The worst problems for good plan in Uganda is some investors have ulterior
motives they milk the economy dry as you can see now.

I don't believe in Asian and Chinese investors as  some are refunding they
rape workers and miserably pay workers such that we keep flocking for petty
salaried jobs daily etc

Now to Ugandans, most of us have poor income sources that can't allow us
support to government in taxes and we complain we don't have service, the
burden is swifted to PAYE employees and businesses. imaging over 60% of
Ugandan don't pay direct taxes that earns government money to pay salaries
more so the so called salary earners don't have their own businesses until
they retire and lifestyle sicknesses starts they die.....another pension
expense followup starts and govt is over burdened with very low tax base.
Iam not a govt employees and I will never ever.

Poll tax to date is political and our village people are relaxed some chew
marungi and drink waragi as earlier as at 6am till 10pm and are
unproductive, mean while 60% of salaried govt workers don't stay in offices
8hrs, they hang their suites and walk away to plan hot deals on how to bit
and corrupt today.

Too many civil servants on payroll and they need salary increase from no
where and limited income from govt this means we shall feed the economy on
borrowed loans just to pay salaries and feed the belies.
On Nov 26, 2016 4:34 AM, "Hussein Amin" <> wrote:

> Fellow citizens,
> A quick thank you for the unexpected support and the constructive
> criticism.
> As I consider your encouraging thoughts on the merits of me seriously
> contesting for the 2021 presidency, let me roughly outline the priorities
> that I think we deserve to focus on together.
> My dictatorship will be more tolerant, more inclusive and more democratic,
> with more justice, more equality, and more individual freedoms than you
> have ever experienced.
> As a dictator, I will completely ban electoral theft and launch mobile
> voting so that you can choose your favorite candidates from the comfort of
> your home, car or work place.
> Any Ugandan from any political party who wishes to serve in the army, the
> police or the civil service will be completely free to do so. Public
> service will be neutral grounds. One can then follow his political
> allegiance or activism after serving all citizens during professional hours.
> All pregnant mothers will by law enjoy free public transport within a
> city, and all citizens will be asked to assist in helping her reach a
> medical facility to give birth.
> And because of the impromptu and dangerous nature of childbirth, a fine
> will be imposed on those who categorically refuse to assist women during
> this important life or death moment that affects all our mothers.
> In fact all women will have all the love my government can give. Including
> the love of work, fair salaries, paid maternity leave, and land ownership.
> The love of business success, and real pro-people leadership. We will also
> try to ensure that you enjoy the love of your man.
> My dictatorship will hire 50,000 public defenders who will be your
> lawyers, guarantors of justice for all the poor peasants and poor youths
> around the country free of charge. They will work and reside within every
> single town and subcounty.
> They will defend your inherent rights including your ancestral.lands, and
> thereby uphold the rule of law for the downtrodden.
> My government will be decisive on development and industrialization.
> We will build modern industries that will transform our country like never
> before imagined.
> Our mineral resources, rather than ship them abroad, will be transformed
> right here for our own needs and those of our neighbours.
> Once oil is refined on location, petrol and diesel will be at the same
> price as mineral water, like it is in Gulf countries. That will drastically
> reduce transport costs around the country, and all products will also see
> reduced prices. Citizens will thereby be substabtively enabled with more
> disposable income, money for other uses that will drastically improve their
> standards of living.
> We will create companies that make smartphones, laptops, computers,
> digital flatscreens, home appliances, motocycles, trucks, buses, tractors &
> their agricultural equipment, modern vehicles, and why not light
> helicopters for the regional and continental market.
> I want to build the first Ugandan-certified passenger aircraft right here
> in our country.
> We will expand the railway network to new destinations so that it reaches
> all major towns across the country, and purchase faster modern trains for
> both cargo and passengers.
> All transport and related infrastructure will be upgraded to minimum
> international standards.
> New railway stations with all the opportunities for work and business for
> citizens.
> We will also transform all our airfields into certified commercial
> airports.
> A new continental TV channel, Africa's CNN, will have its global base
> right here on our motherland. A world class satellite Radio and TV
> broadcaster that will portray Africa's success stories and its resilience
> to the world.
> We will upgrade the education system to produce competitive talent for all
> sectors of our economy, both old and new.
> The licencing of education institutions, schools and teachers will be
> thorough so us to upgrade education. They will be paid better salaries that
> will make their work respectable.
> We will bring experienced foreign headteachers and lecturers from known
> advanced countries on exchange programs to help build our capacity so that
> even our rural children can benefit from global level quality education and
> technologies of developed communities like the internet. I will insist that
> every school, before being certified, has to have minimum sports
> facilities. All teachers and head teachers will undergo a new rigurous test
> before being certified afresh.
> This will help put an end to quack education by imposters, ill-qualified
> staff, and substandard capacity that actually isn't providing education but
> milking parents hard-earned savings.
> We will bring Hollywood and Nollywood to Uganda with red carpet events so
> as to help build cooperation and a respectable television and film
> production industry which will create quality technical and artistic
> opportunities.
> We therefore need Five Star Tourist Hotels including one in the middle of
