As We Celebrate Heroes Day this week...

Picture (attached): President Idi Amin takes time to mingle with the
Ugandan people on the streets of Kampala (1975).

He is considered by Ugandans as the most patriotic president the country
ever had. Before the western media embarked on a four decades slander
campaign against President Amin (including with multiple movies, and an
onslaught of "Fake news"), Amin was truly a larger than life African hero
across the continent.
One who championed the cause of African liberation and self determination
for black people. He was instrumental in the fight against Apartheid, and
in 1975, he led the Pan-African struggle for the independence of southern
African states. From Angola, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Mozambique and South
Africa, President Idi Amin provided, sanctuary, training and weapons to
African freedom fighters and liberation movements across the continent.
He provided financial and political support to the black civil rights
movement in the United States as they struggled to remain organized after
the untimely deaths of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X.
Deaths that aomost halted their strife for equality and individual rights
in a racist/white supremacist America.
President Idi Amin hosted Black civil rights leaders from America gave them
much needed African political support. Amin would go on the podium in the
United Nations and condemn the mistreatment of black people in America by
the white establishment. He is one of the few African leaders ever to do so
on an international platform.
President Idi Amin is also the one person on this planet who predicted that
a black man would one day become president of the United States. A prophecy
that would become reality not because he simply said so, but because he
already knew up to where black Americans would have to rise in their
struggle for social equality and respect for their individual rights. That
struggle is today still not over. Maybe a black woman should be next.
When Ugandans say that "Idi Amin opened our eyes", what they mean is that
he made Ugandans aware of their self worth. He made them believe in what
they were capable of as individuals and as a country.
He made them understand that they were now the masters of their own
economic prosperity. And he removed from them the fear of taking on greater
challenges. Uplifting them from a colonialist slave labour mentality, to
becoming leaders, entrepreneurs, managers, decision-makers, technicians,
property owners, developers, and all the other positions that were once out
of reach to the indeginous Ugandan through British orchestrated economic
discrimination, exclusion and social segregation.
Before Amin, Uganda was a British Imperial economy. An economy that only
served the colonial master and his imported cronies.
The founder of the Ugandan economy, the modern economic environment that we
see today, the one where the sky is the limit for any Ugandan and future
generations of Ugandans, was Field Marshal President Idi Amin.
He was called Conqueror of the British Empire because in 1972 he kicked out
the British and their cronies who had monopolized the economy at the
expense of the indeginous Ugandans. He then nationalised the properties and
sent government valuers to evaluate each property. He then compensated the
British/Asians for every single property that was nationalized, and then
redistributed the properties to the Ugandan people.
Indeginous Ugandans from all over the country applied and took over the
departed British/Indians properties and started engaging in businesses that
Ugandans were once excluded from practicing.
President Amin was a stern personality. Demanding discipline and
determination for success from the people of Uganda.
But he was also very down to earth and people-friendly in every day life.
Much loved by ordinary Ugandans from all walks of life. That is the reality.
He was loved because he made major contributions in building his country.
Investing in infrastructure, industry, telecommunications, and the airlines
and railways sector. He built more education facilities and opened the once
exclusive "Asians" schools to all Ugandans. He turned these schools into
public institutions administered by his government. Thereby giving access
to quality education to far more Ugandans than ever before, and all free of
He made banking available to more Ugandans by extending Uganda Commercial
bank to all corners of the country. Under Amin, construction in the city
and around the country was booming. The government was on a modernization
campaign that also sent hundreds of thousands of Ugandans abroad for
specialised training as technicians, engineers, pilots, accountants,
diplomats, managers...etc.
The new Entebbe International Airport continues functioning as the
country's main aviation gateway. It was built by presidential decree as
part of modernizing the country and its infrastructure. To this day it
serves both Ugandans and it's visitors, from Heads of States and
International dignitaries, businessmen and investors, to tourists, experts
and aid workers.
More importantly, Uganda continues to earn millions of dollars from the
facility and the services it provides to airline companies, travellers and
The country also gets hundreds of millions of dollars in grants every year
for infrastructure development, rural electrification, and food security
from international organisations that a poorly educated President Amin had
the genious to subscribe the country to.
After the first global oil crisis in 1972, it is Idi Amin who built major
fuel reserve depots for petrol, diesel, kerosene and aviation fuel that
could cushion the country's citizens and businesses with up to 9 months of
uninterrupted fuel supplies in case of another global crisis.
The first major extension of the national referral hospital was ordered by
Idi Amin. It would become known as New Mulago. In 1976, the Ugandan leader
would order the import of Uganda's first cancer treatment radiation machine
for the treatment of cancer patients who until then had little hope of
survival, and would just rot away as their families helplessly watched.
When the cancer machine broke down a few years ago, the waiting list for
cancer treatment still had 40,000 Ugandans in wait. The number of those
whose lives were saved since 1976 is yet to be established.
The above legacy does not exist in the narrative that todays African youths
are being told about their African leader. Some Africans have even joined
Europeans in mocking and ridiculing a man who stood up to western powers
for the sake of Africans self rule on their own continent.
Western powers were insensed to see a black man being carried aloft by
white people. They went even more crazy when they saw pictures of white
people kneeling in front of President Amin and reading the oath of
citizenship to their new country Uganda.
Kicking neo-colonialism out of Uganda and subscribing the country to the
non-aligned movement (neither communist, nor pro-western) made many in the
west red angry. Their envy continues to paint him with blood and murder,
and with the darkest tales of cannibalism and greed.
They must be talking about someone else  Not the father who raised me.
Why would they completely bury the story of an honest, uncorrupt, selfless
African hero who came from humble beginnings where his poor parents
couldn't even afford to give him an education.
He would then rise to a point where he would sometimes face western
imperialism almost single-handedly when other African leaders kept silent
so as to continue gaining financially from neo-colonialism.
Upon his release from prison, Nelson Mandela himself refused to remain
quiet and publicly recognised President Idi Amin and Colonel Ghaddafi as
part of those who contributed immensely in the struggle against Apartheid.
In Uganda, nobody is quiet anymore about what they know is the truth about
their president. The real-life stories passed down to them from their
parents and grandparents, many of whom had a chance of meeting the popular
president who was regularly seen in the streets of Kampala walking or
driving past alone, usually even without a single body guard. Something
that would have been completely impossible to come out from alive if he had
been the blood-thirsty animal who was killing 500,000 of his own people.
As we celebrate National Heroes day, let us remember that it was created to
honor all those who selflessly dedicated their lives, their energy, and
their resolve to improve the lives of the people. Let us therefore remember
each and every one of them, and their patriotic efforts that continue to
positively impact and uplift peoples for generations to come.

Happy Heroes Day 2017!

Signed: Hussein Lumumba Amin
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