Dear Editor,

As we celebrate Independence day and eulogize Apollo Milton Obote for his
central role as the person to whom Uganda was entrusted on 9th October
1962, it is quite sad to read the story on developments about the Obote II
government and how it was toppled (
The disturbing part is the extent of the sectarianism that Obote openly
orchestrated during his governance. What is clear is that Obote has so
eloquently hidden from facing the serious horrors he and his tribal
henchmen orchestrated. How come the entire discussion on the Obote II
regime is about Acholi's and Langi's and that isn't being persistently
rejected with utter contempt?
In that government, they were the rulers, the judges, the lawyers, the
police, the army, the civil service, the executioners, the murderers, the
looters, the henchmen, the genocide perpetrators, basically every evil
imaginable was perpetrated by that regime right? Everything that they
previously purported about Amin, they actually committed it themselves on
Ugandans once they were in power.
I would have expected a firm and total questioning and eternal condemnation
of their debauchery and sectarianism. Unfortunately the matter isn't being
given the attention it deserves. It isn't even being brought up as the
cancer this nation has suffered ever since Obote first appointed hinself
president in 1966.
What also isn't being said is that the coup that toppled him in 1971 was
similarly about him trying to purge other tribes from the army in favor of
his people. This is contained in a recent Daily Monitor article by one Mr.
Mugabe. His actions backfired when other soldiers resisted the purge and
ultimately ousted the Obote regime before putting Amin at gun point and
forcing him to become president.
So wether deliberately or otherwise, today there is a propensity to
minimize the seriousness of the problems that Obote brought to this
country. He and his lietenants dodge blame so well by quickly pointing
their fingers at President Idi Amin and calling the Field Marshal the
vilest names found in the oxford dictionary. Names that Obote himself
actually qualifies for given his actual record.
The Obote whitewashing has reached the point where he was awarded national
hero status some years back by the very people who fought his government.
The NRA Ten Point Program is basically a summarized indictment of Obote's
dangerous governance.
How can such a tribalist criminal be considered "father of the nation" when
he only cared about his grip on power and the tribal support
(Acholi's/Langi's) whom he hoped would guarantee his stay in power.
And we are not yet even talking about all the murders and extrajudicial
killings that were taking place literally on a daily basis during his
reign, to a point where a special bus nicknamed "mpaawo atalikaaba" was
roaming the streets of Kampala every morning pickibg dead bodies from the
night before.
Let us make a brief
Though I don't agree with their story, Amnesty International states that
Amin killed 100,000 people, but then the same human rights organization
also says that Obote slaughtered 500,000 Ugandans in Luweero alone.
When you people fail to expose the gravity of what that says about Obote,
you normalize, sanitize and whitewash the biggest criminal this country has
ever had.
Obote's crimes are at minimum five times whatever accusations are levelled
against Amin.
What happened during the Obote II regime has never ever happened in Uganda
When we look at all those skeletons and mass graves littering the
countryside, one should who else has ever committed worse mass murders than
The entire Liberation hoax isn't being properly exposed and held to account.
There is no better example of stupid arrivalism than when these people took
over the country in 1979.
Nile Hotel built by President Amin for international guests and public
functions, became their home, torture center, and burial grounds for those
they eliminated. Each Ugandan exile now wanted a room and free service in
the hotel. In fact it became the defacto government office where they also
engaged in the most lewd behaviour.
Documents from the 1986 Commission of Inquiry tell a most disturbing story
about the Obote regime, but I'm surprised at how it is all being subtly
brushed under the rag, resulting in Obote being branded a hero by youths
who aren't being properly told about the dark reality. Isn't that how
history risks repeating itself?
Why isn't there a Luweero Bush war movie, or Obote II movie for example?
Interviews with survivors like Major Roland Kakooza Mutaale whose
submission to the 1986 Inquiry I read, and thousands of others who live
quietly with their incredible horrific personal experiences. Such records
serve an important purpose for this country. It keeps the social
consciousness alert to dangers and excesses that oyr history should teach.
Meanwhile, how come a whole Inspector General of Police from the Obote II
regime is walking scot-free today, and casually telling us how he tried to
defend that murderous Obote regime from collapse? Is it a good thing or a
bad thing he was doing?
Maybe he should then tell us to what extent was his support/advice on the
killings of Ugandans left, right, and center.
Where is Justice on such people?
We are reading a story from a possible murderer, or accessory to murder and
genocide who is smiling undeservedly, probably because he is surprised he
still has his freedom.
If Mr. Chris Rwakasisi could be jailed because he was advisor to Obote
during that time, then what about this gentleman?
The whole ideologically sectarian structure that served Obote must share
the collective responsibility, or prove to Ugandans specifically what they
did in their individual capacity to prevent the horrific mass murders that
took place on a daily basis all over the country under their watch.
Below are some links to articles that make the comparison between Obote and
Amin with one showing how  Milton, the biggest murderer in Uganda, has
never been exposed for the psychopath killer that he really was.
You the media, need to wake up.

Best Regards,

Hussein Lumumba Amin.
Kampala, Uganda.
Tel: +256-750-129999
Twitter: @LumumbaAmin

- Article comparing Amin vs Obote:

- Article on Amin and Obote death toll numbers:
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