All applications must be submitted by *23:59 (BST)* on *12 May 2017*.

Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarships are offered for citizens
of developing
Commonwealth countries
<>. These
scholarships are funded by the UK Department for International Development
with the aim of contributing to the UK’s international development aims and
wider overseas interests, supporting excellence in UK higher education, and
sustaining the principles of the Commonwealth.

*Purpose:* To contribute to development needs of Commonwealth countries by
providing training for skilled and qualified professionals in key
development areas.

*Intended beneficiaries:* High-quality postgraduate students who wish to
access training not available in their home countries, who wish or need to
remain in their home country while they study, and who have the potential
to enhance the development of their home countries with the knowledge and
leadership skills they acquire.

Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarships support distance learning
Master’s degree courses offered in partnership with local providers in
developing countries, as well as courses delivered directly by UK

To apply for these scholarships, you must:

   - Be a citizen of a developing Commonwealth country, refugee, or British
   protected person
   - Be permanently resident in a developing Commonwealth country
   - Hold a first degree of at least upper second class (2:1) standard. A
   lower qualification and sufficient relevant experience may be considered in
   certain cases

The CSC promotes equal opportunity, gender equity, and cultural exchange.
Applications are encouraged from a diverse range of candidates. The CSC is
committed to administering and managing its scholarships and fellowships in
a fair and transparent manner – for more information, see the CSC
anti-fraud policy
Terms and conditions

For full terms and conditions, see the Commonwealth Distance Learning
Scholarships 2017 terms and conditions
Selection process

Each participating UK university will conduct its own recruitment process
to select a specified number of candidates for Distance Learning
Scholarships. Universities must put forward their selected candidates to
the CSC by 9 June 2017. The CSC will then confirm that these candidates
meet the eligibility criteria for this scheme. Universities will inform
candidates of their results by August 2017.

Selection criteria include:

   - Academic merit of the candidate
   - Potential impact of the work on the development of the candidate’s
   home country

How to apply

You should apply to study an eligible Master’s course at a UK university
that is participating in the Distance Learning Scholarship scheme. Click
here for a list of participating universities and eligible courses

You must make your application using the CSC’s Electronic Application
System (EAS). Click here for full information on how to use the EAS
including detailed guides.

*Before applying*, you *must* check with your UK university for their
specific advice, admission requirements, and rules for applying. Most
universities may require you to complete their own admissions application
form as well, which may have a separate closing date. You must take the
necessary steps to secure admission to your chosen course(s) at your
preferred university/universities before applying for a Distance Learning

You can apply for more than one course and/or to more than one university,
but you may only accept one offer of a Distance Learning Scholarship. The
CSC will not accept any applications that are not submitted via the EAS to
your UK university, or any applications directly from individuals.

All applications must be submitted by *23:59 (BST)* on *12 May 2017*.
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