Mr. Segululigamba.

I thought democracy was about choice.
There are some African countries who could need a stepping stone for
political progress. South Sudan might need to overcome the 'Salva Kiir vs
Machar' hurdle. Zimbabwe is stuck with 'Robert Mugabe vs Morgan
On Nov 7, 2016 6:48 PM, "Mohles Kalule Segululigamba" <>

> Dear Hussein,
> There are 4 presidential candidates on the ballot paper: Hillary Clinton
> (D), • Donald Trump (R),  Jill Stein and Gary Johnson. Many others dropped
> off the electoral trail.
> The voters can only choose from fellow citizens who offer themselves in a
> free market.
> Hillary and Trump are the best offers to the electorate in 2016. It's a
> great opportunity to choose the least worse candidate because at least the
> public gets to be informed about their public and private lives.
> A 'none' choice would show lack of seriousness on part of election
> administrators. It'd be akin to no election at all -  in effect - a non
> democratic dispensation.
> Mohles Kalule Segululigamba
> Media & Political Advisor
> media analysis, campaigns, strategy, branding, press, surveys, events,
> social Media & elections
> Office: 256-3-9330-5229
> Mobile: 256-7-7699-5229
> Email:
> On Mon, Nov 7, 2016 at 3:46 PM +0300, "Hussein Amin" <
>> wrote:
> With a day to go before voting, the current US campaigns make the
> unprecedented case for changes in how voting patterns reflect the will of
> the people.
> Besides simply having to choose between Hillary and Trump, the people in
> any election anywhere should have the choice clearly specified on the
> ballot paper where they can tick a case that says: "None of the above".
> And should that vote win numerically, another election with different
> candidates could be held.
> In the US voting process as it stands today, while there appears to be
> choice, it seems that an increasing number of the electorate is finding
> itself cornered between;
> 1 - choosing candidates they don't want,
> 2 - or abstaining.
> But even if a majority abstains because they dont want the candidates on
> offer, they still get a president they didn't want anyway. He/she would
> have then been imposed on them by a voting minority.
> So what about making it possible to choose from other fresh candidates
> besides what is on the original menu, especially if the majority feels it
> to be necessary?
> Article 21.1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights says; "Everyone
> has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or
> through freely chosen representatives."
> So if a majority doesn't want any of the candidates offered, that would be
> the peoples right as well? They do thereby have the right to be able to
> express such dissatisfaction as part of "taking part in their national
> governance". Ultimately isn't it also a fundamental human right to be able
> to tick the "None of the above" case on the ballot.
> And Article 21.3 says: "The will of the people shall be the basis of the
> authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and
> GENUINE elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage."
> So if the majority doesn't want any candidates on offer, there should be a
> platform on the ballot paper to make it publicly accounted for in an
> electoral process, rather than remaining unaccounted for because people
> simply abstained when they didn't like any of the candidates.
> The "None" vote, once determined numerically, should also be respected
> just like any other vote. Especially if it wins.
> It surely could enable a better selection process that ultimately produces
> better presidents for any country.
> The calibre of an election and its contestants can also be weighed against
> the "None" votes. The lower its percentage, the better the quality of an
> electoral season.
> Aren't genuine polls those where the exact will of the people can be
> established, including saying "No", and then conceded to?
> I hope I am being understood. Universities might want to debate the merits
> here more technically. Sometimes what I say tends to be greeted with a
> confusing silence.
> By Hussein Lumumba Amin.
> 7/11/2016
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