> Lake Victoria with all amenities including speed boats, modern ferries,
> regional heliport and a mordern bridge linking for example the new Entebbe
> express way directly to a newly created Victoria World City that will host
> global conferences and major entertainment events.
> International athletics and continental sports like the African Cup of
> Nations will be pursued. We will therefore develop all the country's
> stadiums to minimum international standards. Each with a sports complex for
> the youth to develop top talents in all the major sports. We will thereby
> create from scratch a vibrant, competitive sports economy and national
> brand.
> All police officers will be learned, have nice blue uniforms and will
> speak polite english. They will serve the citizen and will have good
> housing, proper work facilities and a living wage.
> Same for the army who will be downsized to a modern well-trained quick
> reaction force that citizens will never see on our streets. By downsizing
> the army, we will then focus on building a truly professional police force,
> and rule-of-law programs like the above-mentioned Public Defenders who will
> be free lawyers for the poor.
> The army's primary role is to protect our borders, all our peoples lives
> and all our peoples property, but they will be mostly on peacekeeping call
> at all times for anywhere on the continent.
> International Peacekeeping duty builds discipline. More importantly it
> builds a culture of political neutrality in operational theaters. Plus it
> elevates the military code of conduct to world class level. These are
> values much needed in the role the military plays here at home.
> We will be tough on the thieves pillaging state coffers with impunity. We
> will truly fight radical extremist terrorism as well.
> But we will be friendly to all nations and stand with all the African
> people.
> That is the smart way to avoid putting our citizens at home in danger from
> radical foreign elements.
> Meaningful Pan-Africanism will mean that we address the continents
> problems boldly but inclusively. We also need to start looking at all the
> black people taken from this continent.
> We will stand particularly with African Americans. Especially when unarmed
> innocent black men women and children are shot mercilessly by US law
> enforcement.
> We will be a sanctuary for those who want to visit, invest, or simply
> return to mother Africa.
> Rich nations and business investment partners are in plenty globally.
> There are people, governments, and financial institutions all over the
> world who have enormous amounts of available money for which they are
> looking for vibrant, well planned, longterm investment opportunities with
> local partners.
> I would rather we invest together rather than constantly receiving
> donations that have ulterior patriarchal political motives and actually
> maintain our country in servitude.
> Together with partners, we can then do even more that is mutually
> beneficial to our peoples.
> That is what creating employment opportunities and growing the economy
> means. It is also how we get to middle income status, emerging tiger level,
> or any other respected economic capacity. It has to be a major implemented
> national endeavour no matter what.
> I will need two terms to at least complete the most important economic
> metamorphosis and upgrades for our country, with a firm foundation for even
> more continued development.
> That is why I will also re-instate a two term presidential limit in our
> nations constitution so that others can take on the mantle and add on their
> own subsequent contributions soonest.
> To develop local investment, I will slash the central bank prime interest
> rate to two percent. That way we can set commercial bank loans to a maximum
> interest rate of only five percent. Citizens and investors will
> automatically have less burdens on loan repayments and therefore more money
> for their own projects.
> When money is that affordable, genuine global investors will flock to the
> country as well.
> Knowing and doing what is right necessitates engaging matters that, for
> many different known and unknown reasons, others might simply be unable to
> conceptualize, or address.
> That is what sacrifice is about.
> Also for example, rather than run away like guilty culprits, I will bring
> the ICC from The Hague to Entebbe.
> So that we have an African branch for Africans, complete with its own new
> Chief Prosecutor. And then we leave the European branch in The Hague.
> We will then be able to see how long the European headquarters remains
> without prosecuting anyone.
> The institution will then continue on a better footing to serve its
> genuine role as a deterrent, while providing justice to the African people
> abused by any war criminals and genocide perpetrators on our beloved
> continent.
> We need to improve justice systems and a culture of judicisl redress.
> That is why I earlier proposed the 50,000 public defenders, lawyers for
> the poor and the rural communities who barely have access to proper legal
> support when they need it most.
> This programme will continue absorbing new graduates of law from law
> schools and universities, and will provide them with valuable grassroots
> experience serving the people first. It will be combined with existing
> pro-bono programs where experienced lawyers can provide practical mentoring
> to the new Public Defenders around the country.
> Remember all these serious points as we go into the festive season. They
> will be written alongside other policy initiatives,in a more elaborate and
> indepth form.
> Let me end by saying that in order to get people into the light, one
> literally has to go and get them out of their dark corners where they are
> peeping from.
> And while most might be grateful, a few might curse.
> But these are some of the known challenges the Great Lakes region faces.
> In fact it exists in politics everywhere.
> But we simply have to move forward today and everyday, and not let
> stupidity overwhelm our progress. Especially when it is coming from people
> with no provable skills to improve this country, and who will most likely
> be either constantly criticizing, or stealing and modifying what they read
> here and elsewhere.
> But what we will need most in order to achieve these proposed major
> strides, isn't it unity?
> Thank you!
> Hussein Lumumba Amin
> 26/11/2016
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