This is what Uganda should do to the British who were training the UNLA
genocidal army.

The East African (Nairobi)

31 OCTOBER 2016

Rwanda Names 22 French Army Officers It Accuses of Aiding Genocide.

By Edmund Kagire

Rwanda has released a list of 22 senior French army officers it says
knowingly aided the planning and execution of the 1994 Genocide against the

The list released by the National Commission for the Fight Against Genocide
(CNLG) is likely to escalate the tiff between Kigali and Paris, in the wake
of the reopening of investigations by France into the shooting down of a
plane carrying President Juvenal Habyarimana.

The move to revive the probe has angered Rwanda, which has threatened to
sever diplomatic ties with Paris.

In a detailed report issued Monday, CNLG named 22 senior French officers
who were operating in Rwanda at the time of the genocide and reportedly had
a direct hand in the massacre.

CNLG further says the French military officers must be charged.

"French actors were involved in the genocide both as perpetrators and
accomplices, and do not want their acts to be known despite their proofs.

"This is the biggest cause explaining the persistent refusal of the French
authorities to validate the ballistic investigation by French experts in
Rwanda in 2010 which indicated that missiles were fired from Kanombe
military barracks," the report says.

The French officers include Generals Jacques Lanxade, Christian Quesnot,
Jean-Pierre Huchon, Jean-Claude Lafourcade; Colonels Gilbert Canovas,
Jacques Rosier, Didier Tauzin, René Galinié and Bernard Cussac.
Others are Colonels Dominique Delort, Jacques Hogard, Jacques Rosier,
Patrice Sartre, and Lieutenant Colonels Michel Robardey, Jean-Jacques
Maurin and Eric De Stabenrath.

More officers include Captains Etienne Joubert, Paul Barril and Commanders
Grégoire De Saint Quentin, Denis Roux and Marin Gillier, all of whom Kigali
says there is enough evidence to show that French officers and politicians
committed very serious crimes in Rwanda.

Rwanda and France continue to trade accusations over the events that led up
to the genocide, with Kigali maintaining that the French, who were the main
allies of President Habyarimana's government, abetted the killings.

The two countries also disagree on who downed the plane, which is perceived
to have triggered the killings.

French judges in 2012 appeared to support the view that Hutu extremists
downed the plane, seemingly settling the six-year diplomatic standoff.

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