · 1 · Reply · Report · 56 minutes ago

Edwine Businge
A good leader should be accountable, selfless,advisable, creating a
leadership future for the coming generation, patriotic, responsible for his
both words and actions. Working on leaving behind a sound legacy, God
Like · Reply · Report · 33 minutes ago

Mat Delord
Leaves by example, he/she is accountable for every thing he/she does,
empowers, inspires and grooms feature leaders. A leader who doesnt command
and serves. Respects other institutions and has a high level of tororance,
God fearing and not greedy
Edited · Like · Reply · Report · 54 minutes ago

Mwaka Francis
If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and
become more, you are a leader.
The quality of a leader is reflected in the standards they set for
Like · Reply · Report · 14 minutes ago

Immy Kansiime
Sh'd respect the constitution,believing in others that they can also lead
better,respecting people's votes,dealing with corruption,being empathetic
ie feeling for others for example taking the biggest share when others
sleep on hungry stomach.
Like · Reply · Report · 25 minutes ago

Hickman Evans
Respect for universal human rights, that one who does call "rigging,
opposition arrests and street killing" an internal affair especially when
other countries intervene and lastly development and elevation of people
from poverty should be his aim
Edited · Like · Reply · Report · 55 minutes ago

Kanagwa Samuel
A good leader should be one that serves the interests of the people who
voted him into power. Accountable and works for tge common good of the
Like · Reply · Report · 23 minutes ago

Olyech Tonny
A good leader must disassociate from Yellow Colours.
A good leader hates Yellow
A good leader always follow the above.
Like · Reply · Report · 46 minutes ago

Mbowamatic Bin Abdukarim Jr.
Besigye won imagine how can people start voting late evening yet they had
to start early mng and other people didn't vote
Like · Reply · Report · 53 minutes ago

Mukasa Samson
A good leader must b willing to leave office freely if change knocks on his
Like · Reply · Report · 21 minutes ago

Omara John Bosco
check their past record then see whose programs is worth supporting for the
future.The programs which offers hope for me and majority is to me the best
Like · Reply · Report · 54 minutes ago

Ebimu Charles
Nothing to comment at the moment but we are waiting for guys to take action
on recently concluded rigged election thanks.
Like · Reply · Report · 46 minutes ago

Saul Kabaale Mymothersson
A good leader sholdnt invade other countries...and after ruining them he
tells us a bout how he made a mistake
Like · Reply · Report · 46 minutes ago

Kimbowa Henry
Should be God fearing & should resist dictatorship activities & corruption
Like · Reply · Report · 33 minutes ago

Noble Jok Gai Alier
A good should be honest, God's fearing, Exemplary, should be a peaceful
Like · Reply · Report · 1 hour ago

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