History: For The Amin Record...!!!
Thank God for this public information booklet titled "Obote's War Call To
Acholi's & Langi's". It depicts the tribalism used by Milton Obote to fight
President Amin, return to the country, and run Uganda for 50 years with his
ethnic group. It was published in 1977 by the Uganda Government Printer,
Entebbe under the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. It explains to
the general public the information and data gathered by the Amin government
plus the President's official position on those issues.
The cover photo shows the weapons found at Namirembe Cathedral in 1977
leading to the arrest of Janan Luwum. More pictures are contained inside,
including one on February 16th 1977 where all the Bishops were at the Nile
Mansions gardens public hearing with the late Archbishop answering about
his coup plot. That picture is probably the last image of Luwum alive as he
died barely 400 metres away right after leaving the premises. The public
hearing was aired live on both TV and radio as President Amin didn't want
to be accused of persecuting anyone. His intention for the live broadcast
was that all Ugandans and the world should see for themselves what Obote
was planning with his Acholi and Langi tribesmates, and yet claiming that
Amin was persecuting them and the Church.
It is during that public hearing that Janan Luwum would kneel down, plead
for forgiveness, then declare saying: "But I was not alone in the plot. I
was with him and him." The Archbishop was pointing to Minister's Ofumbi and
Oryema as his accomplices. That is how the two got involved yet they had
come to that hearing as government officials. It is Archbishop Janan Luwum
who reported them publicly and live on TV.
So this booklet discusses how Obote organized and mobilized his tribesmates
against Amin, plus the car accident that killed Janan Luwum as the
Archbishop and his co-accused attempted to overpower the driver Sergeant
Moses Okello who had been ordered to drop them at their respective homes
after the hearing. They were supposed to be brought back the next morning
for another meeting but this time only with President Amin, as he tried to
resolve the matter through direct dialogue. These were senior officials and
the British were already falsely declaring that he was persecuting the
There are also details directly picked from the official post mortem report
for each of the three deceased persons and the official cause of death.
Plus how the burial was officially organized and facilitated by the
government and with the relatives participation.
The younger generation in the three families might want to see that for
themselves as they try to separate fact from fiction, and seek truth about
what really happened.
A translation from Lango/Acholi dialect of the infamous Obote Master plan,
a sectarian tribalist Obote vision to take over Uganda with his tribesmates
is contained therein as well. It was found at Luwum's.
The booklet's back cover has a picture taken at State House Entebbe showing
President Amin together with Archbishop Janan Luwum and his wife. The
picture was taken after the international media published that Amin had
imprisoned the archbishop and had severely tortured him. He proved the
British media wrong by sending for the Archbishop and his wife from their
But the British media were too arrogant to apologise as is professional
conduct, or correct their false allegations. Obviously they had an agenda
against Amin.
Most importantly in this booklet is a serious witness account about how the
late Former Foreign Minister Wanume Kibedi (RIP) might have organized Ben
Kiwanuka's 1972 disappearance, and why. There seems to have been a scramble
for who would become president when the military would hand power back to
civilians as Amin had originally intended. While it seems President Amin
favored Ben Kiwanuka, it appears as if Kibedi who was then foreign minister
and an inlaw to president Amin, had wanted the presidency for himself, and
therefore might have organized Ben Kiwanuka's disappearance, first with a
childhood friend in the army, and when the soldier refused, Kibedi turned
to FRONASA henchmen. He was saidcto be offering 50,000 Uganda shillings for
the killer mission. That today would be about $50,000 US dollars (adjusted
for inflation)
Milton Obote in his sectarian 1977 letter tells his tribesmates to work
with FRONASA rebels "until when we can do without them", and that "only
those who have taken the secret [Acholi] oath should know about this".
Indeed that is what would happen between the Obote group and the FRONASA
rebels right after Milton Obote took power in 1980. The two would fight
against each other the bloodiest war Uganda has ever seen leading to
500,000 civilians dead in Luweero alone, and a million more around the
country in two decades of senseless sectarian and tribalist wars that
culminated in at least two major genocides and countless crimes against
However back in 1974, Mr. Kibedi then fled to exile once his name started
appearing in the Amin government police investigation as a suspect in the
Ben Kiwanuka disappearance. Those same accusations would come back to to
haunt Kibedi years later in the 1986 NRA commission of inquiry when he was
still being accused of the same crime. Though he renied any involvrment,
Kibedi fled Uganda for a second time and lived in exile in London until his
untimely death last year 2016.
As I peruse through this booklet, I request the Ministry of Information to
make this historic document readily available to the youths and the general
public who is only getting one-sided Oboteism rumour-mongering and British
slander instead of President Amin's true history and development legacy for
the country and it's people.
I also call on the Uganda Tourism Board who for the last two years is
reportedly working on a tourism trail about President Amin, to contact
family members. I wonder who else can provide officials with the most
accurate information about him?
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